
" “Conception!” like a sanctimonious flugelhorn... "

Life begins at conception (well understood by all but the biologically illiterate). The debate is not when life begins. The question is when does that life receive the protection of law.

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I live in the state of California. I would absolutely for Shellenberger but he won't win. The people who run this state are the people who vote in LA and SF Bay Area and they would vote with a monkey with a D after his name.

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I’d read a few things about Shellenberger before and thought he was interesting, but I was really impressed with him on Joe Rogan. He’s got ideas, and if he’s got the grit to go wade through the literal human feces to see and touch those poor drug addicted souls living on the street, I think he’s got the grit to push through the metaphorical crap of politics. If California can be saved it’s this guy - he knows it and loves it and that passion really comes through. I hope he gets some big endorsements and the name recognition he needs to reach voters.

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What a breath of fresh air! Solving problems before arguing about tax hikes or cuts, what a concept!

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I could have done without the snarky paragraph about the looks/clothes/wrinkles of the audience at the GOP-sponsored debate. Red meat to the progressives/liberals who might read this, and who like to dismiss Rs as dinosaurs who just can't accept the changing world.

Still, what would have been useful would have been some input from the author here as to how that crowd received Shellenberger's presentation.

My family and I have a long history in California. And although my husband and I cashed out our home equity and took our retirement income to Arizona nearly ten years ago, I still hold California in my heart and hope Shellenberger can pull it off.

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I like him; he seems to think the way I do. I hope he makes the cut. This is the kind of choice Californians deserve - instead of sane-but-underperforming Democrat vs. Trump-fluffing joke, which was effectively what the recall amounted to.

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Excellent article. I hope this guy wins.

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I really hope he gets elected. California needs his leadership. The entire country needs his leadership.

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Fine to point out the mess but what are your solutions?

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You want some? Nuclear for a start.

Recognize that renewables are a dead end as grid scale battery storage remains a pipe dream.

Even if they triple renewable installs they will barely get any more power from it, that is geography.

People go on about the 6th extinction, which is not currently happening but will if we continue on this path.

The amount of mining required, the amount of land needed to cover with the panels and propellers to even try it, the amount of land currently in use and being cleared for biofuel (corn ethanol, switch grass, palm oil) all are going to wipe out diversity as they are pushed into unused wild lands.

Full speed on next gen nuclear means being off coal in decades (vs never currently) then gas for electricity, then saving gas and oil for the thousands of other uses they have.

It’s also the only possible path to electrification and EV’s, which means tripling the grid of today, using all the same special resources as the EVs.

Cheap energy is the foundation of modern civilization

Renewables mean accelerating costs by their nature.

Nuclear only costs too much where insane regulation makes it so

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I agree with everything in that post. I wish that more people realized that you're merely stating facts.

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So hope he wins!

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I wouldn't call Schellenberger "red-pilled;" he's definitely a lefty. But he's got more than a few brain cells to rub together and knows Cali is beginning to circle the drain and something has to be done.

It's just that he's placing faith in "Cal-Psych," "policing, probation, and psychiatry," and other carrots when what's needed is a little more stick.

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We've had the "more stick" approach.

It's well worth it to make the effort to separate the mentally ill from the addicts from the young freeloaders from the predators. Throwing them all together in confinement only rewards the predators.

It also generates more of them, over time. The second-order fallout from the 263% increase in the California felony offender prison population between 1980 and 1990 accounts for much of the violence and antisocial conduct we're dealing with now, in fact.

It isn't going to be a perfect process, because it can be difficult to tell the difference between the subcategory of "drug users" who wouldn't be doing crimes if they weren't desperate street addicts and the subcategory of people who are career criminal predators who happen to like drugs (which most of them do.) Yet and still, the people who wouldn't commit crimes if they weren't pushed into a corner and poked at with sticks for their addiction is the biggest category there.

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Policing listed first meaning he has the stick first right?

Broken windows, have to enforce

Then cure

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Please Lord......give him a hand!

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Good propaganda. I'll vote for him.

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What a breath of fresh air for a state that is so screwed up but with unlimited potential. I think that the liberals have no ideas left except throw money down an endless hole and hoping it fixes the problem. It’s time the voters pulls there heads out of their asses and make a change before it’s to late.

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Very nice analysis, Bari. Sadly, he doesn't stand a chance. Re-read All the King's Men: "man is conceived in sin, born in corruption. He lives his life between the stink of the diaper and the stench of the shroud." It's not about reason.

Or, listen to California's past master, R.M.Nixon: Politics at the end is nut-cutting. There has to be blood on the hands and the floor. Shellenberger is a bright, decent, patriotic citizen. Bless him. How dirty can he become, and keep his beliefs?

We are facing a revolution: the oligarchs (and their credentialed footmen) must accept the sweaty mass of Americans. Or they won't--then fire and brimstone.

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Shellenberger's recent journalism has been uniquely insightful.

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