Jo, it's real. I can attest. We believers are a flawed lot and each very undeserving of the gospel message. It's a free gift but we're called by Christ to seek and to knock. We have to be willing. Expect a very personalized and emotional answer if you are sincere. I hope you consider it. It's beyond worth it. Best.
Jo, it's real. I can attest. We believers are a flawed lot and each very undeserving of the gospel message. It's a free gift but we're called by Christ to seek and to knock. We have to be willing. Expect a very personalized and emotional answer if you are sincere. I hope you consider it. It's beyond worth it. Best.
Jo, it's real. I can attest. We believers are a flawed lot and each very undeserving of the gospel message. It's a free gift but we're called by Christ to seek and to knock. We have to be willing. Expect a very personalized and emotional answer if you are sincere. I hope you consider it. It's beyond worth it. Best.
I appreciate your response but I just can't feel it. I'm ok with my atheism though.