My Individual Subscription ends in a few days. Substack AI chat bot said there is a Group Subscription (because others in my household want to receive it to their emails too), but they cannot give me any information and it isn’t listed in the ‘Change’ Subscription drop down selection box. Does a Group Subscription exist? How do I start it?
I have been trying to log in with my email only ( for 3 days. I put the email address in, but I do NOT receive the sign in email from you. I even tried the new subscription option, and again, NO EMAIL. Finally, I found a way to log on with my password.
Someone named Danielle at the store did reply to an email, but that's the last I heard from her. PLEASE ADVISE.
Woke up around 4 am this morning, grabbed my iPad and opened my email to click the daily Free Press feed. It’s usually dropped by 3:00 am. Today it wasn’t there and still isn’t as of 5:30 am. So I typed into my browser. At first I thought I had typed because the webpage as The Free Press that showed up is a digital doppelgänger for This is one of the most blatant attempts to copy another brand’s website that I have ever seen. While I have always thought that Unherd’s look was better, and frankly, much of its content was better, I never expected you to just copy the look. If this was a book or a music track, it would be called plagiarism.
I think Ms. Weiss’s “when did you realize?” speech is the most important one I have heard in a year in which a lot of speeches have been given.
The rise, or continued existence, of anti-semitism in the United States bothers me profoundly. It’s not just that I have Jewish friends who don’t deserve this, it’s also that I have a very real appreciation for the serious shared contributions made by the Jewish community to the well-being and success of this country, with effect far beyond their numbers. We can’t lose that.
The follow-on question arising from Ms. Weiss’s speech is where we go to do something about this culturally and politically. I am a Christian, and Episcopalian, and I am looking for sound advice on an organization or organizations, religious or not, that are pushing back effectively against the anti-semitism movement we are so pathetically experiencing In multiple significant institutions.
So my request is for an article in The Free Press discussing the various organizations, with pros and cons, that may be actively confronting anti-semitism. I am not asking for a political statement, I am asking for journalism that will explore what is out there on this side of the subject.
That would be much appreciated, and I will be looking forward to following through. Thanks — Tom
I think we need to investigate the role of Russia, China and Iran in setting up fake news sites that tend to format unrest in the west. The type of activity we have seen in recent years, such as the heavy concentration on the plight of the Palestinians while ignoring the plight of the Ukrainians makes me suspicious that there is a lot of this going on.
Bari my TOP request is to PLEASE interview Moriel Bareli!!! Here is his facebook page for crowd funding to bring his book to English speakers. This guy's work is AMAZING. He held conversations with Arabic speakers over many years and revealed that Muslims have a belief system that identifies many of the people in the Torah who lived before Mohammad as actually being Muslim! Here is Caroline Glick's interview with him. Bari you said there would be a survey asking for suggestions of what we subscribers want to hear and I'm waiting for it as I listen practically nonstop to Israel and Jewish podcasts and have suggestions.
Longitudinally, much ignorance remains about the reasons for the descent into chaos during and after the Covid pandemic. How did trans rights and DEI suddenly became forces present in every school, office and hospital in the country? Where did all the ideologues come from and why had we not heard more about them before the pandemic? More importantly, who are they? Who are their leaders? What is their registered office address? How were CEO’s of private companies persuaded to admit these serpents into their C-suites? Why are people who carry out life-changing, non-critical surgery on teens not prosecuted in the way that sexual predators are prosecuted for molesting and disfiguring children? Why, when BLM was exposed as a financial scam, did black people cease to be the focal point of policy pressures and were supplanted by trans causes?
As well as documenting the present the FP could play a part in establishing a historical record of the outrages that we are all witnessing. A record that can be deciphered by all, not just DC journalists. Chris Rufo is doing a fine job of this on his own but this needs to be assembled in a curriculum that can be taught to all, yes, even those who don’t yet have a college degree.
I sent the below essay pitch to The Free Press and received the reply that it was “not a good fit for” TFP, a new media company that claims to be a fearless alternative to prevailing news and commentary sources. What would constitute a “good fit?” The essay is well written, civil in tone, and appropriately fitting to our present politics. It digs below the tedious left vs right arguments that dominate today’s debates. Would you please reconsider?
The essay I wish to submit to The Free Press argues that the United States has not been more divided since the 1850s. The divisive issue then and the refusal of people to question their beliefs did not differ all that much from what we face today.
Fundamentally our political problems are not political nor our social problems sociological and therefore not resolvable by political or social commentators. They are psychological and to a significant degree rooted in the immaturity of the human species.
The essay (1878 words) closes with a suggestion about how we might cope better with our political rancor. It has never been published.
I try hard in my writings to transcend the interminal wrangling between left and right and delve deeper into human nature.
I have several other abbreviated essays posted on Substack under the name Cassandro.
Personal biases are clearly revealed in a piece fromm written to deflect GOP causal factors of a campaign that failed to have an election plan for the potential/possible exit of Biden - all elections are dirty - read the history of the Adams/Jefferson presidential contests if you have doubts.
I looked for a long time to find an outlet that was not biased. I thought I found that in the Free Press. Now I am not so sure about the lack of bias. I am disappointed in many of the articles I have listened to and read.
I am interested in real news. I don't need to know the private lives of the journalists I am reading; that includes whether there are divorced or not, have children or not, are homosexual or heterosexual, whether they are Christian or Muslim or Jew, etc. I am looking for the most objective and unbiased news I can find. And finding that is very difficult.
I just listened to your interview with Sheryl Sandberg. You are making rape about what happened October 7th. There are still 30 men held prisoner at Guantanamo. Rape occurred over the past 22 years at that prison. Prostitutes were brought in and seduced the naked Muslim prisoners. This is rape during war time and no side is innocent of these crimes. The United States has historically supported several dictatorships and undermined democracy in different countries. Right after 911 innocent muslims were murdered and told to go back to Iraq. The U.S. has looked the other way throughout history. Migrants are told to go back to Mexico/South America. Blacks are still told to go back to Africa. These massive injustices are not relegated to any one population or religion. Native Americans still live on reservations.
During this interview you had lots to say about your personal beliefs as a Jewish woman. Toward the end of the interview Sheryl spoke about the innocent women in Gaza, honor killings, Palestinian women threaten by Hamas. She included women of all religions being held down or held back. She spoke about a 2 state solution and citizenship for non Jews in Israel. I watched as you sat silent with you arms folded around you stomach. You did not respond once to this. You were silent. Is this the way an unbiased journalist behaves?
The injustices are profound. After WWI, the atrocities committed on the post war Germans starved millions of innocent Germans. I think the United States' punishment of German's after WWI set up WWII. I look at the current political landscape and I wonder if we are going down a similar path.
I agree with Sheryl Sandberg, it is the polarization and division that is doing harm. An "us vs them" attitude will only leave us with winners and losers. We need more people searching for a "win/win" solution. Finding the middle way is not easy. I do hope the Free Press is up to the task.
Ms. Seeley drinks heavily from the far left Kool Aid - the problems of the world are because of western democracies! If the facts don't fit the narrative they didn't happen, etc.
My Individual Subscription ends in a few days. Substack AI chat bot said there is a Group Subscription (because others in my household want to receive it to their emails too), but they cannot give me any information and it isn’t listed in the ‘Change’ Subscription drop down selection box. Does a Group Subscription exist? How do I start it?
I have not received TFP in my inbox since Jan. 14th. 3 requests for action have been unanswered.
As long-time subscriber I need some help with email delivery. I'VE NOT BEEN RECEIVING YOUR ARTICLES FOR THE PAST TWO AND HALF WEEKS. PLEASE HELP
Ditto here!! My email delivery stopped on Jan. 14th. 3 contacts to TFP have not resulted in action.
Somebody should tell the Trump administration to stop federal grants to DEI universities.
I have been trying to log in with my email only ( for 3 days. I put the email address in, but I do NOT receive the sign in email from you. I even tried the new subscription option, and again, NO EMAIL. Finally, I found a way to log on with my password.
Someone named Danielle at the store did reply to an email, but that's the last I heard from her. PLEASE ADVISE.
I am a paid subscriber. Can my husband also receive the daily free press with my account?
Woke up around 4 am this morning, grabbed my iPad and opened my email to click the daily Free Press feed. It’s usually dropped by 3:00 am. Today it wasn’t there and still isn’t as of 5:30 am. So I typed into my browser. At first I thought I had typed because the webpage as The Free Press that showed up is a digital doppelgänger for This is one of the most blatant attempts to copy another brand’s website that I have ever seen. While I have always thought that Unherd’s look was better, and frankly, much of its content was better, I never expected you to just copy the look. If this was a book or a music track, it would be called plagiarism.
I think Ms. Weiss’s “when did you realize?” speech is the most important one I have heard in a year in which a lot of speeches have been given.
The rise, or continued existence, of anti-semitism in the United States bothers me profoundly. It’s not just that I have Jewish friends who don’t deserve this, it’s also that I have a very real appreciation for the serious shared contributions made by the Jewish community to the well-being and success of this country, with effect far beyond their numbers. We can’t lose that.
The follow-on question arising from Ms. Weiss’s speech is where we go to do something about this culturally and politically. I am a Christian, and Episcopalian, and I am looking for sound advice on an organization or organizations, religious or not, that are pushing back effectively against the anti-semitism movement we are so pathetically experiencing In multiple significant institutions.
So my request is for an article in The Free Press discussing the various organizations, with pros and cons, that may be actively confronting anti-semitism. I am not asking for a political statement, I am asking for journalism that will explore what is out there on this side of the subject.
That would be much appreciated, and I will be looking forward to following through. Thanks — Tom
I think we need to investigate the role of Russia, China and Iran in setting up fake news sites that tend to format unrest in the west. The type of activity we have seen in recent years, such as the heavy concentration on the plight of the Palestinians while ignoring the plight of the Ukrainians makes me suspicious that there is a lot of this going on.
How about a view on effective citizenry in the twentieth first century?
I would be interested to hear more about Israeli and US perspectives on the West Bank settlements and how those perspectives differ.
Bari my TOP request is to PLEASE interview Moriel Bareli!!! Here is his facebook page for crowd funding to bring his book to English speakers. This guy's work is AMAZING. He held conversations with Arabic speakers over many years and revealed that Muslims have a belief system that identifies many of the people in the Torah who lived before Mohammad as actually being Muslim! Here is Caroline Glick's interview with him. Bari you said there would be a survey asking for suggestions of what we subscribers want to hear and I'm waiting for it as I listen practically nonstop to Israel and Jewish podcasts and have suggestions.
Longitudinally, much ignorance remains about the reasons for the descent into chaos during and after the Covid pandemic. How did trans rights and DEI suddenly became forces present in every school, office and hospital in the country? Where did all the ideologues come from and why had we not heard more about them before the pandemic? More importantly, who are they? Who are their leaders? What is their registered office address? How were CEO’s of private companies persuaded to admit these serpents into their C-suites? Why are people who carry out life-changing, non-critical surgery on teens not prosecuted in the way that sexual predators are prosecuted for molesting and disfiguring children? Why, when BLM was exposed as a financial scam, did black people cease to be the focal point of policy pressures and were supplanted by trans causes?
As well as documenting the present the FP could play a part in establishing a historical record of the outrages that we are all witnessing. A record that can be deciphered by all, not just DC journalists. Chris Rufo is doing a fine job of this on his own but this needs to be assembled in a curriculum that can be taught to all, yes, even those who don’t yet have a college degree.
Dear Bari,
I sent the below essay pitch to The Free Press and received the reply that it was “not a good fit for” TFP, a new media company that claims to be a fearless alternative to prevailing news and commentary sources. What would constitute a “good fit?” The essay is well written, civil in tone, and appropriately fitting to our present politics. It digs below the tedious left vs right arguments that dominate today’s debates. Would you please reconsider?
The essay I wish to submit to The Free Press argues that the United States has not been more divided since the 1850s. The divisive issue then and the refusal of people to question their beliefs did not differ all that much from what we face today.
Fundamentally our political problems are not political nor our social problems sociological and therefore not resolvable by political or social commentators. They are psychological and to a significant degree rooted in the immaturity of the human species.
The essay (1878 words) closes with a suggestion about how we might cope better with our political rancor. It has never been published.
I try hard in my writings to transcend the interminal wrangling between left and right and delve deeper into human nature.
I have several other abbreviated essays posted on Substack under the name Cassandro.
Michael H. Davison
San Marcos, California
Personal biases are clearly revealed in a piece fromm written to deflect GOP causal factors of a campaign that failed to have an election plan for the potential/possible exit of Biden - all elections are dirty - read the history of the Adams/Jefferson presidential contests if you have doubts.
Dear Bari,
I looked for a long time to find an outlet that was not biased. I thought I found that in the Free Press. Now I am not so sure about the lack of bias. I am disappointed in many of the articles I have listened to and read.
I am interested in real news. I don't need to know the private lives of the journalists I am reading; that includes whether there are divorced or not, have children or not, are homosexual or heterosexual, whether they are Christian or Muslim or Jew, etc. I am looking for the most objective and unbiased news I can find. And finding that is very difficult.
I just listened to your interview with Sheryl Sandberg. You are making rape about what happened October 7th. There are still 30 men held prisoner at Guantanamo. Rape occurred over the past 22 years at that prison. Prostitutes were brought in and seduced the naked Muslim prisoners. This is rape during war time and no side is innocent of these crimes. The United States has historically supported several dictatorships and undermined democracy in different countries. Right after 911 innocent muslims were murdered and told to go back to Iraq. The U.S. has looked the other way throughout history. Migrants are told to go back to Mexico/South America. Blacks are still told to go back to Africa. These massive injustices are not relegated to any one population or religion. Native Americans still live on reservations.
During this interview you had lots to say about your personal beliefs as a Jewish woman. Toward the end of the interview Sheryl spoke about the innocent women in Gaza, honor killings, Palestinian women threaten by Hamas. She included women of all religions being held down or held back. She spoke about a 2 state solution and citizenship for non Jews in Israel. I watched as you sat silent with you arms folded around you stomach. You did not respond once to this. You were silent. Is this the way an unbiased journalist behaves?
The injustices are profound. After WWI, the atrocities committed on the post war Germans starved millions of innocent Germans. I think the United States' punishment of German's after WWI set up WWII. I look at the current political landscape and I wonder if we are going down a similar path.
I agree with Sheryl Sandberg, it is the polarization and division that is doing harm. An "us vs them" attitude will only leave us with winners and losers. We need more people searching for a "win/win" solution. Finding the middle way is not easy. I do hope the Free Press is up to the task.
Ms. Seeley drinks heavily from the far left Kool Aid - the problems of the world are because of western democracies! If the facts don't fit the narrative they didn't happen, etc.