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Biden goes from being everywhere at once to total exhaustion. Don't believe the COVID cover story. 10 days of back-to-back events put 100 days of wear on Biden. And he has no wear to spare.

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Wow! The bot farm is going ape shit on this one.

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He has Covid. He's going to speak tomorrow. Why are you floating these politically slanted innuendos? And why are you justifying people who float politically slanted innuendos?

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This is stupid. Who cares?

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He has Covid and isolating!!

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Does anyone have thoughts on Netanyahu visit? Why is MSM not discussing? Is it for security reasons. I thought they were threatening massive protest.

There are days that I wonder are most of these struggles even real?

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We will know what's going on as soon as we hear the words, "Madame President."

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Giving this discussion a clean, close, comfortable shave with Occam's Razor, he could just be recovering from COVID. He's 80+ years old, after all.

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Couldn't they - you know - just TELL us?

And if it was just a matter of being sick, surely the Party leaders could have waited a few days for him to recuperate enough to make a live statement.

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"You would think a Democratic Party facing accusations of an elite subversion of the primary process would want maximum transparency right now. "

The Democrat Party is now basically a Marxist, totalitarian party that no longer believes in democratic (small d) norms. This is true of almost all of its activists and an increasing portion of the party rank-and-file.

They do not care about the "democratic process"; they care about gaining absolute power and crushing/eliminating all dissent.

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This is a headline in search of a story. TFP - just a little reminder: when there’s nothing to report on, don’t.

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I am old enough to remember LBJ announcing he would not run in 1968.

Compare and contrast a national address with a typewritten statement, with a questionable signature, from a President that was invisible for a week.

That is typical of the contempt the far-leftists who run the government have for us. They feel we have no right to know about the state of the person leading the nation.

It has the eery feel of how the Soviet media dealt with the string of Party First Secretaries who died in a short stretch in the 1980s.

I half expected the networks to play requiems and dirges in advance of announcing Biden's death, as Soviet radio and television used to do.

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I think you should relax. Maybe senile Joe is tied up somewhere in the basement of a pizza parlor dealing with child trafficking. The guy was invisible for a week - well so was Donald when he got Covid. So what? And Joe has trouble speaking to begin with. What exactly are you looking for?

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The President.

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With AI are we sure he "called"? A photo of him with Harris at that meeting would have been a very good photo-op. The lab was once a "conspiracy" as well as the laptop. LOL! Am I real?

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Re your last sentence, you most certainly are..

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I think the Republicans are coming up with conspiracies again because they are jealous that they could not come up with a way to easily get rid of their orange authoritarian albatross.

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I think you need to stop listening to NPR and reading the NY Times.

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lol! I don’t consume either of those! Not my flavor of Koolaide! This is my opinion. Everyone has one!

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He is aliiiiiivvve!!!

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I'm assuming you're a doctor? It's called old again, and it happens to everyone, all of us and it will happen to you as well. It's called life.

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The same people who matter-of-factly declare that Trump surely staged his own assassination attempt are calling it a crazy conspiracy theory that Biden is dead or dying.

But while many aspects of the assassination theory are impossible, there is no evidence against the Biden theory. Moreover, what has happened since Biden was last seen is pretty much what you'd expect the administration to do if a medical crisis occurred. Finally, any denials and criticisms of the theory are coming from the same people who've spent years telling us that Biden is mentally competent. They may not appreciate that they've devastated their own credibility, but they have.

EDIT: Biden has been seen again, just a bit ago. That doesn't change the reasoning above, though.

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Former NYT reporter Chris Hedges: “Democratic Party voters are stage props in this political farce.”

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Chris Hedges is projecting.

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Hedges has shown from his writing about the Middle East that he is an anti-Semite who wants to see Israel destroyed.

Even though he's a leftist, he had occasionally said some things that I don't dismiss out of hand.

There seem be a bunch of hard leftists who actually have gotten some things right - as Glenn Greenwald did over the Patriot Act - but when it comes to Israel they (Hedges, Greenwald, Blumenthal, Mate, etc. take total leave of their senses.)

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People with dementia don't know they have it. If you suggest they do, they can become defiant and angry. Biden didn't think anything was wrong with him. Joe Biden didn't choose to exist the party, I believe he was threatened. Jill would never willingly give up power. There's a cover up happening now. If he's not well enough to continue him campaign for president, one that he fought for an earned (sort of),he's not well enough to be president now, otherwise how is this legal? How is it part of the democratic process to shove a candidate out who allegedly can't win against his opponent after he earned votes and delegates, and replace him with someone who maybe can? I think he may step down tonight. Kamala will be our cackling queen. The democrats only goal is to beat Trump. They have no vision for the American people. Their authoritarian policies will continue.

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