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I'm an Oakland resident. I'd prefer someone with actual political experience, not a woman who was boosted to "political fame" by her ex boyfriend, Willie Brown.

Would I vote for her? Over Trump, yes. As a delegate, absolutely not.

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Well at least the younger voters are wising up a bit. But the democrats surly have a hold on people which probably will never be broken. BTW, Oakland is truly a disaster.

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I really loved this! Finally. Btw, the very first fellow interviewed….my brother from another mother. 🔥

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I liked it.

Sometimes a slice of life is refreshingly simple and surprising in ways you wouldn't think.

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Make Oakland Great Again

Let's go Brandon

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Make Lying Wrong Again! Americans have lost trust in many of our institutions. The Democratic Party lies to us for our own good because they think we are too stupid to know what is in our own interest. The Republican Party well they just lie to win. I saw Biden. I know exctly what I saw now they are telling me it is me that is wrong. No I know exactly what I saw. DEI Kamala is DEI Kamala and Joe Biden is a senile old man. Do not tell me I am too stupid to know what I saw. Up is up and down is down. F... Y... if you try to tell me up is down.

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Apparently 'the street' does believe its eyes when they see a decomposing corps playing president. And I loved that stuff about the elites toward the end.

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Actually, I'm disappointed The FP for publishing this. This is not a good sample of even Oakland and it's a display of ignorance more than anything else. Up the game FP.

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Really love the responders that are trying to save the merits of a shit hole like Oakland, when the Raiders left, you should have had a clue... California is the archetype of poorly run, ethnically led city model that triumphs some form of diversity that you try to foist on the rest of America...your experiments in clueness dementia have caught up with you and your idiot governor...The FP did Oakland and Cali a favor by exploiting the idiocy in your governance model and how little actual choice the citizens have when all the government are left leaning scum...

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Agreed. It’s a big, super diverse city that’s hardly represented by this guy or by this neighborhood. And at the end of the video is a mess. Could have been so much better if they had actually gone around the city and asked a real cross section. What do they think in China town? Or in the hiills?

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And of course the question that never gets asked; are you planning on voting?

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Here's the news today. The illegitimate regime doesn't need an actual candidate. The election is already stolen.

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Not clear but a neat idea , you should do more CC were well used though .

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"What can be, unburdened by what has been". How can we let such a wise, articulate person not be the next president?

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Borrowed without attribution from Tolkien.

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"Click on the video below to see what they had to say."

I do not see a video to click on...

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When pig's fly, comes to mind. I doubt she'd carry her state but you can't predict anything out of the welfare mecca of Commiefornia.

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I'm sure the NYTimes and WaPo will find the last two Oaklanders who believe Kamala is not just common folk just like them, but the best candidate America has ever seen.

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Love this on the ground reporting! Keep it up FP!

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Seneca Scott is a righteous dude, unlike 90% of Oakland's pols and community "leaders."

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100’%. He shows videos of the urban decay and human suffering regularly because he loves the beauty of Oakland so much more. It shouldn’t be like this and Seneca is a lone sane voice for the actual people of Oakland who deserve better leadership than the soggies who keep grifting and ideologically terrorizing their way through town.

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