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It seems that the army and National police are the ones who hold the power. How long can those generals stand by while the country is being brought to ruin by a few greedy S.O.B.s?

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Thanks, Jonathan. THIS is the kind of story I subscribed for.

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Will you be turning in the text to voice feature for articles other than the front page anytime soon? Commuters want to know. Thanks!

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This was such a moving account, and so many powerful truths I fear too many in the United States are too blind and stuck in their cognitive dissonance to see.

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And that is why the second amendment is necessary. Tyrants (primarily leftists) will always disarm the population first under the guise of safety. As Admiral Akbar famously said, it's a trap!

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Great reporting as usual from TFP. I doubt Maduro can be stopped by votes alone. Dictators do not give up power unless forced to do so, especially if they have a well-armed military willing to protect them. It will likely take violent action and bloodshed to dislodge Venezuela's tyrant. One way or the other, I hope the Venezuelan people can soon enjoy a better, freer, less socialistic life.

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Fantastic piece, Jonathan! May democracy prevail!

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May the hope of the voters turn into the triumph of Venezuel.

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I knew nothing of this. Now I feel I do. Thankyou.

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Excellent piece. Thank you so much for your eloquence.

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I help sign people in at a food distribution 1 a month , many Venezuela people , familys come there . They are smart well educated people , that need a home, in most cases they are staying with relatives because they are well connected . I hope this works out for them , they love there country and most will go back if it comes back to something close to Democratic again . This should be a big deal but I hear nothing from Harris or Biden about this and why ? Maybe they think Venezuela is just fine the way it's been ? I can only assume that .

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How do we know Maduro lost? All I see is election denialism and conspiracy theories. There is a chart going around showing Maduro with a vertical rise in votes from far behind to the lead in the middle of the night, but I have been assured that these kinds of charts don't mean anything. Same with isolated instances of clear voter fraud. Once again, where is the proof?

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Well, if you look at the screen shot of the posted results (which add up to more than 100%) than it is obvious that the regime is posting fraudulent results. But I think you know that, you are just trolling.

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María Corina and her team are gathering all the certified printed results from the voting machines across the country. These are given to every official witness at every ballot box and they are printed right before the data transmission, making them impervious to hacking.

So far they have at leat 80% of all the receipts an they are making them available online through this portal https://ganovzla.com/

However, you need to have a Venezuelan ID and input your number to check the receipt from your own electoral ballot box. I did with mine which is V - 15369243 and there is the printed result. I share my ID number so you can check it too.

She is being transparent with her claims with all the world. Meanwhile, the regime hasn't posted the "official" results online yet. God know why.

EDIT: She said her team will make it easier to navigate soon with a geographical map that will allow you to look city by city, it takes time since they did this in 48 hours and the tales of the official witnesses of how they had to escape some voting centers with their ballots' reciept are nothing short of heroic.

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The first paragraph of your response had me staring at a wall for 10 minutes. So simple, yet so effective. It sounds like one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere has a more secure, replicable voting system than the United States. We could avoid so much trouble if we had Venezuela's voting system. Thank you for the clear explanation.

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Whatever happened with the “legitimate” interim president Juan Guaido? Did Biden drop him like a hot potato?

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Excellent, moving article! I would like to see more like it that focus on our neighboring American countries, most of whom have much more experience than the U.S. with the trajectory of socialism.

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And does your former Journalism Prof still have his yacht?

As we see around the world, the "elites" with their education and privilege are the ones who should know better. But the siren song of "running things", that chance to turn their pet academic theories into action, is the forerunner and impetus of these horrific human-caused disasters. Or is it more simply greed, or envy?

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Americans are also grappling with their own struggles for freedom. Instead of facing Maduro, we contend with Biden and his alleged covert influences. Similar to Maduro's approach, Biden is aiming to alter the structure and longevity of the Supreme Court. Additionally, Biden and the Democrats are accused of interference in the 2020 election, leaving its results under scrutiny. They have also been accused of engaging in political maneuvering, leveraging the judicial system and seemingly corrupt officials to pursue questionable charges. Much like Chavez and Maduro's impact on Venezuelan energy independence, Biden and the Democrats have significantly undermined our own energy self-sufficiency.

Venezuelans are now protesting Maduro's recent electoral fraud, highlighting their own fight for freedom. Similarly, Americans may find themselves needing to stand up against their government and the internal forces that support it in order to protect and restore our freedoms and constitutional rights.

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