I'm surprised they kept you on that long. Be realistic, you work for a major brand company. What you do and say does affect that brand and that company. I think going on Fox News was a little too much. I suspect you were just escalating the fight and your right to speak your mind. That's fine, but not at the expense of your employer. Regardless of whether or not you had a valid argument.
Based on what you shared, I feel Levi's was pretty tolerant of your behavior.
My granddaughter's 3rd grade teacher said it is vital that children be reading well by 3rd grade, because reading is foundational to all subsequent learning. After the school lockdowns, she had students who were ALL significantly lagging in reading skills. She struggled to bring their reading skills along rapidly, while working to achieve the "normal" 3rd grade educational goals. School lockdowns are a great unkindness to our children.
While I respect her choice and decision to fight for what she believes, I also think it somewhat naive. Nothing in this world is perfect, including medical science.When faced with a new threat, the medical community seeks to quickly address the cause and cure, and it makes mistakes as humans often do. After the fact finger pointing does little to advance the science. Since it now appears that children did not suffer markedly from COVID that does not mean they didn't carry the virus to school staff who may have suffered greatly and in some cases died as a result of transmission from students. I liken it today to Georgia Governor Kemp saying he saved Georgia from the likes of Stacy Abrams in that he was one of a few that opened their state early on in the pandemic and that it proved successful! How is that proof of anything. Did more or less people become ill or die as a result of his decision? This will never be known. Sure there were negative impacts by the decision to close schools, particularly for poorer children in low income public schools suffered the worst. But how died or didn't die as a result of that decision. How many parents were affected or not by the decision? There are lots of numbers we likely will never know. Comparisons to children attending private school are, on their face, incomparable for a variety of reasons not limited to diet, prior medical care, etc. Therefor, while praising her courage, one must also conclude that perhaps she was wrong.
Jennifer, thank you for this. Now all the evidence backs you up on how harmful the lockdowns were for children. Stay strong and know that we support you!
Sorry you had to discover the truth about Levi's while employed by them. I added Levi's to my "do not buy" list decades ago bases on sexualized advertisements you may have approved of. Go Woke, go broke.
That's an amazing story, and you did the good thing. It's amazing because so few people actually live this way, although we all admire it in retrospect. It's inspiring - thank you!
Hopefully you will inspire others to stand up for what is right which is freedom of thought and inquiry. You know you are in the right and frankly so does every other rational person in the world including all your ex C-suite workmates. They just do not have your courage. You stood your ground against everyone else who was just virtual signaling. Those among us who are on the lower steps of the economic/opportunity ladder will pay the highest price for covid craziness and everyone who is suppose to care about children (Liberal/woke politicians and voters) are just leaving these poor kids too be left thrown into a trash heap of poor communities with no good economic prospects and a life of government cheese. Just like their unfortunate bothers and sister all over small town and rural America who have been forgotten in the new economy while many of us have benefitted including me, many have not and we ignore them and their anger at our own risk. We have to fix this or we are are going to end up in a really bad place.
If people aren’t afraid of what happened to you they should be. I love the quote below “tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles” This is where we’re at people are petrified to speak Thank you for standing up in what you believe and the next stop should be to your lawyers office to sue Levi’s
I must be a much move vindictive person than Jennifer Sey. Not only would I have burned all my Levi's in effigy and uploaded the video to every platform following this article, I would have followed that up with a video highlighting my brand new Made in USA Gusset or All American Clothing Co. brand jeans.
I'm surprised they kept you on that long. Be realistic, you work for a major brand company. What you do and say does affect that brand and that company. I think going on Fox News was a little too much. I suspect you were just escalating the fight and your right to speak your mind. That's fine, but not at the expense of your employer. Regardless of whether or not you had a valid argument.
Based on what you shared, I feel Levi's was pretty tolerant of your behavior.
My granddaughter's 3rd grade teacher said it is vital that children be reading well by 3rd grade, because reading is foundational to all subsequent learning. After the school lockdowns, she had students who were ALL significantly lagging in reading skills. She struggled to bring their reading skills along rapidly, while working to achieve the "normal" 3rd grade educational goals. School lockdowns are a great unkindness to our children.
Do you have a noncompete? Maybe you should start a competing jeans brand.
Well done, Jennifer. Nice to know there are still folks out there who know the difference between right and wrong.
While I respect her choice and decision to fight for what she believes, I also think it somewhat naive. Nothing in this world is perfect, including medical science.When faced with a new threat, the medical community seeks to quickly address the cause and cure, and it makes mistakes as humans often do. After the fact finger pointing does little to advance the science. Since it now appears that children did not suffer markedly from COVID that does not mean they didn't carry the virus to school staff who may have suffered greatly and in some cases died as a result of transmission from students. I liken it today to Georgia Governor Kemp saying he saved Georgia from the likes of Stacy Abrams in that he was one of a few that opened their state early on in the pandemic and that it proved successful! How is that proof of anything. Did more or less people become ill or die as a result of his decision? This will never be known. Sure there were negative impacts by the decision to close schools, particularly for poorer children in low income public schools suffered the worst. But how died or didn't die as a result of that decision. How many parents were affected or not by the decision? There are lots of numbers we likely will never know. Comparisons to children attending private school are, on their face, incomparable for a variety of reasons not limited to diet, prior medical care, etc. Therefor, while praising her courage, one must also conclude that perhaps she was wrong.
Wow. Just wow.
Jennifer, thank you for this. Now all the evidence backs you up on how harmful the lockdowns were for children. Stay strong and know that we support you!
Jennifer's Tweets helped me find like-minded parents. I really appreciate her.
Sorry you had to discover the truth about Levi's while employed by them. I added Levi's to my "do not buy" list decades ago bases on sexualized advertisements you may have approved of. Go Woke, go broke.
We need more brave women like her in our country.
That's an amazing story, and you did the good thing. It's amazing because so few people actually live this way, although we all admire it in retrospect. It's inspiring - thank you!
Hopefully you will inspire others to stand up for what is right which is freedom of thought and inquiry. You know you are in the right and frankly so does every other rational person in the world including all your ex C-suite workmates. They just do not have your courage. You stood your ground against everyone else who was just virtual signaling. Those among us who are on the lower steps of the economic/opportunity ladder will pay the highest price for covid craziness and everyone who is suppose to care about children (Liberal/woke politicians and voters) are just leaving these poor kids too be left thrown into a trash heap of poor communities with no good economic prospects and a life of government cheese. Just like their unfortunate bothers and sister all over small town and rural America who have been forgotten in the new economy while many of us have benefitted including me, many have not and we ignore them and their anger at our own risk. We have to fix this or we are are going to end up in a really bad place.
Good for you. Thanks for speaking out.
Congrats to you for turning down the silencing payout! There need to be some restraints on those things...Again, thank you for taking a stand!
If people aren’t afraid of what happened to you they should be. I love the quote below “tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles” This is where we’re at people are petrified to speak Thank you for standing up in what you believe and the next stop should be to your lawyers office to sue Levi’s
I must be a much move vindictive person than Jennifer Sey. Not only would I have burned all my Levi's in effigy and uploaded the video to every platform following this article, I would have followed that up with a video highlighting my brand new Made in USA Gusset or All American Clothing Co. brand jeans.