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Re: story #7: I’m extremely proud of my late brother’s legacy which is the work being done by MIT Dr. Hugh Herr and his co-author Dr. Carty at Brigham and Women in Boston. You see, in January of 1982, Hugh was just 17 and caught in a near deadly snow storm on Mt Washington with a climbing partner. My brother and some 20+ volunteers set out in search of the boys. My brother Albert Dow and his search partner were avalanched under the Lion’s Head. Albert was the first and to date only volunteer with the mountain rescue service to be killed on a mission. Hugh and Jeffrey were found the next days nearly frozen, they both suffered amputations, Hugh loosing both legs below his knees. We consider Hugh and Jeffrey who both do amazing work to be his legacy. I have the pleasure of knowing Hugh these days and watching his work unfold. Quite surprised to see this story appear in TFP, but the honor of seeing my brother’s unselfish dedication to mankind is still relevant 42 1/2 years later is truly amazing. Thank you.

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I'm a little tired of the Democrats and the media, conservative media included, calling out Donald Trump for lying and, at the same time, skimming past Biden's lies, the mainstream media's lies of omission and cable news pundits' lies about the President's cognitive condition. Now, after Mr. Biden put his frailties on display for 90 minutes, the press corp is shocked....shocked to "learn" exactly how bad it is.

At the debate, Mr. Biden claimed he inherited an economy in shambles - FALSE. He said interest rates were soaring during Trump's term - FALSE. He said Trump was Putin's pawn - FALSE. I could go on. And previous to the debate, he told numerous lies about his business discussions with his discredited son, Hunter Biden. He orchestrated the infamous letter from "51 intelligence experts" who said Hunter's laptop had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation. And to this day, Biden's FBI refuses to disclose its findings about that laptop. So the Deep State protects their guy through a second election.

So if you're going to brand Trump a liar, at least acknowledge his opponent is worse - far worse because he allowed himself to be used by his son to extort money from foreign governments. His worst transgression, however, is his refusal to acknowledge his inability to pursue his role as leader of the free world with the vigor it requires. Working between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm is not going to do it, Mr. President. The man who claims the high ground of a lifetime of public service will not willingly step aside for the good of the very people he claims to serve.

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Well done, Alex.

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Kamala Harris as president. There I’ve just made your worst nightmare come true. Can these people be serious about having her in charge?

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They will do ANYTHING to retain power. And with the MSN behind them 100%, they will probably get away with it.

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I don't get French voters. It seems they want the further Islamicization of their country. French women must want to be put in burkas.

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Communism is mental illness manifested in political ideology

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And I’m a former republican and just can’t agree about The Heritage Foundation. But it was nice talking to you.

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You leave out that Kevin R. Cannard is also a Mexican taco enthusiast , and that the Bidens have repeatedly expressed their desire for authentic Mexican tacos. So biased!

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Biden's story is NOT an age story, it's a physical and cognitive decline story. I have a friend in his 90's who can out-work people 25 years younger and is totally on the ball. Biden is not one of these people. He is obviously impaired. He's not too old for the job, he just isn't up to the level of cognitive and physical competence the job requires.

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Yes, Biden's cognitive problems began in his 50s.

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Jesus, at least be fair! Even the NYT had more context and less innuendo. The WhiteHouse docs treat other staff and military people assigned to the WH, not just the Biden's. According to other reports, the Parkinson doc tested and cleared Biden in his annual physical in February. I try to read enough stories to at least average out what might be true.

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Really don't care whether it is Parkinson or simply gross incompetence. That debate capping all the other cognitive problems we have seen for years now should tell you everything you need to know. We are in deep Kimchi.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 9

Those reports must be at least partly wrong, as there is no test for Parkinson's and no way to "clear" anyone absolutely. (I know this because my father and uncle had Parkinson's. My father's case was atypical and his diagnosis took years. ) Diagnosis is based on medical history, observation of clinical signs and neurological and physical exams.

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thanks for the correction, the article did not specify the neurological tests and I should not have said 'clear'- neurological disorders are hard to diagnose.

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I thought, at first, that the movie Kat Rosenfeld was referring to was “Weekend at Bernie’s”

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Based on the debate, everyone “knows” Biden has Parkinson’s and or dementia and is a doddering old fool. However, there seems to be a lack of pointing to actions or decisions that demonstrate how incompetent he is. In fact, he had a number of surprising wins that now go totally unmentioned. Democrats only seem to care if can campaign, not if he can govern. Those backing Trump have never cared about the ability to govern in a constructive manner, only his ability to disrupt.

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Correct that democrats in D.C. would elect a potato to keep their seat at the public trough, and they are proving that every day for a few years now.

I don't think you understand Trump or his voters.

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I hope you are right; And re-reading my statement,ent I think I was painting with too broad a brush by putting his backers al in one group.

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Yeah, a lot of us conservatives are stuck with Trump because the GOP has lined up behind him. And there is the Trump talk vs what he actually does. Trump governed quite reasonably during his first term given that both parties wanted to stick with the status quo of massive deficit spending via Omnibus bills. Trump even shut down the govt for 35 days trying to stop that. But in the end, he was attacked by both parties and the media for the shutdown, and he caved in.

I don't think any of Trump's supporters want him to disrupt, other than the status quo in D.C. They want him to stop with the never-ending expensive entitlements that Congress loves to hand out to buy votes, using borrowed money. They want the federal govt to get out of Education and a lot of other wasteful departments that produce very little but spend quite a lot. They want the social experiment going on (often called woke) to end permanently within the government. Get back strictly to merit and equal opportunity. That is my definition of "draining the swamp".

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I think we agree that the fiscal picture is a mess and I have not heard Trump articulate a means of addressing. I believe calls for another tax cut would exacerbate the problem. While limiting (but probably not reducing) revenues to the government would hinder progress, the real problem is that over the past 45 years, each of the major tax cuts (Reagan, G W Bush, and Trump) were accompanied by an increase in the growth rate of spending. The tax increase in Clinton’s first year was accompanied by a significant slowing in spending (which began before Newt’s becoming Speaker).. It is easy to call for more spending if voters don’t have to pay for it. Force them to pay, and voters then demand fiscal discipline. Voters feel no pain when the government borrows, but they get really irritated if they are forced to pay for the spending. Therefore, I have concluded that the only way we will get control over spending is to make voters pay through tax increases. That neither the left nor the right agrees gives me more confidence in this theory.

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Biden Runs to Morning Joe to Try to Clean Up Democratic Crisis, with Stu Burguiere and Dave Marcus


Jul 8, 2024

Megyn Kelly is joined by Stu Burguiere, host of "Stu Does America," and Dave Marcus, columnist for Daily Mail and Fox News, to discuss Biden doing a phone interview with his buddies at Morning Joe this morning, Joe Scarborough's changing framing of the issue with Biden and the Democrats, his sad and obvious cognitive decline, and more.

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This would be worse than a dementia scenario. If it’s Parkinson’s this is flat out political malfeasance. The awakened news media should be following this possibility.

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Kudos to Kat Rosenfield on her post about our Potemkin President. But it's a bit belated. The signs were there even before Biden announced his decision to run in 2020. And they were confirmed when he hid out in the bunker throughout his campaign, emerging just long enough to parrot -- in high dudgeon -- the "intelligence community" lie that his son's laptop was a Russian plant.

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Many of us have been saying Biden should not be president. He's not well. I have stopped reading stories about him at this point as all these reporters feign surprise over his health now.

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