
It's amazing to me that even today people don't get the gravity of what has been done to them. All major life insurance companies from all over the globe are showing that all cause mortality rates in the working age (18-65) population is up 40%. That's 63 standard deviations from the norm. Cancer rates in the military and ages 18 - 40 are up 1500%. In a recent poll of morticians, 70% are reporting white fibrous growths unlike anything they have seen lining the arteries and veins in at least 50% of the corpses they are trying to embalm. And then there is the litany of heart, nerve, and autoimmune issues. Pfizer killed 1200 people in their emergency use authorization trials and they still pushed it into the general population as well as pregnant women and children. It is beyond criminal. It is a crime against humanity.

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I am a longtime listener to Honestly. For the most part podcasts have been enlightening. This episode was unsettling. The interviewer was ill prepared to challenge Mr Nocera. Covid was and is a serious topic. I suggest having a follow up interview with someone like Eric Topol from the Scripps institute and give him an opportunity to discuss a retrospective on how we have approached Covid since 2019.

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I enjoyed this a lot and agree we need a bipartisan review of our failures so we don’t repeat them.

I do have to correct his statement that companies don’t make any money from vaccines. Totally not true even pre-Covid.

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One big lesson I take from this is that the root cause of Covid misinformation was our political division. Once the country became divided it became impossible to admit errors,

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Mr. Nocera: Understanding COVID’s origin is “a pointless argument”.

That’s one take I suppose.

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While I agree with several of Mr. Nocera’s conclusions, on whole he seems out of his depths when it comes to his understanding of the granular details surrounding the pandemic. His political biases also clearly shine through. Just some advice: you may want to research whether “bleach and sunlight” have actually been proposed as possible adjunctive treatments in COVID. Additionally, I’m not sure who in the CDC he was referencing regarding their having been silenced. It should be noted that Drs. Gruber and Krause resigned in protest over the side-stepping of their agency under Biden, not Trump. Lastly, his most absurd contention is that it doesn’t matter where Covid originated. It goes without saying, but COVID likely came from the Wuhan lab, and our government has continued to fund similar risky experiments. How in the world is that not important?

P.S. When presented with the actual language of the bill, majorities of Democrats agreed with “DeSantis’ don’t say gay” bill.

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[Time 53:00] Republicans convened a committee to seek info and clarification about Covid source or origin. This was motivated by (a) Fauci ridiculing those who discussed or explored “Lab Leak Theory.” FB removed users’ Lab Leak posts. Anyone interested in Lab Leak was compared to Trump and ridiculed. It was censored widely.

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[Time 53:00]; Polarized society as effect on public health. The polarization at present (since 2016) comes largely from The Left. Public health collaborated with political interests to “Get Trump”. My field became authoritarian and committed/still commits extreme fraud; (a) Fake systemic racism crisis- APA and everyone else within public health; (b) Fake police violence crisis “as a public health issue” fraud; (c) Fake Implicit Bias Test that actually captures Left/Right hand speed difference at keyboard; (d) Fake ‘born in the wrong body’ claim about all pediatric-Trans patients in the absence of scientific evidence; (e) Allowing thousands of protesters to gather in the densest cities during the most restrictive phase of Covid shutdown.

As recent as last week, a PhD colleague in public health refused to comment on one simple sentence due to his woke political interests. Public health is so psychotically arrogant and pathologically politicized that they will never admit their errors unless trying to avoid a prison sentence. #AbolishPublicHealthAllRottenApples.

The military can take care of the next pandemic.

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[Time 48:00] Joe disapproves of DeSantis’ (a): fight with Disney; (b): Anti-gay legislation. I didn’t have time to become informed about DeSantis vs. Disney. I live in SF. CA Governor Newsom tried to bully Walgreens drugstore into carrying a “Morning-after” abortion pill in other states (Outside of CA) after the Supreme Court Ruling. I am holding in my left hand the 7 pages of Florida’s HB 1557 legislation or “Can’t say Gay” bill. The word “gay” is not found in HB 1557. The bill requires parental consent for school info about sex and “Gender.” I am gay and I want CA to implement HB 1557. In states and school districts without HB 1557; Equity Program and/or woke teachers likely keep secrets about students from the parents. Gender terminology is taught to first-graders. I am 55+ and I get confused by the intentionally vague definitions. I consider 5 of the 7 gender roles to be a version of Trans. It is non-science. I am a biologist.

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I keep hearing that we need a full accounting but who is going to do this? CDC? Journalists? Institutional capture is the issue here. The medical industry is on board with the transgender madness so this conversation barely scratches the surface of what we’re facing. Madness.

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I would have loved to have heard Vinay Prasad or Paul Offit or Jay Battacharya (I’m sure i butchered the spelling of his name) talking on this topic. Not people who aren’t scientists or science writers.

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While this podcast made some valid points, and of course discussed Trump and DeSantis, where was the discussion of Biden and the extremely harsh treatment of citizens who dissented from the narrative by Democrats? Biden fired and jettisoned thousands from jobs and the military—at a time when migrants were allowed to flow into the country unvaccinated and indeed flown at government expense to different cities. What kind of policy is that for a vaccine that does not stop transmission? Punitive, stupid, and of course divisive. How about the little pharma obedience cards? And the encouragement for celebrities and talk show hosts—all Dems—to verbally bash the unvaccinated? Jimmy Kimmel was all for throwing them out of hospitals. Howard Stern and Noam Chomsky said they could live in the woods. This type of rhetoric which I have never heard before was encouraged by Biden—“the great uniter.” SMH.

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We knew we didn't know the answer but still shut down other experts who put forth reasonable arguments. Want to make the pandemic different? Send Fauci to prison for years and take away his pension.

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Nocera makes great points, but he skips over a few things and I think they might be important. Masks simply have no evidence supporting them, not individually or in societies. Even an N95 mask does not prevent transmission. Nocera's words were, "it can keep you safe." No, it really can't. There is no evidence to show that. Also, the vaccines--can we just start with the very necessary and basic premise that the definition of vaccine was changed by the CDC on its website in order to allow for the mRNA jabs that do NOT prevent getting the disease, NOR transmission of the disease. Those are the basic functions of a vaccine, and this one does neither of those. If the "medical community" wonders why all the vaccine hesitation, that might be a good place to start looking.

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While this episode contained many good points, I was disappointed that the doctors/scientists who have been on the front line successfully treating Covid were not the ones discussing what happened. He also disparaged the treatments that actually worked but were shut down by the government and big Pharma. Since the author repeated the debunked lie that Trump encouraged people to drink bleach, I have to wonder where he got his other information.

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This was a good interview and I love Michael Moynihan. But for the love of God why do journalists insist on repeating fake Democrat talking points.

Trump did not say people should drink bleach. Don’t look stupid by repeating it!

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