The NY Post broke the story and Fox ran with it for years - how was the story suppressed? By whom? The NYT downplayed it to a zero burger, I agree. But that is their right. Does Fox report every verbal transgression Trump will utter? Not really - as is their right.
Well, there is plenty of reporting out there of the FBI as having possession of HB’s laptop well before the NY Post broke the story in Oct ‘20. Then, additional reporting of FBI led ‘scenario gaming’ w/ various social media platforms (see Twitter files) earlier in Y2020 for those media outlets to be on lookout for ‘Russian disinformation’.
After NY Post story broke on 10/14/20, Blinken (the Sr. Advisor to Biden) organized the now infamous 51 former intel signed letter stating the laptop had “all the classic earmarks of Russia information operation… and if they were right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election”. That letter then published on 10/19/20 and the Lie pushed out by Politico/Natasha Bertrand:
We also now know that many social media and legacy media then piled on to this Politico story. NPR even went so far as to say they would not report on the story, w/ Managing Editor Terence Samuels stating they did not want to waste their readers and listeners time on stories that are pure distractions.
The point is WHEN it was suppressed. It was suppressed immediately in Oct ‘20 because it could have swayed an election outcome. So, maybe stop playing the fool, Lee? I respect your posts, but on this one I think it’s beneath you to look the other way.
You have a short memory. Hunter Biden’s laptop was buried by state media and even military apparatchiks.
the NYT and WaPo is state media? Pravda, in other words?
In the case of suppression of authenticity of HB’s laptop - YES. What rock are you still under not to see this, Lee?
The NY Post broke the story and Fox ran with it for years - how was the story suppressed? By whom? The NYT downplayed it to a zero burger, I agree. But that is their right. Does Fox report every verbal transgression Trump will utter? Not really - as is their right.
Well, there is plenty of reporting out there of the FBI as having possession of HB’s laptop well before the NY Post broke the story in Oct ‘20. Then, additional reporting of FBI led ‘scenario gaming’ w/ various social media platforms (see Twitter files) earlier in Y2020 for those media outlets to be on lookout for ‘Russian disinformation’.
After NY Post story broke on 10/14/20, Blinken (the Sr. Advisor to Biden) organized the now infamous 51 former intel signed letter stating the laptop had “all the classic earmarks of Russia information operation… and if they were right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election”. That letter then published on 10/19/20 and the Lie pushed out by Politico/Natasha Bertrand:
We also now know that many social media and legacy media then piled on to this Politico story. NPR even went so far as to say they would not report on the story, w/ Managing Editor Terence Samuels stating they did not want to waste their readers and listeners time on stories that are pure distractions.
The point is WHEN it was suppressed. It was suppressed immediately in Oct ‘20 because it could have swayed an election outcome. So, maybe stop playing the fool, Lee? I respect your posts, but on this one I think it’s beneath you to look the other way.