
As to Ukraine, I realize many on the right (where I am) are opposed to our efforts there. I have not had any argument yet persuade me that Putin must not be stopped. If he gains control of the south of Ukraine, and therefore the ports on the Black Sea, all bets are off and the global ramifications will be devastating. As far as the internal animosities between left and right? Well, the left has pushed, and pushed, and pushed the envelope so far for thirty years or more that it has felt like war. A war of attrition. At some point we had to push back. And now the right is the bad guy. No matter which Republican is running for office, even milquetoast Romney, the left labels them a fascist.

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You must be kidding. Right? Disregard for international law, killings of heads of states, "interventions" that got millions killed etc.etc are signature of US foreign policy. Did you also think that the US must be stopped when it invaded Iraq for no reason whatsoever with fake info coming straight from our top leaders? How about bombing Lybia and killing their leader? Did you see what was left of Serbian civilian infrastructure when our air power got done with it? Sure you and others like you were (in your case easily) brainwashed into believing that we are doing that for the cas eod democracy. What a joke! How abour bombing Riad where women ar enot allowed to drive and are slaves of their husbands. The "priciples" of US foreign policy is we can spin anything and bomb anybody. Putin is just trying to imitate what US has been doing for ever: bring a friendly regime to power or correct borders that your friends Soviet leaders have drawn with absolute disregard for wish of the people. Try dry cleaning. Your brain needs it badly!

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Interesting screed

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No expected!

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Bari, ar y ou ready to lose many of us as subscribers? This type of writing I can get for free. Garbage!

Has the time come for you to apply for a postion with NYT. The fit appears to be getting better and better!

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Aren't we all tired of Democrat / FBI 'dirty tricks' by now? The Democrats have exhausted the country with their Russia Hoax, Steele Dossier, fiasco of a Mueller investigation, faux impeachments, etc, etc....

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I find today’s Common Sense post, World War III, provocative and surprising. Why was it posted? It reads like propaganda.

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Here's what I mean. The government should have one set of standards which apply to everyone, male or female. If more males than females meet those standards, that doesn't matter.

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The article should have had the medical journal disclaimers for authors who have conflicts of interest in promoting their views. It reads too much like the Post Vietnam military industrial complex cheer leading. Always leaving out the fraudulent Tonkin Gulf, WMD, violent overthrow of elected Ukraine President, etc,

The hundred billions of armaments in just nine months the West is pouring into Ukraine is nothing more than an Afghanistan- Syria rerun to fight Russia down to the last dead Ukrainian. Thank god, Biden hasn't left tens of thousands of US citizens left behind like in Afgan..... so far.

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Listen people - if at this point in the game you’re all still listening to retired jackasses, there’s no saving you from a lifetime of pearl clutching. These are the same turds that will tell you, now or in the past, that Russia remains an existential threat.

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Your comment stating regarding the Americans that feel the president wasn't legitimate based on rigged elections states that it will be true for both sides of the isle simply because they hail from the opposing party. What is your supporting evidence that would equate the democratic with the kind of election denying idiocy we see from the right not just from the electorate which is bad enough but from elected officials of the party as well.

That type of false equivalency makes it sound like it's what everyone is doing and normalizes what is really fringe positions taken predominantly by the right. Call it what it is, conspiracy intentionally fueled by right wing politicians not a trend based on factual evidence of election fraud.

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the Ukraine conflict is not like the Irakwar. It is about freedom and liberty in Europe. The Polish president had told former Finance Minister Schäuble from Germany back in 1908 that first goes Georgia, then Ukaine, then the Baltic countries, then Poland. Was he wrong ?

Russia is an imperialist power, that has to be contained, or else Pution will continue to push his luck and try to reconstitute as much of the Soviet union as possible. This war was not created by the West and even less so by the USA. It is a war cteated by Russia to reclaim what some Russian ideologues consider to be Russian territroy.

This is like the French war in Algeria, which a good part of the French population considered to be rightfully French territory. But France was a republic and a democracy, so in the end, the majority shifted and Algerian independence was declared and accepted. We must stand by former soviet "colonies" to gain their independence from Russia which behaves like a colonial power.

AS to the article, the reference to the last scenario seems a bit exagerated, especially in view of the results of the midterm elections.

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“It doesn’t help that America, which spent the better part of the past two decades engaged in the 9/11 wars, is becoming increasingly isolationist—or at least Americans are. People are exhausted by war. They are understandably disenchanted with the strategic missteps of elites and experts.”

It seems unlikely that the real cause of war is that not enough people want to cause it. And I'm not “disenchanted with … strategic missteps;” I'm disenchanted with the elite class conspiring to get us into other nations’ wars.

Intervention is not how you prevent a world war. As has already happened a couple of notable times in about the last hundred years, it's how somebody else's war BECOMES a world war. When Germany invaded Belgium in 1914, it wasn't our war. Hell, it wasn't even Britain's or France's war. It only became a world war because a bunch of European interventionists with itchy trigger fingers used it as an excuse to fight, and then propagandized the hell out of the US until our leaders joined in.

This article is just fearmongering propaganda by members of the political establishment who have spent much of their adult lives working in the business of war. The establishment loves war. Wars make money, increase government power, and distract the population from how badly the elites are screwing things up domestically. The last big war finally (mostly) ended, and now it's time to whip up public support for an escalation somewhere else.

“Therefore, my Harry,

Be it thy course to busy giddy minds

With foreign quarrels; that action, hence borne out,

May waste the memory of the former days.”

—Henry IV, Part 2: Act 4, Scene 3

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So....the Covid vaccine was available....6 years ago?

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2034 - Is the book I would write if I had better writing skills and were more informed. For me, the book was “Love at first site.” Question- what is the China-North Korea relationship, exactly- from the Chinese perspective? I think of Germany or France if Switzerland decided to become cuckoo or USA if Canada or Mexico.

Domestic threat - a year ago, I announced at Thanksgiving that the biggest national problem was “the failure to have logical discussion.” Disbelief from everyone at thanksgiving house. I am not alone when I inform that 10 or 11 of my 12 closest inner-circle friends outlawed discussion between early February and mid-May 2022; a time period of 90 days + 10. These former friends had a bias in favor of me due to friendship and still I was a “witch.” Medical doctors rejecting the biological taxonomy that is foundation for their universe. Trump announcing 2024 candidacy because ego outweighs national security. I write this as one who prefers Trump to Biden, but also prefers that any non-Trump Republican be candidate. I would say the same if Hillary were to announce 2024 candidacy.

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2022 has been the year of the thirty something grifters SFB and Zelensky. Both have played Biden and the Democrats for billions. As a result we face threats much greater than Covid.

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Wait, what? I was tracking until the last scenario- “Domestic Conflict: the Greatest Threat”. We are talking WWIII (!!!) -Russia, China, North Korea, Iran- and we arrive at domestic conflict as our biggest threat? What? Why? No, I don’t think so. We may be incredibly annoyed with one another, but, to borrow a phrase from another Common Sense reader, the demand for domestic terrorists far exceeds the supply. Americans want to go to work, and enjoy our families and live our lives.

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Musk is generally right as we don't know if Putin is suicidal and if he is, there is no telling what he will do... We don't know if he is truly as mad man or he is simply cynically seeing how far he can push us by pretending to be so but we have to assume he is mad given the cost of being wrong...

If there were no WMD the West could just roll over him but there are WMD... The war has already cost Russia greatly. The point is made. Give them an exit...

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