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I think your readers disagreed more with “Paradise Lost” which was Ill timed and poorly researched, but did unveil how entrenched your bias is. Bari’’s Fox News interview responding to Paradise Lost seemed like she had only read Libs of TikTok that week. Why not interview a few fire experts? Or homelessness experts? They’re out there.

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"her album Evermore is just reheated Lana Del Rey produced for people openly weeping in a Michael’s craft store."

Listen to her pre-2009 music when she was still a country singer. Her music (then) reminds me of 80's Alabama.

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Jennifer Rubin needs to look in the mirror. There is zero light between her work and the Democratic establishment's desires. When you read her articles they may as well have come from blindly loyal Democratic party activists. How can she complain about about the owner of her employer wanting to move closer to balance and objectivity? Oh, sorry, she refuses to work without total favoritism to the party of the outgoing President.

Interesting to read her work to help understand the thinking of one extreme line of thought. Though, totally predictable.

If the WP has moved so far towards, though not even close to, center that she is unable to work there; her only choice is to go work within the Democratic party or one of their (other?) coalition activist organizations.

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Immediately after reading, “Luckily, we have the First Amendment in this country, so no one, not even Taylor Swift, can stop me from saying her album Evermore is just reheated Lana Del Rey produced for people openly weeping in a Michael’s craft store.” I needed to scroll to the top to see if Nellie was writing today’s news. Nope. That there is quality sarcasm. True but still sarcasm.

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I did the exact same thing!!

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So you've invited Jennifer Rubin to contribute to the FP? I grew up reading the Washington Post, the Washington Evening Star ( a much more moderate, balanced newspaper) & on Sundays the NY Times. The Star has long been deceased. I've given up my subscriptions to both the NY Times & the Washington Post. How many times must I be bombarded with Trump is Hitler. It's constant & incessant. Believe me I understand that you don't like Trump. Jennifer Rubin is the High Priestess of Trump Derangement Syndrome. She's so far left that Marx, Lenin & Stalin are in comparison, fascists. She reminds me of the ranting President of the Teachers Union. I wonder if they're related?

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I was already enjoying River’s work but this made me a true fan: “…Evermore is just reheated Lana Del Rey produced for people openly weeping in a Michael’s craft store.”


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Just as Jimmy Carter's death leaves Joe Biden in undisputed possession of the title for Worst Living President, Jennifer Rubin's departure from the WaPo means Paul Krugman is now the reigning World Champion Dumb Newspaper Columnist.

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FYI, Krugman retired in early December. The question is whether Krugman previously held the title and lost it to Rubin. If so, both Krugman's and Rubin's official titles would be World Champion Dumb Newspaper Columnist Emeritus.

The good news is that there are many viable candidates to claim the title vacated by Rubin.

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I cancelled my NYT subscription last year, so I guess I missed Krugman's departure. I hate being wrong, but I have no complaints about being corrected in this case. I'd say the aptly named Charles Blow and Michelle Goldberg are both contenders for the title.

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I just watched the Democrats in the House of Representatives lose the 2028 presidential election while debating a bill to protect women's sports. As a former democrat, I can't even begin to describe how weird it is to watch Republicans defend the rights of women and girls while Democrats, particularly Democratic women, try to take them away.

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The bill passed with support from only two Democratic representatives (Go Texas!). This lesbian, who doesn't have a "queer" bone in her body, is going to help defeat Democrats in every election going forward until they stop destroying the lives of women and girls. I fought to play women sports when I was growing up. Who knew at this stage of my life I'd be fighting again. These Democratic women leaders, who benefited from the hard work done by those of us who came before, are traitors to women everywhere.

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To the publishers of Cruel and Unusual Punishment, check your cover. It's spelled F-O-R-E-W-O-R-D. As in, the first word.

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TikTokers fleeing to RedNote: "Congress has vastly underestimated the power of spite."

Congress has vastly underestimated the American people.

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Congress has vastly underestimated the intelligence of the American people.

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Less than a week to go before we bring sanity back to Washington DC and the country itself.

Why has Biden ordered flags at half-staff on Monday? I thought Sunday was his last day in office anyway. Hit the road jack. Get out of dodge before you irreparably harm the country anymore.

Obama's transgender crusade continued into Biden's term. Maybe people are right about Obama's wife Michael, I mean Michelle. Men in women's prisons. Men playing women's sports. What will they think of next?

TikTok - someone should just buy it so we don't worry about China spying on us... Speaking of spying... Did we ever learn who is responsible for the drones over the east coast?

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It's hard to be snarky with that last item about Suzy's friend Max, but a few thoughts...

New Orleans- let's hope they'll do more than implore the public to "be careful", say like making all those bollards in the French Quarter operational?

Bannon- part of the enigma of Trump is surrounding himself with morons. I guess if you cast a wide net, you'll catch a wide group. Bannon's comments are right on cue following the H.R. McMaster's book, which persuasively argued all Bannon and Preibus could to was backstab and attempt to convince Trump they were his only true allies. Leopards don't change their spots or maybe it's better saying carrying the same snake up the same hill will still leave you bitten, no matter how much he says he's changed. I hope one of the lessons Trump learned from his last administration is push these people out of his circle of influence. Definitely mixed signals thus far. If Bannon ends up with more influence than Elon, Trump's second term will be a complete failure.

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"Luckily, we have the First Amendment in this country, so no one, not even Taylor Swift, can stop me from saying her album Evermore is just reheated Lana Del Rey produced for people openly weeping in a Michael’s craft store." River... you're my new favorite at TFP.

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For the record, I'm against intact biological males being housed in women's prisons, but this line in the article distorts the reality:

"In America today, there are nearly 1,500 biological men incarcerated in federal women’s prisons."

The linked PDF contains the following sentence which does not say the same thing:

"As of October 6, 2024, there are currently 1,487 incarcerated men who identify as women in federal prisons. ...if all of these trans-identifying inmates were transferred to women’s prisons..."

Editors, please do better fact checking.

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So you are gripping over 13 people? Do you understand the definition of "nearly"?

13 is 0.08% of 1500. LESS THAN 1 percent.

It's surprising if you ever have a good day if something less than 1% sets you off.

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Karyn, you missed my point completely. The linked article did not say the trans women were in women's prisons. They are in federal prisons and could in theory be transferred to women's prisons but are not in them today.

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It was pretty shocking that 1500 men are in women's prison, but that's not the case, then? I'm glad you read the underlying document. I imagine it was an honest mistake but it should definitely be clarified.

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“there are nearly 1,500 biological men incarcerated in federal women’s prisons." That’s what yiu wrote.

What part of federal WOMEN’S prisons don't you get?

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Are you still asleep? You still haven't walked back your comment.

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I woke, the line you quotes was from this substack article. Read the one below it which is from the linked source. The statement in the substack article is incorrect and misleading

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Read it again. That's not what it says.

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River Monday through Thursday is the perfect complement to Nellie on Friday.

Also, thank you for sharing some of the pushback to Leighton Woodhouse's reaction to the fires. I like much of Leighton's work, but this commentary was a rehash of an old exceptionalist and fatalist trope about natural hazards in California, and Los Angeles specifically. Reading Mike Davis can be thought provoking, but Davis's work is most valuable for helping one to clarify their thinking by understanding all that Davis gets wrong. Moreover, in the moment, what we really need is the humanism that authors such as Joan Didion and, especially, John McPhee have provided in the past.

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This is MasterCard priceless: British columnist Rod Liddle has revealed that Taylor Swift’s lawyers sent him a cease and desist for referring to her music as “banal and life-sapping sub-Kardashian electropop drivel.” Luckily, we have the First Amendment in this country, so no one, not even Taylor Swift, can stop me from saying her album Evermore is just reheated Lana Del Rey produced for people openly weeping in a Michael’s craft store.

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