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“The riot at the Capitol two days prior had resulted in five deaths. “

I believe it was two deaths. The woman shot by the black cop with no repercussions and a woman beaten to death by the cops in the basement.

How does such a bald faced mistake make it into the story?

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And dot didn’t clear up the “fight like hell” lie.

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Yeah, Bari, what gives?

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I wondered the same. It’s important news organizations review and honestly fact check… this error/mistake does color the honesty of the article. That being said…. Good article. Good summary of Twitter employee biases. Generally good article….despite the obvious error.

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I too am disappointed in Bari and the Free Press team. This is real misinformation which should not be furthered if you are committed to being honest. Like Brett Stephens, Bari , et al, clearly habe a “Jones” for Trump hatred that clearly biases some of their opinions. Note that with a clear lack of a reason to remove Trump, Bari, et al never say that with a “Free Press”, this should not have happened.

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Bari’s job was not to say “this should never have happened “. Their job is to report the facts. It’s your job, based on the facts, to decide what should have happened. Based on their excellent, concise reporting, I, for one, conclude what Twitter did was the height of arrogant belief the American people can’t make decisions for themselves. Jack Dorsey’s recent tweet on consumer controlled moderation is the way to go, even if a little late.

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Dorsey’s weak “mea culpa “ is simply his ability to sense the pendulum is slowly swinging back to the right. Let’s never forget his action/inaction in allowing Twitter to divide this nation.

In other words, don’t believe anything he says. He was complicit and is only “trying” to get out in front of this before he’s called to task.

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"Black cop"?

Ordinarily, I'd say that this detail is wholly irrelevant, except that your unnecessary emphasis on it really causes one to consider your own biases.

Personally, I rarely support the police. I rarely condone police escalation, and this shooting is no exception. But I've seen the video, and I've seen far more objectively questionable shootings by police championed by the sort of people who think being "unwoke in Idaho" constitutes a personality, if not an identity.

Can't we just demand a higher standard from the police, without obsessing on the degree of pigmentation of those police? It's really not relevant.

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Sorry. If it had been a black woman veteran killed by a white cop, the Capitol would have been burned down by BLM. If you don’t /can’t see that, I’m sorry for you.

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I believe there were five deaths. The two you mentioned were police-involved. The rest were byproducts of being inside that violent crowd; one woman was trampled and died.

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correct. Many misconstrue Sicknick's autopsy as proof the riot didn't cause his death. Autopsies can only show immediate causes of death, not the circumstances that led to it, which is left for other investigations to determine with an autopsy as one piece of evidence. Officer Sicknick died of strokes that were mostly likely the after affects of being involved in the riot, taking blows and massive amounts of bear spray, along with the stress that likely triggered a latent condition that led to the stroke. Does anyone actually believe he would have suffered two strokes the day after if January 6th went off as the otherwise peaceful ceremonial event it was supposed to be?

Also, the woman that was trampled, Rosanne Boyland - had a long history of opioid/meth drug addiction issues and was in recovery pre-COVID, and then as a result lost regular access to the recovery programs she probably needed, which is when she became obsessed with Q and underwent a serious personality change, according to friends and family that were interviewed about her. Likely she already had damaged internal systems going into the riot due to her drug abuse, and I do believe her autopsy showed traces of methamphetamine in her system, which indicates she may have been using again or for the riot. And the video footage clearly shows her being trampled/crushed in the surge of the mob and falling to the stairs underfoot. I have no idea where this meme about her being beaten by police is coming from. The video footage does not support it. It's a sad story, actually, about Ms. Boyland, and perhaps further evidence that the COVID protocols created some unintended consequences for those in her situation, and of how easily these online conspiracy theories gained adherents during the prolonged shutdowns and isolation. But her death is 100% attributed to her presence in the riot, and in the heaviest crush of it.

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There is no basis for any of your claims regarding the basilar artery occlusion the police officer suffered.

There is video evidence of Boyland being beaten by a police officer over and over again with a baton while she’s lying motionless.

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Officer Sicknick died of a stroke. The coroner reported there was no evidence of violence.

The coroner report stated that Borland died of a drug overdose.

Propaganda is very, very dangerous. People believe it, and don’t go back to find out the facts.

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The coroner was right about sicknick and wrong about Boyland. https://youtu.be/i1qAClhvbWg Starts At 9:30

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Again, the coroner could only report on the immediate cause of death, not of circumstances surrounding it. It is pretty unbelievable that absent the events of Jan 6 2021 that Officer Sicknick would have died of two strokes shortly after. His family doesn't buy that either - I'll side with the family here as to their probable better understanding of Sicknick's health history prior to Jan 6th.

Borland may have been in the throes of an overdose that caused her to stumble in the crowd, however there is still video evidence of her falling and the crowd overwhelming her, let alone again the stress of the event if she was high at the time (and on her already damaged system from a history of drug abuse) that may have exacerbated her bodily response. Her presence at the riot was certainly a mitigating factor (let alone if it was a factor in her meth usage that day to "amp up" for). That said, thank you for at least agreeing she didn't die by a "police beating" as is being repeated elsewhere in this thread.

I should also probably mention the two immediate post Jan 6 suicides of two Capitol Police officers - again, seemingly precipitated by the events that day, what is the otherwise suicide rate of Capitol Police officers in a timeframe without a major riot at the Capitol? Or how about the hundreds of others severely injured that were absolutely the result of the injuries sustained in the riot, Officer Fanone being the most public case of.

Sorry but the niggling about the deaths and injuries that occurred in the riot and the aftermath are the propaganda to minimize Jan 6th. It was not a "peaceful" event by any means. Without Donald Trump's instigations of the riot and his lies about the "Stolen Election", and the riot itself, it is almost certain that Sicknick would be alive today, along with Boyland (who at least may not have OD'd THAT DAY in a press of a mob which also probably delayed a proper medical response to her condition), the two suicides would not have occurred, and of course Ashley Babbitt wouldn't have died so needlessly either since she wouldn't have been in a position of trying to force herself through a barricaded position against a "stay back or shoot" warning, all in a foolish and misguided attempt to "defend" the now NFC Card Dealing former twice Impeached POTUS.

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You have no evidence to support any of your claims. There is no connection between pepper spray even of the bear variety and strokes.

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Speculation about those events doesn’t matter. A coroner’s report does matter.

Here is a speculation about this thread : that other commenter has possibly conflated the death by drug overdose of Borland, with the severe beating by police of Victoria White, who was hospitalized but did not die.

Ashli Babbitt was filmed being escorted into the hall by three police officers; those officers stood aside and watched her climb through a window. They made no attempt to restrain her.

She was never confronted even though she was unarmed, but was shot by an officer who was operating from cover and concealment. There is no indication from her movements that she saw or heard that officer. The film is extant.

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I mean you *can* choose to discount the wild improbability of an otherwise supposedly healthy Capitol Police officer suffering strokes in the immediate aftermath of being a participant in a large riot, along with the suicides of two other officers also in the immediate aftermath... but really? Again, what is the "normal" death/suicide rate of Capitol Police officers without a riot? Keep in mind for the most part, this job is a pretty much civil function of performing "TSA" like bag check security and pointing visitors to locations, it's not expected to be a "combat" or defensive policing position on a normal day to day, although they obviously have the training for the "what if" scenario, the expectations and normal experience of the job had probably shocked the hell out of many those police who never anticipated to be in such a situation one way or the other, in a way that is much different than say, being a beat cop in a high crime area. I have no doubt that the stress and shock and trauma caused the result death of Sicknick and the suicides involved. It is fair they be considered here.

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You can’t discount all of that because there is no connection between Pepper Spray and strokes

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There is no doubt there were some Capitol Police officers present who were either complicit/supported the actions, or who were following "normal protocols" given the Capitol is a public space open to visitors and even small crowds of *non-violent protestors* and therefore allowed in "early rioters" ahead of the mob based on (before the mob turned violent), of which Babbitt was a part of the "early arrivals" upon her initial entrance, who may not have been aware of the intent and size of the resultant mob (if the Capitol was otherwise closed to the public that day then I have to lean on complicit, and punishable, as there would be no protocol or excuse to allow in any members of the public in that case). I have not heard or been privy to investigation about the behaviors of "enabling" Capitol Police and what their rationale was for the initial "escorting in" of the first wave of the rioters, and would like to hear more about those actions.

By the time Babbitt was shot, however, there was absolutely a mob and riot happening, and she was in the forefront of the group trying to force a breach through the barricade into the inner chambers in which the VP was less than 100 feet away at the time she was shot. Now you're "speculating" about what she saw and heard, but everyone watching the tape did see and hear the "stop or shoot" or orders and the gun. The other rioters that helped lift her to the top to breach the top windows of the door are probably equally a complicit in her death.

Point being, Babbitt's death was tragic and unnecessary, but 100% the result of her "activation" and intent to be a violent protestor and her apparent voluntary decisions to place herself in that situation, given everything we know about her social media history leading up to the Jan 6 riot. She was there to "storm the Capitol" as was being broadly encouraged across right wing social media channels as the culmination of Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally that we know she followed and was an active participant in. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes is the lesson to be learned here, and Donald Trump is probably the worst cause on the planet to "martyr" oneself over, and I'm pretty sure if Babbitt survived the event she might agree at this point.

It's unfortunate that she, like Boyland, became subsumed by Trump's lies and propaganda, let alone their also evident consuming of "Q-Anon" conspiracies, likely aided and abetted by turbulent personal histories compounded (like a lot of people) by the COVID shutdowns that seemed to create an incubation environment for these conspiracies and fevers to spread.

Victoria White had also placed herself in a riot situation, but here again, video evidence of her in custody and being escorted out of the Capitol does not support the claims of the severe beating she is claiming.

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You mean mobs like happened pretty much every day from the left. But if you shoot anyone in those situations you’re not treated like a hero or hidden like this moron was. Shooting an unarmed lady. Without a single word of warning first.

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All those obvious, basic questions that have simple, direct answers.

After a year-long investigation by a congressional committee dedicated to discovery, the answers remain unknown, since these obvious, basic questions were not asked.

There is video of all those earlier interactions with police but that committee did not view it.

The public and a large percentage of Congress talked about these obvious, basic questions - over and over and over - and wondered why those questions and answers and that video footage was not part of the testimony. The committee was asked and said it wasn’t important.

“Everyone who viewed” the Babbitt video did not come to the same conclusion that certain popular news outlets did.

The Victoria White video has been available for nearly two years now. Since you remained in ignorance about the deaths of Borland and Sickland until now, we can’t expect you to have looked for it.

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Ah, Victoria White. The rioter "beaten within an inch of her life" according to Tucker Carlson. The rioter "struck 35 times by police batons" according to Newsmax. The rioter who, according to her attorney, “was pushed into the Tunnel. She was then BRUTALLY BEATEN by OFFICER WHITE SHIRT. Dozens of baton blows. A defenseless woman, she is PULVERIZED for wearing a TRUMP Hat . . ."

. . . and who, minutes later, walked unassisted to the police car, the grotesque injuries from that sadistic police beating consisting of, um, one red mark on her forehead. But it was really really red!

Vicky must be a Terminator to have withstood the truncheons of the jackbooted agents of the state. Or, she's a lying MAGA grifter hustling for bucks in a manner that would please her god-king.


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I can get that same propaganda from any news outlet.

It has precisely the same value on here as it does over there: none at all.

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Propaganda. I see. So, how did you decide the local newspaper's account was propaganda?

Did you personally interview Victoria White, track down and interview every cop and rioter in that tunnel, depose her attorney and state investigators, examine the crime scene, read the police statements, watch all the video, read the charging documents, and hire forensic analysts to backstop your conclusions?

No? Then you are relying on media accounts just like the rest of us. You simply chose the "propaganda" that fit your preselected narrative.

Quit posing. You don't care about facts. If you did, you'd know better than to write "severe beating by police of Victoria White, who was hospitalized but did not die." That didn't happen except in the minds of MAGA bois.

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Thanks for these details, Smarticat. Sicknick's death was a direct result of his injuries, and Boyland was trampled to death. (See EDIT below.) I don't know why anybody denies that. It's all sad as hell---as infuriating. This insurrection and riot would have died aborning had police and National Guard been there in the same numbers as the Black Lives Matter rally just months earlier.

EDIT: To be crystal clear, Boyland was trampled, but my saying "trampled to death" overstates the matter slightly. Her death came from acute drug poisoning. So she was trampled by the mob while she was dying from drug poisoning in the middle of a riot.

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Exactly. If BLM amassed in even a fraction of the numbers of the Jan 6 riot crowd there would have been armed National Guard present in pretty much the entire Federal district of DC. They never would never have even gotten to the steps.

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Sicknick died of a stroke. The coroner reported there was no evidence of violence.

Borland died of a drug overdose.

How many federal agents were in the crowd that day? You don’t know.

Were they inciting the crowd? You don’t know that either.

Relying on the nytimes led you into being incorrect about your entire line here.

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So we shouldn't "speculate" on what Babbitt saw and heard about a "stop or shoot" warning, but we *should* speculate about unconfirmed "federal agents" that may or may not have been inciting the crowd?

A few things on this point: for one, the term "federal agent" WRT to Ray Epps. He was an *informant*, not an employed FBI agent. The FBI gains a lot of informants into "insurgent" groups, which historically included neo-Nazis/white nationalists as well as black insurgents (The Black Panthers) and likely "antifa" types, as do metro policing units for gangs and drug dealing, usually by busting individuals on a crime and gaining "agreements" for informing on the group's activities in exchange for non/low prosecution. This is known. Agree or disagree with these tactics, but that's pretty much what Ray Epps was, along with, I guess, Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys, among others. These informants were used to gather intel about the group's activities, the argument they were used to "incite" actions is not at all provable.

And doesn't mitigate culpability among the rest of the participants. Just because someone screams "riot", and maybe? they're an informant, doesn't provide a legal, or moral, "out" for those who followed the command/suggestion. Let alone, let's be honest here: the talk about "storming the capitol" was promoted across vast swaths of right wing social media, militia groups, activists, and otherwise. The "activated" crowd that arrived to do damage did so on their own intent, consent and culpability and before the actual riot happened (they planned it), not because they were "tricked" into it by a lone voice or two in the crowd, it had been gathering for the month or so leading up to the rally in the wake of Trump's lies and propaganda.

Also, what gain did the FBI make in inciting a riot, if it was so anti-Trump? The entire goal of the riot was to halt the proceedings of the Electoral Certification, if you recall, so if the "deep state FBI" wanted to ensure the certification, they could have just let the proceedings alone. There was never going to be enough votes to decertify even if it turned into a long slog of performative "outrage" that ultimately would have resulted in Biden's certification regardless, and Mike Pence was never going to refuse the certification on an un-Constitutional ground he did not have to do so. Why would the FBI have "sponsored" a riot - in which still over 100 Republicans still voted against certification *after the riot* - in which the outcome was already pre-determined? Just to make Trump supporters "look bad"?? That's a big reach given the normal science of mobs and riots: you quickly lose control of the mob, let's "speculate" that if Babbitt wasn't shot (which DID temporarily halt the mob), that the mob would have crashed through the doors before they evacuated the inner chambers, including the VP, and shit would have really hit the fan. Do you really think the FBI would have gambled on those odds, of a understaffed and underprepared Capitol Police presence being capable of staving off the mob with the entire Congress and VP at stake, just to put a stain on Trump and his supporters, and to serve out a bunch of low stakes charges for the bulk of the mob?

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Epps was an informant and an instigator that should have been arrested. It’s not speculation but self evident that this “insurrection” was a set up.

Epps ignored. Trump telling people to be peaceful and protest yet this exculpatory evidence is ignored. The refusing of National guard. Removing barricades and letting people through.

If a black man was arrested for trespassing and then we found video evidence of a cop waving him into the area he was trespassing on there would be left-wing riots.

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Since the committee dedicated to investigating the event didn’t bother with those questions, speculation is all that remains.

Speculating about cause of death of those individuals is entirely different and uncalled for. We know what the cause of death was, because the coroner’s reports are available.

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"byproducts of being inside that violent crowd" Show us the proof. I do not think you can.

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Of course I can.


Where do you suggest she and Sicknick received their brutal injuries if not from directly inside that riot?

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Check out Rudy Giuliani’s YouTube channel. He describes Boylan’s death and all the other things that you’re getting wrong regarding the so-called insurrection.

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The New York Times? The fucking, lying NEW YORK TIMES??? You got anything better than that lying rag. Like an outlet known for truth?

Seriously, you embarrass yourself with a cite like that. Read the fuckin' autopsy, you idiot.

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"Idiot?" Go fuck yourself.

After you're done with the post-fuck cigarette, point out exactly where the Times made a mistake in its analysis of the video proof of what happened to her during the riot. The analysis shows she fell to the ground in the middle of the melee. Rioters trampled her. She shouted she couldn't breathe. Two rioters dragged her to safety and tried to resuscitate her. She died.

There is no question she was trampled by rioters. There is no question she died of acute drug poisoning. (Don't fret, douche canoe, I had already read your story links. New York Times and Washington Post, I note. Didn't you just shit a brick that I cited the Times? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're that stupid.) That she died of drug poisoning does not mean she wasn't trampled by the mob---they occurred simultaneously. I said she was one of five deaths from the riot, and I was correct.

While we're at it, the claim that "police beat her." It didn't happen. Newsweek debunked it, and before you bark again, Newsweek hasn't been a liberal news outlet in years.

Long story short, she was in the middle of the January 6 riot when the acute drug poisoning hit her, she hit the ground, rioters trampled her, and efforts to save her failed. "Cops beat her!" did not happen.


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I love the fact checking articles. They’re long and tedious giving information that’s unnecessary because they don’t want people to actually read them. They also know that liberals don’t read articles anyway. All they do is read the headlines. What in this article gives any evidence just proving that she was bludgeoned to death by a cop? Unfortunately you’re going to have to read it. Do so and get back to me.

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The New York Times literally reported that the cop was killed by protesters for days using a fire extinguisher. This is literally my best story exposing the New York Times as a dishonest arm of the DNC. But I have dozens more too.

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Shane, I must give you a heart alone for the "post-fuck cigarette" comment lol.. ; P

And well said -video don't lie. Boyland apparently started OD'ing "mid mob", fell, got trampled, and pulled out by a few, but too late. And Victoria White was escorted out on her own two feet with a scratch on her forehead, a pretty good physical appearance for supposedly being "punched 35 times" and beaten with tranchons...

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Thanks, Smarticat. I don't know why pro-riot people make up such easily disproved "facts." Nothing I wrote was based on "propaganda," the videos speak for themselves.

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Of course, but the "raison d'etre" is a bit clear: to minimize Jan 6, Trump's culpability, and Trump supporters's culpability.

Recall initially the response was that this was an "Antifa staged riot" which quickly fell apart thanks to the numerous personal accounts posted by the actual Trump supporters that participated in the riot filming their adventures and taking credit for (and hotly resisting suggestions it wasn't them!), as well as their vast and broad social media history of being Trump supporters for a long time prior, making this an "antifa staged rally" something that credits "antifa" groups with a lot more chops than I would have ever conceived in creating these "deep plants".... Now it's "FBI agents", well maybe there were a few *informants* in the crowd (not FBI employees, but captive informants on the movements of the group), which doesn't exculpate, at all, the movements that built up steam over the month leading up to Jan 6 across many right wing channels and groups and individuals following...

Yeah, it's just a big avoidance tactic. According to the "moderate middle" (lol) here at Common Sense, ahem excuse me, The Free Press, the Right never does wrong, and when it does, it's entirely excused.

Anyway, still loved the comeback there ; P and given the rest of the thread, the rest of the factual smackdown that followed :D

Cheers and Happy Holidays to you in the meantime :)

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Likewise to year on the cheer and holidays, my friend. Very nice discussing this issue with you.

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And you still didn't answer the question: if their injuries didn't come from inside the riot--which is what I said--where DID they receive them? On Uranus?

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No, no, Shane boy, I ASK the questions. You answer. You haven't because you can't. pparently from the fentanyl your butt boy Biden is letting across the border. How stupid can Shane Gericke really be???

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I can be as stupid as the next guy.

But I will always be smarter than you.

Speaking of which, where is the link to her autopsy that you promised?

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Here ya go, douche nozzle. You really are a loser when you don't follow directions and don't read the autopsy - AS I DIRECTED.


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Ain't no autopsy results in this link, Trumpstain. The methball up your ass must be clouding your judgement. Try again.

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Gonna ask for the third time, and quit dodging the question: If she and cop didn't get their injuries from being inside the whirling mob, where did they get them?

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"As I directed?" I'm not your child, Ace. You don't "direct" me to do anything.

And why are you linking to a filthy lib rag like CNN??? The fucking, lying, CNN??? You got anything better than that lying rag? Like an outlet known for truth?

Did I capture your essence correctly?

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Hey, Biden Butt Boy, read the report linked therein. You really are a child. You are also my bitch.

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I gotta admire your ability to bang your dick on a table to prove yours is larger.

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Wrong. No one was trampled. A woman was beaten by cops. If you think cops dying by suicide later or of a stroke later, then you are wrong.

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"No one was trampled." Video analysis proves you wrong. She was trampled by the mob, to the point she couldn't breathe. A pair of rioters noticed and dragged her to safety, but it was too late . . . she died.

As for Officer Sicknick dying from a pair of strokes, how would your body handle the brutality of beatings, trampling, kicks, and deep inhalations of bear spray? Yours might survive. His gave out. Did he die on January 6? No, he died on January 7 after collapsing the night of the 6th. Was he murdered on January 6? You bet your ass he was, the same way someone shot during a robbery becomes a murder victim if they die even a month later.


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The DC coroner’s finding was that Roseanne Borland died of a drug overdose.

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False. A woman was beaten by cops while she was lying motionless and eventually died. https://youtu.be/i1qAClhvbWg Starts At 9:30.

Her friend was trying to save her and was kept from doing so by the cops.

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Yes, she did. As she was being trampled by the mob because she had fallen to the ground. Both things can be true at the same time, and are.

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The mob was the police in the form of a baton. https://youtu.be/i1qAClhvbWg Starts At 9:30

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I said nothing about trampling.

You are using a flagrantly false nytimes article to support the idea that Sicknick was murdered. Apparently you still believe that, even when the facts have long been proven otherwise.

In the face of such an intransigence to truth or even inquiry, there is no point conversing.

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Why are you so wedded to the strange notion that those strokes came out of nowhere? Officer Sicknick was brutalized by a chemical weapon banned for use on humans. He took the dose in face and lungs while fighting off a furious mob of rioters. The strokes came just hours later. Cause and effect? You bet your ass.

Of course Sicknick was murdered. Feds will never prove it, but the connection is clear to anyone who isn't a partisan. A rioter shot a load of bear spray directly into Sicknick's face, and he breathed it deep. Bear spray is dangerous to humans, being three times the strength of human-grade pepper spray and meant only to stop charging bears.

The video you dismiss shows Sicknick coughing and wretching from the assault, even after the riot was over. When asked if he was all right, he said he was fine, because that's what cops do---unless there's arterial bleeding, they dismiss even serious injuries as, "I'm fine, no worries."

But just a few hours later, still on January 6, he collapsed. Shortly after midnight on the 7th, he died. The official cause of death was a pair of strokes--"natural causes"--so murder charges were not brought against the rioter who sprayed him. But that rioter killed him deader than Raid, and unfortunately, he won't do a day in jail for his crime.

As for Roseann Borland:

"I said nothing about trampling."

No, you didn't. I'm the one who brought it trampling. Why didn't you? Borland was trampled by the mob, and the video I linked proves it. Are you claiming she wasn't trampled? Go find the video on any news medium you trust, it's not exclusive to the Times.

I didn't say Borland was murdered by the mob, because she wasn't. She was killed in the middle of the riot, which is accurate. Borland's drug overdose hit while she was rioting. She fell to the ground and was trampled by fellow rioters. They didn't stomp her on purpose--she fell, people were scrambling chaotically as they fought, she was underfoot--but she was trampled nonetheless.

Two rioters heard her cry that she couldn't breathe, and dragged her to safety. By the time medics arrived she was dead. She was killed by acute drug poisoning while being trampled, and yes, both can happen at once.

You can present whatever narrative you see fit, but don't confuse it with the truth.

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So now you’re making up medical conditions. He died of a basilar artery occlusion. There is no association with pepper spray or any other chemical spray. If you can provide some evidence regarding this go ahead.

You also have no evidence that he was sprayed directly in the face by anyone. Could’ve been sprayed by another cop for all you know.

There is no evidence to support anything you’re claiming about Boyland.

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While I do not disagree these two women were murdered by police, there was also a Capitol Police officer who died after being hospitalized that day, and possibly others..

The authors use the word “resulted in five deaths.”

This is not a ‘bald faced mistake,’ as you put it. A death counts as a death even if it not of a member of your preferred group.

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Don’t fall for this garbage. It absolutely is misleading. Because they know people will just assume they mean that the people were directly killed as a result of these events. Someone dying of a stroke the day after an event should not be mentioned in the story. Neither should anyone who died in a car accident the day after the event. They are trying to inflate their numbers.

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Preferred group?

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Autopsy showed your statement was a lie. That is why they are done. Consolation to all the other suicides and natural causes the Beltway claims were killed by Trump.

Sadly, Bari bought it all hook, line and sinker.

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It is a mistake and it’s misleading. I’m only aware of two deaths, the woman shot by Capitol police and the Capitol policeman who was attacked, but died of a stroke days later.

If Substack can’t take the time to decipher the facts before reporting, then we have no hope.

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A woman was beaten by cops while she was lying motionless and eventually died. https://youtu.be/i1qAClhvbWg Starts At 9:30

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So, the 1,000,000 Covid deaths are a result of me pumping gas into my car as both occurred in the same time frame?

Not aware of a woman “beaten to death by the cops”.

The woman who was shot is tragic but she was warned and continued to climb thru the window.

The other 4 were deaths due to medical conditions.

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Warned by who?

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The truth is that the cop who died later was found not to have died as a result of anything that happened at the Capitol. No doubt several hundred other Americans in the vicinity of Washington DC die that day. To conflate the cop's death - much as the MSM did that very evening - is to prove Bari's point.

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This from Wikipedia

Five people died either shortly before, during, or following the event: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes.[22][30] Many people were injured, including 138 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack killed themselves within seven months.

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Were the officers who opened doors to let in protestors held responsible for anything?

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If they weren't, they sure as hell should be arrested and charged now. Opening the doors of the building to rioters was criminal, in my opinion.

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Why do you think they aren’t? Don’t hurt yourself

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Wikipedia? Why not just use mother goose.

You cannot say that someone who died of something the next day or the next week was the result of Jan 6. That’s like saying I ate cornflakes on Monday and died of a car accident on Tuesday. One has nothing to do with the other.

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Hey, Unwoke in Idaho

Rather than relying on my fading capacity to remember things and being too lazy to seek out reliable sources (do they even exist anymore) and then write a comment, I quoted Wikipedia which related close to what I remember.

MSM still tends to include officer Sicknick who died from two strokes he suffered the day after. He was not, as widely reported at first, bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. The only death that resulted from the riot was the shooting of Ashli Babbitt. And I am very surprised the Bari would insinuate there were more.

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Dec 16, 2022
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This makes me wonder how you characterize the left's behavior in the aftermath of George Floyd's death. The burning down of a police station, for example, or the killing of David Dorn. Really curious.

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Dec 19, 2022
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You do adhere to an ideology. You’re just too stupid to realize it.

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Dec 19, 2022
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Why is this making you fall asleep? What is your basis for claiming that it's making u sleepy are you bored?

I am Intellectual Trumpster and I can refute every stupid thing that leftists say.

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Alternate facts with something that Kellyanne Conway used and her wording did not mean to imply that they were alternate fax. It’s just an extemporaneous statement that should have been passed over but the left can’t let things go because they have no arguments.

So much so that you’re still using it years later. Hilarious.

The riot was caused by the FBI and the police who were involved in creating this riot. And you can validate this simply by watching video people standing when flash grenades were thrown in the middle. Why do you only see the violence midstream? They never show who starts it. Not to mention antifa plants to where they’re acting as if they were Trump supporters. And Trump supporters are yelling at cops to stop them. Pulling Antifa away from windows.

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Dec 18, 2022
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I bet you drive around alone in your car with a mask on. Here, have another booster.

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Dec 19, 2022
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BAHAHAHA. Here, have another booster. And a double mask.

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Mindless liberals can’t argue evidence so they smear stupidly by calling us anti-vaccine. That is so stupid. What if you’re pushing a vaccine that kills people. this premise means that every vaccine tested should be accepted or else your antivaccine.

One is not anti-vaccine because they're against a specific vaccine which is harmful. That’s pro-medicine. Pushing a vaccine that kills people is anti-medicine.

Are you anti-medicine if you’re against thalidomide? Thalidomide was used for vomiting in pregnant women. Are you pro vomiting if you’re against thalidomide?

Vaccines usually take 7 to 10 years to be approved by the FDA. Vaccines which Don’t involve mRNA technology. yet this new technology was rushed through and not even adequately tested. I know because I read the study. I know you Haven’t. How do I know? Well you’re a liberal. Liberals don’t read. I’ve interacted with thousands online. They never know anything.

Just like you can’t talk to me about details regarding the evidence used to support vaccines against Covid. Have you read the Pfizer study which led to the approval of their vaccine? Of course not. If you have let me know so we can discuss it.

Do you know that the vaccine was tested I’m mostly young people without medical problems. Only 5% were over the age of 70? This in spite of the fact that most of the deaths are in the elderly. No pregnant women were tested. No children. Yep they’re pushing the vaccine to pregnant women. A demographics that in the past they have been over backwards since the lid of mine to prevent side effects in.

I’m not gonna give you any more information because I know you wouldn’t be able to integrate it. But if you are able to I will give you more. Now start reading.

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What is the QAnon virus and what evidence do you have for this claim? This just makes you a spreader of mindless groupthink. Fauci has no cure for anything. Are you aware that he lied about masks and admitted it?

I can make this claim about you. The difference however is that I would have evidence. For example you’re using QAnon smear. You know nothing about this or any evidence on which its supposedly based. there is none.

Also your lack of being able to address anything I said. I will not ignore anything you say. I will refute every thing you say.

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Dec 18, 2022Edited
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You’re the fool and I can refute every stupid thing you believe.

I know nothing about QAnon. Nothing I believe is informed by QAnon. But let me educate you on this topic. It doesn’t matter. Moronic left-wing journalists are trying to smear conservatives by accusing them of following a conspiracy theorist. They can’t grasp the concepts of proof and evidence and ideas.

Here’s my approach regarding qanon whenever a moronic liberal brings it up. (By the way they’re all moronic.There’s almost no idea that the left-wing believes that I cannot refute.)

Who cares if people follow QAnon.? What matters is are the ideas true or false? What is the evidence for the things that they believe? Who cares if they follow a crazy person if what they believe is true?

But the left doesn’t care about evidence or truth which is why they smear people with these kinds of tactics.

Accusations of Racism, Conspiracy theories, Misinformation and many more. All smears but no substance. Because discussing evidence takes time and they are incapable. And so are you.

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They count J6 deaths the same way they count covid deaths. If you had it, have it or know someone who had it, you are a covid death.

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Thank you for this clarification.

To lump Ashli Babbitt's shooting death by the Capitol Police Officer in with the others [as the author did] is a lie. The author says Trump was licked off Twitter on Jan 8, 2020. Typo...right?? Should be 2021.

The real issue here is the involvement of the FBI and others in Government. As a private company...those morons at Twitter can do whatever stupid thing they like. As Musk said, they turned into a non-profit propaganda piece for the Left. They did not care about a profit. They violated the 1st Amendment [The Government that is...]

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Private companies are not bound by the first amendment. However, they cannot commit fraud with impunity. That appears to be the violation of law. The damage caused by that fraud is a second real issue.

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When government engages private parties to quell the free speech rights of people, it's more than fraud. It's a criminal first amendment violation. The FBI, DHS, and NCI all engaged in this behavior, as reported by Matt Taibbi as part of this series of articles. The "progressive" MSM is poo-pooing all this because they are part of this system and just as guilty so are trying to keep the spotlight off them, which is rank cowardice and what I expect them to do. They are criticizing Musk for only including independent journalists in the data dump, but they have proven repeatedly that they are not trustworthy so why would he include them? I also expect that there will be hearings in the House but obfiscation in the Senate, and it will be ignored by the DOJ, so correcting this injustice will probably go nowhere in the legal system.

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