I completely agree that you should consider students from (are you sitting down?) public universities, even those with the word State in their name. It may surprise you how smart folks can be who didn't go to "elite" private schools. And, I might add, how much more in touch with reality they are.

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This edition of The Front Page had the most fair and diverse reporting I have seen from Free Press. If I thought you could continue to be this unbiased I would even consider subscribing. Let’s see how you do through and after the elections.

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It’s disturbing thst Trump would print his Bibles in China, but it’s kind of funny because I don’t get why anyone would buy a Bible from Donald Trump!

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Survey about voters' attitudes towards climate change:


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All the interns will be "cut & paste" of what is already at TFP.

Can someone at TFP please explain what the exact purpose of the Steele insert, with all the external links, was all about if not regurgitation of old crap?

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Actually I thought they were pretty clear that Steele story and book was clearly a comical rehash that only dummies would believe. For example they clarify that Laptop From Hell was authenticated in Hunters own trial, by his own admission. Less bias here than in so many of their other stories IMHO.

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re: The Fat Bear story. Just goes to show; the Toxic Feminists who are constantly posing the question, "As a woman, would you rather meet a man in the woods or a bear?" now have an answer.

Choose the man. He'll only eat part of you.

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“DEI Is Corrupting Science, New Report Shows” Yeah. No fucking shit, Sherlock.

DEI is ruining the United States, common sense shows.

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"Trey spoke to Bari about his book, his reporting, the war, and his unwavering commitment to old-school journalism that tells stories of human beings in times of battle, whatever side of the border they fall on." Too bad Bari, et al don't have the same commitment. It's been a year and , if TFP has done a single piece on the horrendous and outsized suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, I haven't seen it. Nothing on the statements by Israeli officials about their intention to violate international law by indiscriminately killing Palestinians, nothing about the destruction of entire towns and huge swaths of cities or the intentional targeting of unarmed children by IDF snipers. Hey, we'd almost have to conclude that Palestinian lives just aren't worth as much as Israelis'. But Jews would never believe that, right? After all, the Holocaust and "never again." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPE6vbKix6A

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All you need is 2 subscriptions, one to the Free Press, and one to the New York Times and you’re covered! So simple.

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FAFO .. since 632 AD

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Why don't universities with sensible people (if those are a thing any more) in charge of distributing funds or applying for funds or whatever, just PRETEND they're running a stupid programme like "Queering dorm window treatments: Towards a more diverse design input for on-campus drapes" or some such fuckology, and then use the cash for sensible shit, like reinstituting Western Civ or teaching actual grammar in languages and arithmetic in maths, etc and just not tell anyone?

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The FP once put out five... FIVE... articles the same day the day after a Tucker Carlson podcast with some idiot pretending to be a historian. They have the ability to move quickly to write stories about anything. Why then is The FP refusing to write stories about so many newsworthy stories that are bad for Harris and good for Trump?

– They ignored RFKjr dropping out of the race, giving one of the greatest political speeches in American history, and endorsing Trump

– They ignored Tulsi Gabbard endorsing Trump

–They ignored RFKjr and Tulsi joining Trump's transition team

– They continue to ignore almost all of Tim Walz's lies, including being in Hong Kong during Tiananmen Square, and they actually tried to excuse his Stolen Valor here

– They ignored the recent stories of Doug Emhoff being a misogynist who was sued for sexual harassment, on top of being a woman-beating, wife-cheating, nanny-impregnating-and-possibly-beat-so-bad-she-miscarried-and-then-paid-her-off piece of crap

– They ignored how Harris's border policies PURPOSEFULLY let in 600K known criminal illegal aliens, including 15K rapists and 13K murderers

– They ignored how FEMA, without Congressional Oversight, decided on their own to take money meant for disaster relief and reallocated it to illegal immigrant resettlement

– They ignored Harris's awful response to the Hurricane Helene victims, including her laughably horrible photo op where she's staring at blank papers and pretending to listen to a phone call without her earbuds plugged into her phone

– They ignored the ABC News Whistleblower who came forward, under punishment of perjury, to provide proof that ABC and Harris colluded to cheat during the most recent debate

– They ignored all of the news coming out of Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Colorado that proved the election rigging in those states during the 2020 election, including the case of Tina Peters where she had verifiable proof that the Dominion Voting Machines were tampered with which we've all been told is "impossible”

– They ignored 60 Minutes, in a definitive bit of election interference, editing-out Harris’s word salad answer about Israel and inserting an answer she gave to a completely different question, because her word salad answer was just that bad

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Yes, the RFK speech and endorsement was so interesting, historically, I was very surprised it wasn’t covered.

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Why, you ask? Covering up TDS and trying to make it appear you don’t have it when you do and most of your writers do, is why.

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Was sending some friends the blurb on Second HusbandEmhoff, and accidently wrote "husbad". Went to correct it, but then realized it was correct. ; )

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"Says one Trump advertisement: “Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.”"

Okay, that's actually pretty funny.

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Regarding Trump's bibles:

I read things like this and have a hard time committing to a vote for Trump. This is exactly why I can't stand him. He's really nothing but a con-man and grifter. Problem is, Kamala is worse. Such a pity this is our choice.

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Yeah, you are not alone on thinking that. Alas, memento mori.

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The government Disinformation Board was not a small scale grift but a planned attack on the First Amendment, not just a get rich quick idea of Biden’s. But Biden’s and Clinton’s are grifters too, and the Hillary/Obama lecture fees are impressive.

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I caught only a part of Trey Yingst special hour re Oct. 7th....in this part he condemns Israel for allegedly targeting 'Hundreds" of Palestinian journalists. And indignant that any journalist should be hindered or silenced allegedly by Israel or anyone. And inferring that Israel targeted civilians. This was appalling and so not in line with the other reporting I've seen from him on FOX....so I wrote FOX.

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I subscribed to TFP because I wanted to read pieces that, even if I disagreed with them, were smart and fundamentally non-partisan, and I wanted to have sincere conversations with people of differing viewpoints.

That TFP is no more. It’s become a pandering rag with the journalistic integrity of a gossip tabloid while still parading itself as a brave, truth-talking challenger of the status quo. Personally, I think Bari knows better, but somewhere along the line, she decided to try to build an MSM empire instead of a mouthpiece for honest, intelligent - if wrong sometimes, in my opinion - debate of orthodoxies *across the political spectrum.*

I’ve had great discussions with some of y’all in the past, but the commentariat’s too lockstep now, the writing too cheap. It’s not a place to interact with independent thinkers, but to revel in our mutual pro-Trump/anti-Biden/anti-Harris-ness. I’m pretty sad about it, but apparently, the current economy won’t support journalism for moderates and critical thinkers. Anyway, I can’t justify spending my money on this low-standard, tedious, disingenuous, slipshod fluff anymore. I know none of you will be sorry to see me go, but saying goodbye anyway. It’s been real. Cheers!

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Thank you for again pointing out the Clinton dirty trick that sent Americans into years and years of propaganda and insanity (like Covid) The NYT has also acknowledged this and has even printed an opinion piece pointing this out recently. However, there are some people (too many) in their comments section that flat-out refuse to come out of the conspiracy theory mindset. It's one thing to fall for something like that. It's quite another to deny reality over and over again. Willfull ignorance is a choice.

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