Great characterizations of the two candidates. And interesting spotlight on Gisele Fetterman. Yes, Trump made a candidate with Fetterman's rough edges viable, but then the whole political universe changed with Trump. He turned the Republican party into a cult of personality. He showed that personal corruption could win and hold an of…
Great characterizations of the two candidates. And interesting spotlight on Gisele Fetterman. Yes, Trump made a candidate with Fetterman's rough edges viable, but then the whole political universe changed with Trump. He turned the Republican party into a cult of personality. He showed that personal corruption could win and hold an office that had for almost a century been held by men who, whatever their faults, were not guilty of using it for self-enrichment. He made it possible--indeed, obligatory--for tens of millions of his marks to deny, for the first time in living memory, that a presidential election held in the full glare of intense publicity had somehow been "stolen." The litany can go on. And on. The Democrats, ironically, are now the conservative party, the one that attempts, at least fitfully, to keep the old standards of personal probity and compromise in the public interest functioning. The Republicans have become the radical party--or not really a political party anymore but a militant religio-ethnic nationalist movement. Semi-fascist? Yeah, the shoe not only fits, they wear it proudly.
Apparently you slept through the Clintons, Al Gore and the Obama's, if you think personal enrichment and claiming stolen elections is something invented by Trump.
"He showed that personal corruption could win and hold an office that had for almost a century been held by men who, whatever their faults, were not guilty of using it for self-enrichment."- Are you kidding?
Great characterizations of the two candidates. And interesting spotlight on Gisele Fetterman. Yes, Trump made a candidate with Fetterman's rough edges viable, but then the whole political universe changed with Trump. He turned the Republican party into a cult of personality. He showed that personal corruption could win and hold an office that had for almost a century been held by men who, whatever their faults, were not guilty of using it for self-enrichment. He made it possible--indeed, obligatory--for tens of millions of his marks to deny, for the first time in living memory, that a presidential election held in the full glare of intense publicity had somehow been "stolen." The litany can go on. And on. The Democrats, ironically, are now the conservative party, the one that attempts, at least fitfully, to keep the old standards of personal probity and compromise in the public interest functioning. The Republicans have become the radical party--or not really a political party anymore but a militant religio-ethnic nationalist movement. Semi-fascist? Yeah, the shoe not only fits, they wear it proudly.
Apparently you slept through the Clintons, Al Gore and the Obama's, if you think personal enrichment and claiming stolen elections is something invented by Trump.
Methinks you are engulfed in the cult of personality. There is none so blind as he who will not see.
"He showed that personal corruption could win and hold an office that had for almost a century been held by men who, whatever their faults, were not guilty of using it for self-enrichment."- Are you kidding?