
At Thursday’s debate Biden looked like he’d already been embalmed - ashen & dull! His usual ‘brought up from the basement / morgue’ look.

By next day, Friday’s appearance, HE WAS TANNED! Miraculously, Joe looked halfway alive.

So, let me get this straight. Trump’s fake tan is constantly ridiculed, you know, to quote Nellie + all the other “TDS” Democrats, “Trump is Orange Man Bad!”

Question. When will we hear, “Biden is Orange Man Demented?”

Asking for America and the World.

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Sorry, Ollie. Calling Marine Le Pen's party "far-right" is a dodge. Yes, the New Popular Front is farther to the Left than Macron, but that hardly makes him a "centrist." Given the damage Macron and his fellow leftists have done to the French people, Le Pen is far closer to the center than he is.

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Who has been calling the shots at the White House since January 2021?? Certainly not the big guy! And who called the shots from his bunker? And who is commanding the BLM army? And where will Antifa rear its ugly head next.

Oh, wait—they have changed their costumes and are now wearing PLO regalia.

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Axelrod is right. Biden needed to drop out a year ago. But, here are. Weekend at Bernie’s.

We have roughly 4 years and seven months with Biden as our titular head of state. Should he win we may never see him again. We may never hear him speak again. The power structure will grind on with or without him. Think he has low ratings now? Wait till you see them in two years.

As for DJT? If he is elected his poll number will crater as well. He will not get an honeymoon. He will not get the benefit of the doubt. It will be resistance all over again. Should the Democrats get the House they’ll Impeach him. The GOP should vote to Impeach him.

We’re screwed. Hang on. Drink a lot. Eat an etible. Survive.

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Democratic consultant describes Maryland Governor Wes Moore. “Yeah, he’s incredible, just incredibly well-spoken, well-educated—the whole deal.” I don't think the blacks who are deserting the Democratic Party will be fooled by "well-spoken" replacing the usual clueless-white-person habit of calling blacks "articulate," when they mean, "doesn't sound like a 'typical' black person, so..."

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Oliver, I'd advise treading lightly when disparaging other publications as "house organs of the Democratic Party," as some of your commenters feel that way about The Free Press.

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Remember when we heard that Trump didn't really start his Presidential day until late morning? And how we were supposed to be outraged by that? Did Trump not do his 30 hours per week like Biden apparently does?

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Oops, sorry…on social media but if this is what constitutes as both sides, I fail to see it. Perhaps I am just not looking hard enough

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Wow, do you have anyone from the center that reads or at least writes comments? The hate and anger is scary to me. I have never been

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We are fucked! Read the article below and tell me we aren't fucked. On one hand we have a corrupt senile idiot who prosecuted his political opponent and on the other we have a mad man who wants to set up military tribunals to prosecute anyone who pissed him off.

This scares the hell out of me. What have we become?


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Fauci failed just as badly with the AIDS epidemic as Covid. Joe should have read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy.

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Re: "the Dems are finding themselves paying the price for not bothering to listen to the people.

So are the media! When Trump was elected in 2016, I was as shocked as anyone and hoped the media would take a hard look at themselves and conclude, “Wow, we have to do a better job getting in touch with the average American.” Instead, they only looked outward and said, “Wow, we have to do a better job getting the average American in touch with US.” So, they became advocates instead of journalists, and now have one of the lowest credibility ratings in the developed world. When the media chose to abandon its role as the Fourth Estate, they did more to undermine our democracy than either party.

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Perhaps the media felt just like Hillary. The average American that they are out of touch with is deemed a "deplorable", and therefore there is no point in even talking with them.

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Charlie Kirk on Megyn Kelly just predicted that Biden will be replaced at the convention.

With "Dr." Jill Biden

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Hey man, let her have her title. She had to go to school longer than physicians.

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The view from afar...

You guys in the US don't *actually* live in a democracy.

Given that there have been at least two elections in recent times when the candidate for whom the majority of people voted for - that is those people who bothered to vote - did not actually win the election.

That is not a genuine democracy guys.

On top of that, the best that anyone can come up with to potentially lead a major Western country are two pale males who are so stale they would be mandatorily retired in any other sector in any other country.

The US political system is f%$#d

Good luck guys!

- Love from Australia

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Ever read American History 101, Bianca? We were founded as, and remain, a constitutional republic, with checks and balances, and with federalism (at least until the Left manages to destroy either or both).

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Better to stay quiet and let people think you're a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

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Tell it to a bunch of old white men 250 years ago.

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Actually I see it as a more advanced democracy. If we did not respect the electoral college as our founders intended, presidential contenders would only have to campaign in the major cities. Leaving many states in a total lack of democracy and without ANY representation.

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The US is a democratic republic. It’s not just a popular vote. Our founders ensured that one or two states with large populations would not hold the power of the presidency.

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I would keep laughing if it wasn't so sad. Our founding fathers were not concerned about States with large populations. Remember, there was no California, Texas or even Mississippi. There was no midwest or Pacific northwest States. Mail was delivered by horse. Election results were by Delegate to ensure efficient running of the Country, not population parity.

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It strikes me that Biden’s demise along with the political shift to conservatism currently occurring in other countries is indicative of the crumbling foundation that underpins Marxist progressivism.

The notion revolt can be achieved by convincing one element of society that they are victims and that they must fight those identified as their victimizers has not been successful in the in the Western Democracies.

Instead there, has been a steady evolution of social equality brought about be liberal pragmatism and inquiry which has blunted the need for violent insurrection.

While Marxist influence has nurtured and cultivated the current generation of left leaning progressives that are imbedded in governments and other public institutions, they have not been able to achieve a critical mass of social dissatisfaction amongst their victim class sufficient for the overthrow of capitalism - the eradication of which the Marxist deem essential to their mission of creating a perfect humanity.

Instead, the leftist progressive element of society has opted for a punitive system of role reversal directed primarily at the white population here in North America.

It has been successful in doing so by using stoking the notion that white people of today are to be held accountable for actions of earlier white society.

This notion posits that white people are incurably predisposed to victimizing non-white people and that they must be actively excluded from opportunity to continue exercising their ‘privilege’.

Capitalism is alleged to be the means by which non-white people continue to suffer exploitation and social inequity.

In spite of evidence that race relations, for the most part, have been steadily improving along with north America’s overall standard of living, leftist progressives employed strategy of ‘critical theory’ indoctrination to convince white North American’s that the race situation was far worse than what they perceived - and that he they were at fault for it.

Progressives in positions of power and influence instigated regulatory policies intended to facilitate the transfer of opportunity away from white people and to non-white people - as well as themselves.

Much of the non-progressive academics and other critics who were wary of the strategy and the intent behind it were simply not allowed to question or contradict the progressive agenda - the reaction was to brand such critics as having inferior morals and intellect, to exclude them from debate, to dismiss their evidence and to demonize them.

The liberal pragmatism that had advanced assisted so much in North America’s social development was cast aside and in its place progressive dogma, ideological conformity and authority began to spur changes, many bereft of any semblance of common sense, at a pace that now has become intolerable to growing numbers of the general population.

The Marxist’s have succeeded in promoting a revolt but it has not unfolded as intended - the mainstay of the role reversal strategy employed by their progressive acolytes - diversity, inclusion and equity - is currently crashing given the abandonment of merit and a deciding factor in the allocation of power, control and opportunity.

Both liberals and conservatives are becoming opponents of the victims/victimizer politics of division and are very wary of a media that seems wed to the spin that exacerbates and supports social dissatisfaction.

Leftist progressives have been forced to the defensive as their credibility disintegrates in a resurgence of the inquiry they have previously been able to suppress.

In concert, the canaries in the mineshafts of progressive governments in both the US and Canada are expiring as the populations in both countries are retrenching towards what they hope will be a more moderate political milieu.

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I'm a Biden guy and if he's our candidate, I will vote for him regardless of my feelings that he won't be able to perform his duties for 4 more years. However, if Biden really cares about the US, he'll drop out. His replacement ... General Mark Milley. Best credentials, no baggage, definitely not a sycophant, scare the crap out of our enemies and a man who can instill confidence in these times of no confidence in our government.

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He has one really, really big piece of baggage, and it's colored olive drab.

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Better olive drab then a red or blue tie.

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Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you on the "no baggage" thing. Among other things, he worked for Biden.

I would ask, though: how much do you have to hate this country to support the importation of tens of millions of military age freeloaders who don't speak English? What positive good does that even do THEM? We will run out of money sooner, not later, and at that point they will be hated and penniless in a nation they don't understand.

Nothing of what Biden does makes any sense, other than as part of an overall strategy to destroy America, destroy our way of life, and leave us open to takeover by global elitists who are full blown sociopaths.

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Milley's responsible for the border??? Same screwed up logic as Biden's responsible for inflation.

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It's not unreasonable to choose to judge people by who they choose to spend time with, and kowtow to.

But OK: how about handing Afghanistan back to the Taliban, along with many tens of billions of dollars of weapons and American cash? Thousands of Americans died there, for nothing, because of cowardice, incompetence, and stupidity; and he was in the middle of all that.

And you and I both know the Left hates the American military, because most of them--probably not Milley--actually love this country, which is an unforgiveable sin on that side of sanity. So how could they possibly support a military man?

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Milley followed orders which is his JOB! After that, he carried them out as ORDERED. And judging by where is now, I think he did a dam fine job.

This country needs a leader not two imbeciles. Milley knows how to lead.

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He's a politically obedient, self serving a-hole. Probably without exception, every Nazi at Nuremburg said they were "following orders".

In any event, this is a pointless discussion, because Milley will not be the nominee. He will retire at some point and go make big bucks in private industry helping to continue the patent corruption surrounding everything our government does.

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