
I am a retired physician and had a conversation with a young medical student, who told me that Trans People needed doctors to help them transition into the type of body they would feel most comfortable to inhabit. So her view of them was as though they were a real class of such people who would be improved by transitioning them into a body less feminine or masculine in appearance.

Having met a few of these patients, I found that they were mentally unwell and that they preferred to believe that they had a "physical" ailment rather than a mental one. My medical student had never met a young teenage girl who weighed less than 90 lbs., who believed she was "fat". My idol as a young man was the famous Karen Carpenter, who died of anorexia nervosa. Can you imagine if the AMA recommended to these girls that they should all be affirmed in their belief that they were fat?

Our medical bureaucracies were corrupted by an ideology that permitted the atrocities committed by physicians excited about the prospect of "treating" these newfound patients with medications and/or surgery once they felt that they had a green light given to them by the APA and the AAP. It deeply frightened me that an obviously bright young medical student could believe this nonsense that thousands of patients would suddenly come to the conclusion that they were in the wrong type of body. It was apparent to me, that it was no longer cool to be a Gay or Lesbian person; you had to be Trans. That is much better, because it means that your sexual attraction for your own biological sex can be blamed not upon your mind, but on your incorrect body type instead. In this way, you remain heterosexual and quasi-normal, and are just a victim of some kind of error in your embryonic development. This could almost be believable, except the ideologues took it too far and started to say that one's sexual identity was controlled by one's mind and had nothing to do with a person's body.

The Trans activist movement was doomed by the post-modernist ideology and the increasing number of such people taking advantage of access to private female spaces, access to their sports teams, and the growing number of young women with regrets about damage done to their bodies as they ceased having the delusion that they were men and wanted to again become realigned with a self image and identity congruent with every nucleated cell in their body.

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Stunning that it has taken so long for this information to suface and that so much effort had to be expended. I would that is the next avenue of investigation: why did so many latch onto a single un-reproduced study so tenaciously for so long? Its hard to avoid the suspicions of an agenda driven person or groups whether for politics or profit.

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It is remarkable that Barnes' book has not been reviewed in any major US publications. I hope this interview spurs thoughtful reviews.

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As someone who read the edited interview and listened to the full podcast episode, PLEASE listen to the podcast! It has more information than the edited interview. Not sure why this wasn’t simply published as a transcript…

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Politicizing medicine is the problem. While the left may have too enthusiastically embraced gender change as a solution for many adolescents, the right, by using it to divide the electorate, has caused an entrenchment that was unnecessary and is preventing good science from correcting itself. Look at the pandemic when the idiot in charge of the US at the time overruled the scientists again and again causing untold additional deaths from covid.

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"to close Britain and Wales’ only treatment center for children with gender dysphoria: the Gender and Identity Development Service (GIDS) at Tavistock" . My understanding is that this is the truth but not the whole truth. When the Tavistock closes they will open ?8 regional centres instead. So instead of 1 'evil' national centre we will have lots of smaller ones!

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The Dutch Protocols are an abomination imported by Dr. Spack at Boston Children's Hospital. They have, at best, flimsy support. The notion that puberty-blockers are a pause is a complete farce. The prior clinical approach was, "watch and wait" where a large majority of cases resolved themselves by late teens or early twenties. After the "affirming" care policy implemented by Spack the number of self-resolved cases became statistically insignificant. Further, until very recently the typical case was a boy with persistent dysphoria starting at a very early age. Starting around five to ten years ago those claiming gender dysphoria were nearly exclusively girls who first reported symptoms well into puberty.

It is no secret that this is a result of social contagion. But people have been shamed into supporting, or at least not criticizing, affirmative care. It has become deeply political and another example of trashing social norms through coercive means in schools, businesses, the military, government, etc.

Don't get me started on pronouns. Ok, just one comment, who the #$&* do they think they are that people should be obligated to use their self-selected, fantastical and/or clearly, objectively, and wrongly gendered pronouns? Words have meaning. They become useless when meaning is hollowed out.

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Megyn Kelly finally said what everyone was thinking. Stop hurting our kids for your stupid politics

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I predict I huge reckoning concerning the victims of this madness, comperable to the one we saw when finally the massive institutionalized child abuse committed by the Catholic Church became visible to the wider public. It will take some time but the day will come that enough victims go public to get justice so it can't be kept under the carpet anymore. Ask in the vatican how it felt when all of a sudden a critical tipping point was reached and the veil of silence was torn. We will see a similar thing coming towards the gender ideologists.

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LovingMother - I like where you stand. Thoughtful and intellectual discussions allowing for viewpoint diversity are now crushed for political expediency and power. Example: I follow and support “Reality’s Last Stand” (sub stack) because I do believe in his cause: two sexes - demonstrable fact. I also have great compassion for those with true gender dysphoria. Science - as I studied it as been hijacked by politics and accompanying authoritarian silencing of dissent. As a pharmacist, now retired, who worked in the Pharma industry - I have seen medical dogma come and go, wrong ideas embraced that wreaked havoc : witness the opiate problem - yes one pharma company went wildly unethical - but the medical establishment (WHO & others) supported the concept of “pain as the fifth vital sign”. Ugh. Likewise I understand the off label use of “puberty blockers” scientifically BUT the lack of caution in launching into treatment is breathtakingly bad - and flies in the face of the concept of do no harm - or at the very least go slow. Appalling. Greed is working both sides of the street promoting medical and surgical interventions way too quickly when common sense psychological treatment and counseling is a reasonable and fair start. Sigh. My sense is that USA will smarten up (like Europe) and put the brakes on this entire sorry episode of rushing into gender “compassionate care”. This one is worse than the opiate crisis. In order to understand the other sides’ argument (Imagine that?), last year I read Amia Scrinivasan’s book entitled The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century 2021. Startling stuff (because I am an “older” guy). I was most shocked by the expectation of transgendered women who were demanding that lesbians have sex with them. The concept of TERF and “cotton ceiling” were new to me, and still completely outrageous. Crazy. Last thought - I draw solace from the Milgram Experiments of the 1960s - which sounds odd - but my thinking is: at least 60-70% of the population will accept and defer to authority figures (experts). About 30% of us resist and disobey. Keep resisting LM!

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Bari - I listened to your interview with Hannah Barnes and am almost finished with her book. Please continue to explore youth transgender care. See Chris Rufo’s latest piece on the wealthy activists funding clinics, sex education. Write about the Pritzkers, Lurie Children’s hospital and new IL Education Law to teach kids gender is a choice and break down cis normativity.

Also, I read somewhere that puberty blockers in boys made it much harder to do bottom surgery due - this is different than what Hannah said

Love your podcasts!

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A very important investigative report. Will there be any coordination between this article, this information and the February article about Jamie Reed as Whistleblower at the Washington University transgender clinic?

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I was getting through this podcast to get some information. Until Bari opened her big mouth and started taking about trans bigotry as the reason for banning mutilation in children. I couldn’t tolerate anymore after that but still I was almost done.

It just showed me that I am correct in being furious at the left, the LGBTQIA’s activists and people like Bari that try to be so cool and nice.

Wake up lady ! They are banning the gateway drug that is hurting a ton of kids and their families !!!!

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Yes, Tavistock gave drugs to children without proper trials and knowledge of long term effects - EXACTLY what “they” (whoever they is in your country) did to all of us and our children with untested and unknown Covid vaccines 😞, HOWEVER, Dr. Fozzie Bear know in 2019 that his GoF lab produced this virus !

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Thanks for this. The discussion on these therapies has been a bit hyperbolic - inherently it seems to me that the prudent path would be to use caution but the technology and some ideologues seem to want us to go ahead full steam - is this called Titanicing?

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Why is what Europe and England do suddenly relevant to conservatives in the U.S. yet when most other things Europe and England do (gun control, social programs, free health care, etc.) are mentioned they're quickly shot down with "This isn't Europe." Cherrypicking.

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Because they are now on the right side of this issue? This has to be one of the laziest, most childlike pieces of logic I have ever seen. In your estimation, a person, or a specific political persuasion, MUST either agree or disagree with everything “Europe” says or does. No nuance, no middle ground, no consideration for actual cultural differences between the US and Europe/England. Why is it so hard to fathom that disparate groups can, and should, find common ground on certain issues? Why attempt to ridicule it? You sound like those Republicans in the past who lampooned “flip flopping” by Democrats, as if changing one’s mind after assessing the facts, which can and do change, means one is a sell out. Finding common ground can be the beginning of compromise, which we as a culture are sorely lacking these days. As the author stated, this is NOT a political issue, but a healthcare issue. Congratulations on dragging it back into the political realm!

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