Mr.Murray should calm down. Mr. Gonzalez posted photographs of two men who by any objective standard are visually repulsive. It has nothing to do.with their ethnicity or religion. I am a typical Irish-Italian-German American "mongrel" (as described by Hitler) whose father and uncles kicked Hitler's and Tojo's collective asses. I know a…
Mr.Murray should calm down. Mr. Gonzalez posted photographs of two men who by any objective standard are visually repulsive. It has nothing to do.with their ethnicity or religion. I am a typical Irish-Italian-German American "mongrel" (as described by Hitler) whose father and uncles kicked Hitler's and Tojo's collective asses. I know a lot of visually repulsive Irishmen, Italians and Germans. The most prominent among Italians would be the brothers Cuomo. It has nothing to do with their ethnicity or religion. That are just ugly as sin. Get a life, Douglas. I grant you write excellent books, but take some Valium to help you calm down.
Mr.Murray should calm down. Mr. Gonzalez posted photographs of two men who by any objective standard are visually repulsive. It has nothing to do.with their ethnicity or religion. I am a typical Irish-Italian-German American "mongrel" (as described by Hitler) whose father and uncles kicked Hitler's and Tojo's collective asses. I know a lot of visually repulsive Irishmen, Italians and Germans. The most prominent among Italians would be the brothers Cuomo. It has nothing to do with their ethnicity or religion. That are just ugly as sin. Get a life, Douglas. I grant you write excellent books, but take some Valium to help you calm down.