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WATCH: Who Wants a President Kamala Harris? We Asked Oakland, Her Hometown
Born in Oakland, Kamala Harris kicked off her 2019 presidential primary campaign in the city, using the place to help shape her public persona. (Photo by Drew Angerer/AFP via Getty Images)

WATCH: Who Wants a President Kamala Harris? We Asked Her Hometown

The Free Press asked residents of Oakland if they want to see her run.

As the Democratic Party openly revolts against Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris appears increasingly like the person who could replace him at the top of the ticket, polls show she remains unpopular with voters. But maybe the voters just don’t know her well enough yet. I wondered: What do the people who know her best make of our 49th vice president?

Harris has made a big deal out of being a native daughter of the East Bay. Born in Oakland, California, and raised in neighboring Berkeley, she worked for the Alameda County District Attorney’s office before being elected DA of San Francisco. In 2019, she kicked off her presidential primary campaign at Oakland City Hall and headquartered her West Coast operation in the city. 

Oakland’s reputation as a gritty town that played a central role in black radical political history has helped shape her public persona. So nobody is in a better position than Oakland residents—and in particular, black Oakland residents—to assess her authenticity.

Seneca Scott is a community organizer in Oakland. He and I took a walk in his neighborhood of the Lower Bottoms to ask Oaklanders what they think of a possible President Harris, and whether they think Biden should step aside for her. Click on the video below to see what they had to say.

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