Just the nails on the hand shown on one of the pictures was at least $100.

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Why did I feel visceral rage reading this. I felt true hate, powerful hate. I did not like this emotion.

Who are these people? They appear to represent something I loathe on the deepest of levels.

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I'm amused by the article and varying responses. I like the title. If I may be silly about all this, I'll add, I'm not sure one can find God in a bikini, but I once found a goddess in a bikini and it was Heaven. Sorry. I couldn't resist.

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You CAN find god without a bikini!😎

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Once, while visiting her Orthodox relatives in the Midwest, Medow-Jenkins remembers them asking her not to eat with them, because her Subway sandwich wasn’t kosher. “It was so negative for me because it was so rule-bound,” she says.

Me Me Me Me Me Me

The nerve of people who take you in as a house guest to expect you to respect their beliefs. You should just be allowed to do whatever you want because it's about Me Me Me.

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just to state the obvious, I'm sure a woman could find God in a bikini... but I could not find God whilst distracted by side-boob and a thong on pretty much any woman 20-49 years-old. It's hard to remember God is needed when you are mainlining dopamine.

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One thing that a study of cultural anthropology taught me is that religion does not defy logic: "He was a perfect person. His ambition was to be the best person you could be" seems to me mutually exclusive.

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Tell me why I give a shit

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On the one hand, they're not hurting anyone and it makes them happy. So, cool. Go with it.

On the other hand, I can't not say how astoundingly stupid this seems to me. Isn't this just some 2023 iteration of the various hippie communes and whatnot that have been popping up and fading away since the 1960's?

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This leaves me feeling depressed. If one criticises what appears to be a drug enhanced, me, me, me time of chasing boys into hot tubs or trying to find meaning in life while staring at house plants or lying in a clump like it's eighth grade gym class, if one were to say that this is putting themselves not God at the centre of their "spiritual" experience, well, that would sound judge-y. Judging others is bad (unless you're a Leftist). These mostly Millenials will glide to their vehicles high(er) from this vapid imitation of religion feeling so connected to...? A meaningful relationship with God is different. It grants immeasurable gifts but does makes demands on people-spiritual, moral, familial, societal. Perhaps that's the difference. Responsibilities. I wonder if these hedonists even put their towels and robes in the laundry hamper.

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Look at all this Lite Fare! What happened to COMMON SENSE? This was supposed to be an alternative to NYT. Just FLUFF all the time now.

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This text could be the intro for a Brett Easton Ellis novel !

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These lost souls have found a temporary way to feel connected to yet another “community”. A lot of semi-clad men and women getting together to feel good at the same time. I wonder how many of those congregants were sexually aroused during their seance, or come to these sessions looking for a little action like they would if they went to a bar instead. And, of course there is the money involved. Sorry, not sorry.

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Oh my God. So many words come to mind: vapid, embarrassing, narcissistic, bullshit, scam. God and Sabbath are not on the list.

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