
I have no idea where this article intended to go, and I’m relatively certain it didn’t get there. What was the point of it? It had nothing new to say.

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"they loved Russia"... repugs never so much as the Clintons who NYT reported took over 140 Million into their Foundation when our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed off with others on Russian purchase of Fusion 1.

The author, like So many still suffering from little Trumps running around inside their brains while a thousand Hunter Bidens run around stealing anything not nailed down.

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It's a good thing there are no real responsibilities in the Senate except...talking, which he can't. I think that is his highest qualification. Our government is a joke and this guy is the ultimate punch line. I just cannot believe the same people who gave us drooling Joey will give us this guy. What an idiotic sentence that just was. But he has a stylish and cool wife so he has THAT going for him. Eat it Pennsylvania...well done.

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How does Fetterman identify as an "anti-politician" when that's literally all he has done in his adult life? Gee. He has a hoodie. Golly, he acts like the kind of trucker that Hollywood shows on TV. But the reality is that he is a bald, ugly bearded and tattooed rich kid who has been trust-funded his entire life, and now that his brain is scrambled due to an unfortunate stroke, he's trying to play the "I'm just this guy" card. Yeah, no.

I mean, come on. Oz is clearly ridiculous and is no more representative of Pennsylvania than Fetterman is, but he, at least, has a brain that works and speech that actually exits the mouth in approximately the form he had hoped when uttering it. Honestly, Fetterman should have exited the race at the point when his stroke was identified, leaving the Democrats the option to choose someone else. But now they're stuck with him (remind you of anything?).

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Things have gone completely from platforms and ideas to 100% personality. This is not a good development. I'll take a boring policy wonk who has a lot of experience and the patience to understand how the wheels of government work over a charismatic smooth talker, but I'm definitely in the minority. Sounds like the people of PA don't have much of a choice.

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As mayor, did Fetterman actually ‘Do’ Anything? Is Braddock better? Is it engulfed by drugs and poverty or is it bouncing back? A great “backstory” might work if it weren’t just a Potemkin facade.

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It’s not about Biden or Trump; Fetterman is a progressive in a hoodie who is not medically qualified to be a senator. Oz is a terrible candidate who will probably lose to this clown. Step back and look at the state of politics in our great United States. I’m just sad it’s come to this.

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All of these candidates, sadly, are filled with what Burt Reynolds called in "Boogie Nights" - "doggie doo-doo." Sorry, but it's time to expect more from our leaders in this country.

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Great characterizations of the two candidates. And interesting spotlight on Gisele Fetterman. Yes, Trump made a candidate with Fetterman's rough edges viable, but then the whole political universe changed with Trump. He turned the Republican party into a cult of personality. He showed that personal corruption could win and hold an office that had for almost a century been held by men who, whatever their faults, were not guilty of using it for self-enrichment. He made it possible--indeed, obligatory--for tens of millions of his marks to deny, for the first time in living memory, that a presidential election held in the full glare of intense publicity had somehow been "stolen." The litany can go on. And on. The Democrats, ironically, are now the conservative party, the one that attempts, at least fitfully, to keep the old standards of personal probity and compromise in the public interest functioning. The Republicans have become the radical party--or not really a political party anymore but a militant religio-ethnic nationalist movement. Semi-fascist? Yeah, the shoe not only fits, they wear it proudly.

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Apparently you slept through the Clintons, Al Gore and the Obama's, if you think personal enrichment and claiming stolen elections is something invented by Trump.

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Methinks you are engulfed in the cult of personality. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

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"He showed that personal corruption could win and hold an office that had for almost a century been held by men who, whatever their faults, were not guilty of using it for self-enrichment."- Are you kidding?

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I prefer Oz. He at least demonstrates intelligence. Fetterman sounds like Lurch.

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Fetterman's record was already abysmal, and now he's stroked out.... Seriously?

This is a candidate??

And Bari is giving this moron bandwidth?

It is the end times.

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Interesting article. Federman, will not make anything better because at his core he’s a progressive. He thinks that government intervention can make peoples lives better. And that’s a complete fallacy it’s the absence of government that makes peoples lives better. If Federman, really understood The issues and what’s at stake he would be promising to get government programs taxes rules regulations legislation restrictions repealed and replaced with nothing. What Braddock needs is liberty not more government

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No doubt this has already been said, but Joe Biden owes Donald Trump his Presidency. For that matter, he also owes the 20 person line up of losers that were the other Dem party candidates.

Both major parties have digressed into generally terrible candidates. Fetterman v. Oz is Exhibit A.

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I live in PA and I'll never forgive Trump for foisting Oz on us. What a narcissistic idiot.

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"What a narcissistic idiot."

Trump or Oz? (or Both?)

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A shout out to Bari Weiss. As a hard core conservative, Thank You for listening to us. These days it feels like few people are willing to engage in thoughtful, logical discourse and take our legitimate concerns seriously. We aren't stupid people. We aren't spiteful people. We love our country and our communities and want the best for everybody, especially our children. We are alarmed and distressed at what appears to be the utter collapse of democracy and the core beliefs that we hold so dear. People like you, Bari, give us a tiny glimmer of hope that we may still have a future... and for that, Thank You.

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Ethnic cleansing (peaceful or otherwise) will solve all your "legitimate concerns" don't you think,

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That's one way to do it. However, I don't think your daydreams of ethnic cleansing will have the success you desire. Conservatives are a stubborn bunch of survivors and don't have much of a sense of humor in regards to wholesale genocide.

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No downside to ethnic cleansing. No skin of your potato anyway. Worth a try don't you think.

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Haloperidol should provide the relief that you are seeking. Best of luck.

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Take ownership of what you are Nazi bitch.

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Pretty deep comment. But, succinct.

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