
I'm struggling with how this is an unbiased view? This seems remarkably benign coverage given the stance of many of the MFL headlines. While there is a nod in this article to the Nazi quote and the "fringe elements" it reads like a ringing endorsement for some frustrated conservative moms. I find this coverage disingenuous and very concerning. There is an effort on the far right to soften the image of the extremist man with a soft cookie-baking mom. Where is the journalism questioning that possibility in this group?

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Moms are a important push back against progressive/teacher union control of government schools but they are fighting a micro battle on specific issues against the education "industry" that has huge financial and political resources to resist. They, and all parent education groups need a macro strategy that defunds the industry. They should push legislature to enact parent funding choice measures that give parents control of their tax dollars to spend on their education choices for their kids be that private, public or home schooled. Generous, unrestricted parent choice vouchers, ESA, etc. give parents control of. local schools offering the education they prefer while market forces eventually cause poor performing (however defined) schools to atrophy as student move elsewhere .

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I just saw a meme: "Just heard Moms for Liberty called "Assholes with Casseroles" and I'm still laughing." Don't shoot the messenger, please.

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This may be the most asinine paragraph I've ever read on TFP. Since when can you not quote Hitler? The context is obvious and the point well made. It seems every piece leans over backwards to try to find fault with the conservative viewpoint.

"Just last week, an Indiana Moms for Liberty chapter put a Hitler quote in its newsletter and the story went national. The quote—“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”—was intended to warn parents what happens when a regime targets its children for indoctrination. But when critics are calling you ultra-right wing Christofascists, it’s probably unwise to invoke Hitler in any context."

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Absurd. Why does one need to quote Hitler? Everyone knows that Hitler evokes unpleasantness. Do we not have enough other luminaries to quote? Are Hitler's quotes so special? It does not matter how anyone perceives the intention of a Hitler quote. It's just dumb to quote Hitler.

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Good article. And by the way: gender (a/k/a "sex") is not "assigned" at birth -- it's OBSERVED at birth.

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Thanks for letting me have the last word! All you've really done is repeat what I say back to me, while ,revealing nothing about your views. So it's none of my business. Fine, but that's not really a discussion. You seem to have learned the art of deflection. I'm not telling you what to love or hate. I've told you I hate Trump. And I have reasons for that. You've yet to tell me anything. You support Mom's for Liberty. All I've said is that I know some of them and they are all very white and/or very wealthy. Is there a reason I can't point out what I actually experience in life? Does reality even matter to MAGA anymore or is it all cos play?

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I might be confused?

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I don't know what you are replying to because substack sucks.

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Fair article. Keep making the mainstream media redundant

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He is fat. He never drank. Ever. Personally I don't trust a man who never takes a drink, unless it's for health reasons. Ok. Maybe it is schadenfreude. I see it as watching him finally pay for 50 years of graft, abuse and lies. He was the PT Barnum of real estate. Basically a NY joke. I used feel to bad we infected half the country with his insanity. Since you guys went all in and never looked back? Never really cared about the bullshit he has pulled on hard working people. The women he's abused, the corners he cut, the bills never paid. Now his "supporters" are covering his legal bills. In NY we call those people suckers. He does too. There's no honor there. No points of view. A Christian??? That's the weirdest one of all.

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You said I might be confused

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I'm going right from reading this article to donating to Mom's For Liberty. Thank you!

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"Obviously, schools do not choose between teaching reading and gender ideology"

This line is a great example of the bias in this piece. First, it's an assumption stated as fact without any evidence. Second it can't be true given that time is limited and new time spent on gender ideology to any extent is time not spent on subjects previously covered. We obviously know these things are being introduced bc we have ample evidence of it from all over the country. Third, the rapidly falling proficiency scores in math for example across the country would seem to indicate that this trade off is indeed happening.

This is just one obvious example of bias but the author also cherry picks some bad apples or specific examples to try and paint the entire movement in a bad light while not at all taking seriously the core issues this movement is addressing.

I'm very close to cancelling my subscription to TFP. it's starting to feel like this was created to take advantage of the public's desire for independent journalism but is really just the same liberal BS dressed up as objective journalism. The people don't want your bias. We want objective reporting.

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This is just another wedge issue, same as the anti-gay marriage movement GWB used to get elected in 2004, and will likely fade away over the next decade or so. Admittedly both the woke crowd and the LGBT movement can go too far, but it’s mostly harmless. Meanwhile children are being slaughtered in their classrooms by firearms that are often purchased legally by other children, women have been stripped of their medical rights by a religiously fanatical Supreme Court, tens of millions of republicans believe that everybody in America is lying except one Donald J. Trump, the House majority and a good portion of the Senate are shameless sycophants who have made lying and lunacy public policy and, just as an afterthought, climate change is destroying the planet for our children and grandchildren-yes, even the ones who attend public schools-yet none of which is even mentioned by MFL. Good looking out, moms.

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You really need to get away from Berkeley more and meet normal people in middle America. You have overdosed on the liberal koolaid.

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Oh really? The liberal kool aid, as opposed to the cultish inebriation of the MAGA crowd? The anti-abortion pro death penalty armed to the teeth extra ammunition in my bible climate-change and election results denying mawkish evangelicals baa baa baa-ing at trump’s bogus bone spurs? That’s who you are comparing me to? And have you any substance to your argument, or is it based solely on insults and geography?

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Res ipsa loquitur.

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Wow. Latin. And here I thought you couldn’t possibly become more irrelevant.

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Hey. I looked it up, and it gets worse. It’s a cliche in Latin. Man, you really got this critical/creative writing thing down, don’t you? Just oodles of ethos ooozing out your ears.

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The Left is upset that their magic talisman words are no longer working. I’ve stated on more than one occasion that if noticing that some colleges are accepting whites at half their proportion of the population and accepting other groups at much higher rates with dramatically lower academic qualifications is “racist”, well ok I guess I’m a racist. Don’t give a crap anymore. Most are intellectually lazy and rely on the same incantations over and over to win an argument. It’s like a cargo cult…nothing but rituals.

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A few years ago, three dissident academics rewrote a chapter of Mein Kampf, replacing ‘Jew’ with “Men’. Predictably, academic feminists loved it. Indeed, the fake paper (part of the Sokal Squared hoax) was accepted for publication by “Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work”. See and

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I haven’t read all the comments, so this may be repetitive. Haven’t they been designated as a terrorist group by the HRC and the SPLC? Or maybe just a White supremacist hate group. Whichever one is worse. How long is that list getting anyway? Have these groups supplanted all of the foreign terrorist groups at this point? Knocked them off the list entirely even?

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Would someone please write a giant cheque to establish an ed school (or a system of them) that doesn't teach Freire and other ideological nonsense, teaches evidence-based reading instruction, classroom management, etc? The country needs an alternative pipeline for teachers. Where do the classical schools get their teachers? Are they trained in house?

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In Catholic schools, you can teach if you have a Masters degree in your area of expertise, e.g., Master in English Literature can teach English, Masters in mathematics teach math, etc.

The results speak for themselves and are reflected in the NAEP test results recently posted in which Catholic school students suffered no decline through Covid.

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I don't believe a single word of all the negative comments made about Moms for Liberty. I've seen this all before: A conservative group forms and becomes fantastically effective in politics and suddenly the left and all their media outlets labels the group as though they were going to bring about the end of civilization. We're seeing the same thing in the news now with the media hype about the Supreme Court. When things don't go the way the Democrats want them to, they start smear and lying campaigns that go on for many months. That lack of integrity is why I will die rather than vote for a Democratic candidate.

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