Thoughtful pieces, all. Unfortunately, I’m all raced out. I’m exhausted by the barrage of virtue and by the race industry that profits from keeping race at the center and I’ve stopped listening. Sorry, I already gave at the office.
We spend an awful lot of time talking about 13% of the population and here’s some math that nobody wants t…
Thoughtful pieces, all. Unfortunately, I’m all raced out. I’m exhausted by the barrage of virtue and by the race industry that profits from keeping race at the center and I’ve stopped listening. Sorry, I already gave at the office.
We spend an awful lot of time talking about 13% of the population and here’s some math that nobody wants to discuss. That same 13% commits 50%+ of the violent crime in the US, according to the DOJ. Violent crime is mostly men so we’re down to 6.5% and yet most are just like the rest of us, trying to making a living and take care of their families so now we’re down to say, 2%. So, 2% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime. And yet all i hear about is how the system makes this happen. It’s not the individual, it’s the amorphous system.
Most people just don’t care about race anymore. Do your job, take care of your family, live your life and it all works out. Yet at the center of all racial conflagration is one simple common thread - MONEY. Money for social programs and their consultants and money for reparations and loans and tax credits and scholarships and of course, shelter for the founders of BLM.
Putting #BLM on your Instagram doesn’t cut it. If you want to help, go figure out how to fix the 2%. Or go back to work or send your money wherever you want but stop telling me that race is at the heart of everything. It’s at the heart of an industry with an agenda that doesn’t care about the 2% or the 98%. They only care about getting paid.
Fabulous expression of views held by a large number of people who are intimidated not by the 2% your correctly identify, but by the media that spreads these distortions and the politicians who are too frightened to defy.
Thank you. The 2% don’t really care what you think but the race industry and their handmaidens in the media make sure that racism is the identified root cause of all inequity, injustice, insult or inconvenience in society that they might be enlisted to vanquish the scourge, for a price. That price pays their bills and keeps your public reputation or corporate brand intact.
The NBA and NFL get a pass on diversity but Colin Kaepernick is both a victim and a client of Teneo. Al Sharpton doesn’t fly commercial or apparently pay taxes but attack him at your own risk.
The burden of a generation of hard working black Americans who will always wonder - did they get the promotion because they earned it or because they are black? Can they succeed on their own or only with the subsidy of privilege? - will unravel what is left of the social fabric. Those doubts are sowed by the race baiters and shakedown artists in fancy suits and underwritten by well intentioned liberals looking to acquire cheap virtue.
The damage done is incalculable and the disregard for the consequences monstrous.
Agree with all - and I’d throw one more idea in the mix. It’ll never happen but worth pondering. Imagine a mandatory year of national service after graduating high school. Just 1 year in which Uncle Sam places you out of your element and in a bunk next to a kid from the opposite side of the tracks. A kid from Park Avenue next to a kid from Watts performing public service projects - couldn’t do any more harm than what we have now.
Well said. I remember warm feelings in 2007 when we elected Obama and thinking, "finally, we can move on and get to real equality as an unremarkable fact of life." Then Ferguson, et al., happened and my first instinct was that the race industry was scared to death of that prospect. And now, here we are.
It’s not racist. It’s rational based on your experience. The cost of breaking your stride is a lot less than the cost of being accosted, even probability weighted. It certainly presents a dilemma - would you do the same on Park Avenue and if the kids were dressed in Ralph Lauren? Probably not. Hunts Point in the Bronx? For sure. Context matters.
What really pisses me off is that while Sharpton, Waters, Jackson, Ben Crump etc. are out front hustling there is the mainstream media and the Biden Administration with their mouthpiece Psaki fostering and enabling the scam to go on.
There are a bunch of dumbass wokesters out there (most aren't Black) that have either drunk the cool aid or decided to go along to get along. These people are complicit in perpetuating the festering of social issues that perpetuate the already staggering decline of a big part of the Black community.
"If you want to help, go figure out how to fix the 2%."
I remember part of a talk by that "White Fragility" woman where she says that white people who respond with, "What can we do?" are ... something, something racist something something. She pulls the con-artist trick of telling them that asking that question makes them even worse than they were before.
And this is called anti-racism. Derailing people who are asking for concrete, measurable ways to improve things is anti-racist?
Con-artist is the right term. Follow the BLM money and you find a very fancy home. The left has been very smart about this - they flourish in the sleazy public sector and they know how to leverage hot-button issues in the media and social media to apply pressure, get attention and extort their ransom. The solution is ALWAYS to spend more public money somewhere so that they can siphon off their scrape.
City of Seattle "defunded" local PD by $33 mil. They started by using $3 mil to do a "research" on how to spend the money. To guarantee $2,000 a month to a family you would need $24,000 a year. $3 mil would guarantee that more than a thousand families would get $2,000 a month. There's more than a thousand POC families that would benefit from direct support. However, instead of helping those in need, the city spent $3 mil on paying the "researchers" for a PowerPoint presentation on the needs in the community. Their finding stated that beat use of the money taken from the PD is to fund a completely new city department that would entail at least a handful of positions that would be paid no less than $100,000 and would be given to - those who completed the research. This was all public and went down without any major objections.
Not to dispute your main point, but $3 million would only provide "more than a thousand families" with $2000 for about a month, not for a year or a decade or a lifetime. Maybe you meant that the whole $33 million could provide that amount for more than a thousand families for one year.
This is not to detract from your point that the main take-away from this exercise is more high paying jobs for people in the grievance industry, not actual improvement of conditions on the ground for most people of color.
Agreed, when possible. Being unkind just makes it even easier to deflect from challenging content onto tone, which is a mushy, subjective domain in which the advocates of the successor ideology love to fight and win their battles.
But beyond such tactical considerations, being kind helps us avoid becoming just as bad and self-righteous in our own way. And I know that many of my PC friends are decent, loving people, who have been seduced into thinking this kind of behavior will lead to a better world. They are not personally evil and their intentions are good.
But being kind does not mean being untruthful. It's more about not being "mean spirited", vindictive, imputing evil motives. As I said, not becoming what we see in some of the advocates. In the end, this will also be more effective.
That's right. Race-baiters advance their agenda using coercive techniques. They use people's kindness against them. Then they use brainwashing tactics to indoctrinate.
The 'race hustling industry' is doing phenomenally well. In addition to Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters flying around in their private jets, and BLM Founder buying her multiple multi-million dollar residences - literally THOUSANDS of 'diversity counselor' positions have been created in companies and institutions across the country to beat the bejesus out of us all into eternity. It is never enough. It will never be enough. One just has to turn off the noise.
Thoughtful pieces, all. Unfortunately, I’m all raced out. I’m exhausted by the barrage of virtue and by the race industry that profits from keeping race at the center and I’ve stopped listening. Sorry, I already gave at the office.
We spend an awful lot of time talking about 13% of the population and here’s some math that nobody wants to discuss. That same 13% commits 50%+ of the violent crime in the US, according to the DOJ. Violent crime is mostly men so we’re down to 6.5% and yet most are just like the rest of us, trying to making a living and take care of their families so now we’re down to say, 2%. So, 2% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime. And yet all i hear about is how the system makes this happen. It’s not the individual, it’s the amorphous system.
Most people just don’t care about race anymore. Do your job, take care of your family, live your life and it all works out. Yet at the center of all racial conflagration is one simple common thread - MONEY. Money for social programs and their consultants and money for reparations and loans and tax credits and scholarships and of course, shelter for the founders of BLM.
Putting #BLM on your Instagram doesn’t cut it. If you want to help, go figure out how to fix the 2%. Or go back to work or send your money wherever you want but stop telling me that race is at the heart of everything. It’s at the heart of an industry with an agenda that doesn’t care about the 2% or the 98%. They only care about getting paid.
Fabulous expression of views held by a large number of people who are intimidated not by the 2% your correctly identify, but by the media that spreads these distortions and the politicians who are too frightened to defy.
Thank you. The 2% don’t really care what you think but the race industry and their handmaidens in the media make sure that racism is the identified root cause of all inequity, injustice, insult or inconvenience in society that they might be enlisted to vanquish the scourge, for a price. That price pays their bills and keeps your public reputation or corporate brand intact.
The NBA and NFL get a pass on diversity but Colin Kaepernick is both a victim and a client of Teneo. Al Sharpton doesn’t fly commercial or apparently pay taxes but attack him at your own risk.
The burden of a generation of hard working black Americans who will always wonder - did they get the promotion because they earned it or because they are black? Can they succeed on their own or only with the subsidy of privilege? - will unravel what is left of the social fabric. Those doubts are sowed by the race baiters and shakedown artists in fancy suits and underwritten by well intentioned liberals looking to acquire cheap virtue.
The damage done is incalculable and the disregard for the consequences monstrous.
Couldn’t agree more. Glad you said it.
1) eliminate government policies that incentivize fatherless homes
2) declare an education state of emergency in inner cities, eliminate teachers unions, and allow reasonable discipline at public schools
3) allow for 6 month unpaid vo-tec internships for companies and individuals that are willing to participate
Agree with all - and I’d throw one more idea in the mix. It’ll never happen but worth pondering. Imagine a mandatory year of national service after graduating high school. Just 1 year in which Uncle Sam places you out of your element and in a bunk next to a kid from the opposite side of the tracks. A kid from Park Avenue next to a kid from Watts performing public service projects - couldn’t do any more harm than what we have now.
The only problem is I'm sure that program would get taken over, and it would be a year of woke indoctrination.
I agree much good could come of that...
Wow. You nailed it. How such a minority is able to command so much attention is astounding.
Well said. I remember warm feelings in 2007 when we elected Obama and thinking, "finally, we can move on and get to real equality as an unremarkable fact of life." Then Ferguson, et al., happened and my first instinct was that the race industry was scared to death of that prospect. And now, here we are.
Great commentary Skeptik.
I lived in Washington Heights for more than 15 years.
I'm white of Italian extraction.
If I saw four or five African-American male teen-agers walking in a group in my direction, I would cross the street.
If that made me a racist, then so be it.
It’s not racist. It’s rational based on your experience. The cost of breaking your stride is a lot less than the cost of being accosted, even probability weighted. It certainly presents a dilemma - would you do the same on Park Avenue and if the kids were dressed in Ralph Lauren? Probably not. Hunts Point in the Bronx? For sure. Context matters.
Great post. Shelby Steele makes many of these same points in this interview he did with Dinesh D'Souza a week or so ago.
What really pisses me off is that while Sharpton, Waters, Jackson, Ben Crump etc. are out front hustling there is the mainstream media and the Biden Administration with their mouthpiece Psaki fostering and enabling the scam to go on.
There are a bunch of dumbass wokesters out there (most aren't Black) that have either drunk the cool aid or decided to go along to get along. These people are complicit in perpetuating the festering of social issues that perpetuate the already staggering decline of a big part of the Black community.
"If you want to help, go figure out how to fix the 2%."
I remember part of a talk by that "White Fragility" woman where she says that white people who respond with, "What can we do?" are ... something, something racist something something. She pulls the con-artist trick of telling them that asking that question makes them even worse than they were before.
And this is called anti-racism. Derailing people who are asking for concrete, measurable ways to improve things is anti-racist?
Thats like: "If I have to explain you'll never get it". Or some variation of that nonsense.
Con-artist is the right term. Follow the BLM money and you find a very fancy home. The left has been very smart about this - they flourish in the sleazy public sector and they know how to leverage hot-button issues in the media and social media to apply pressure, get attention and extort their ransom. The solution is ALWAYS to spend more public money somewhere so that they can siphon off their scrape.
ALWAYS ask one question: Cui bono?
City of Seattle "defunded" local PD by $33 mil. They started by using $3 mil to do a "research" on how to spend the money. To guarantee $2,000 a month to a family you would need $24,000 a year. $3 mil would guarantee that more than a thousand families would get $2,000 a month. There's more than a thousand POC families that would benefit from direct support. However, instead of helping those in need, the city spent $3 mil on paying the "researchers" for a PowerPoint presentation on the needs in the community. Their finding stated that beat use of the money taken from the PD is to fund a completely new city department that would entail at least a handful of positions that would be paid no less than $100,000 and would be given to - those who completed the research. This was all public and went down without any major objections.
Not to dispute your main point, but $3 million would only provide "more than a thousand families" with $2000 for about a month, not for a year or a decade or a lifetime. Maybe you meant that the whole $33 million could provide that amount for more than a thousand families for one year.
This is not to detract from your point that the main take-away from this exercise is more high paying jobs for people in the grievance industry, not actual improvement of conditions on the ground for most people of color.
Agree completely. Done with it. Please feel free to call me a racist or any other name you can cook up. I don’t care.
We must be brave and speak the truth. Kindly.
No. We must be kind, and always speak the truth bravely.
Agreed, when possible. Being unkind just makes it even easier to deflect from challenging content onto tone, which is a mushy, subjective domain in which the advocates of the successor ideology love to fight and win their battles.
But beyond such tactical considerations, being kind helps us avoid becoming just as bad and self-righteous in our own way. And I know that many of my PC friends are decent, loving people, who have been seduced into thinking this kind of behavior will lead to a better world. They are not personally evil and their intentions are good.
But being kind does not mean being untruthful. It's more about not being "mean spirited", vindictive, imputing evil motives. As I said, not becoming what we see in some of the advocates. In the end, this will also be more effective.
That's right. Race-baiters advance their agenda using coercive techniques. They use people's kindness against them. Then they use brainwashing tactics to indoctrinate.
The Today Show isn’t going to run a clip of Al Sharpton getting into a Gulfstream.
The 'race hustling industry' is doing phenomenally well. In addition to Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters flying around in their private jets, and BLM Founder buying her multiple multi-million dollar residences - literally THOUSANDS of 'diversity counselor' positions have been created in companies and institutions across the country to beat the bejesus out of us all into eternity. It is never enough. It will never be enough. One just has to turn off the noise.