I appreciated Dean Phillip's tone and sentiments, but couldn't help but notice that he could not, or would not, understand the question about the "why" of Biden's immigration policy, despite multiple attempts to clarify the question. This points to a fault. Perhaps he simply is incurious about this, and this would suggest a lack of polit…
I appreciated Dean Phillip's tone and sentiments, but couldn't help but notice that he could not, or would not, understand the question about the "why" of Biden's immigration policy, despite multiple attempts to clarify the question. This points to a fault. Perhaps he simply is incurious about this, and this would suggest a lack of politically intellectual curiosity. Or, maybe he did understand the question, and didn't want to answer it because he thought the answer would be too provocative and upsetting even to Democrats.
But, from the right, I think we do know the core animating reason, and it's the woke-progressive view that Americans are undeserving of their ill-gotten, colonialist, slave-profiting prosperity, and belong in the oppressor category of Intersectionality, while illegal migrants of alien citizenship are the oppressed, and therefore, deserve everything. Therefore, to them it makes perfect sense to take a school away from US citizen children, and hand it over to foreign citizens whose first act in this country was to purposely violate our laws.
I appreciated Dean Phillip's tone and sentiments, but couldn't help but notice that he could not, or would not, understand the question about the "why" of Biden's immigration policy, despite multiple attempts to clarify the question. This points to a fault. Perhaps he simply is incurious about this, and this would suggest a lack of politically intellectual curiosity. Or, maybe he did understand the question, and didn't want to answer it because he thought the answer would be too provocative and upsetting even to Democrats.
But, from the right, I think we do know the core animating reason, and it's the woke-progressive view that Americans are undeserving of their ill-gotten, colonialist, slave-profiting prosperity, and belong in the oppressor category of Intersectionality, while illegal migrants of alien citizenship are the oppressed, and therefore, deserve everything. Therefore, to them it makes perfect sense to take a school away from US citizen children, and hand it over to foreign citizens whose first act in this country was to purposely violate our laws.