
I enjoyed this piece. The Free Press shouldn't be one-note. There's room for stories about culture and entrepreneurship here and I, for one, don't want any subject to be off-limits. The individuals in Noah's story seem to work pretty hard and I applaud them for their success. They're earning their ways, even if their methods are unconventional. There's room in the journalistic tent for many different types of stories, including features. Anything that takes me outside my bubble is welcome. In fact, lighter fare is particularly pleasant when there is so much dark news surrounding us.

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Great writing in the best sense of an informative piece. I, who am not a writer of any kind, appreciate all the detailed facts and interviews where we hear their words and see their pictures. And now I can evaluate all the presented facts in trying to think about what it says about our culture and what I think about it. Mr Rinsky doesn't present his view as far as I can tell, but lets the reader run with it. Thank you and I look forward to more of his pieces.

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This is an industry that would collapse if more consumers were more like me, but they aren't and it takes all types and I'm glad to live in a world wealthy enough to support this kind of career. It's still super odd to me though.

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Loved this story! My pup has her own Instagram with 1400 followers. It’s lots of fun following her special pawfriends - none of whom are stars, but all create light hearted content. We have “won’t Look Wednesdays”, “Sunny Sundays” (the pups in sunglasses); “Throw back Thursdays”; etc. No one’s making money but we are all having fun!

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But I’m not comparing.

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*Example: the cost of hip surgery for a Border Collie exceeds $40,000; a low-income dog owner may opt for euthanasia if pain has significantly decreased their animal’s quality of life." 40K. can anyone afford that? no matter what you "social status " is what causes this.

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*Example: the cost of hip surgery for a Border Collie exceeds $40,000; a low-income dog owner may opt for euthanasia if pain has significantly decreased their animal’s quality of life." 40 K. that is because of insurance.. and the comment about 14 million animal a tear killed. nope..

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Bari - The comment section is pure gold. And I enjoyed the article - thanks!

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I have 2 kids (in a month will be 3 kids). Married. No pets.

I'm a physician & I see patients of all ages/incomes/races, etc. A pattern I see specifically among white urban secular college-degree (sometimes unemployed!!) American-born young adults: they get a pet who they spoil excessively, treat it like a child, love it to death, spend a lot of money on rent +pet. Eventually get married & have kids--albeit at an older age (30's) which makes having kids less fun/more tiring/more difficult since you are older. At this point, they regret the pet & complain about the pet to me, throughout the whole visit. "I wish I didn't have it, I wish it would die already, it's too expensive, it's a waste of my time, it's so annoying doctor".

I do not see this pattern in BIPOC, immigrants, blue collar or non-college degree (who are often so much smarter at life & have their s*** together!), religiously observant of any religion, rural, anyone who is part of a strong community, or any POC.

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This is interesting.

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Is this article really worthy of The Free Press? It reads like something that should be in a weekly flyer advertising local homes for sale.

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I can say from my experience as a psychologist that there are young people who have been so brainwashed in college that they really think that the world is coming to an end very soon, due to climate change, evil Republicans, or some other catastrophe. They take all of the doom and gloom talk from their professors and fellow students very seriously and they think that they are living in a racist, sexist hellscape. They wouldn't dream of bringing children into such a horrible situation. The desire for children is redirected and thus we have the phenomenon of the "furbaby." Now, I am sharing this anecdote while disclosing that I have a German Shepherd, and I love him madly. I also like watching cute animal videos.

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Just watched the video and I had to sigh and say, "Wow, we are getting dumber". People really want this kind of entertainment? It makes their lives better? I have a dog. I love her and it is hard work but I would question my sanity if she was my full time job and I was posting videos of her trying to find her legs.....At least South Park is make believe and pushes you to think past culture and political norms and dictates.....that is true entertainment

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A sure sign of the extreme decay and decline of "Western civilization". Pathetic, that this is reality today.

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At least these animals are real. Whole generations of us grew up hooked on Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Garfield, Tweety, Wile E. Coyote, Scoobie Doo, Yogi Bear and Woody Woodpecker.

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May we all live in a dog's house, as we do for love anyway.

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Sorry Free Press, I am not here to read stories about inane people doing inane things with their dogs - especially when they’re making money at it by making videos being seen by other inane people.

Be serious and don’t follow society’s path down the vapid rabbit hole. Please.

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