
It's amazing to me how many of these people don't have any leftist, "decolonization" energy left over for the Ottoman Empire. Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and several other states were created by partition after the fall of the empire at the end of WWI and you don't hear them crying about the creation of their nation-states, but somehow because it's Arab-on-Arab subjugation, it's all okay. The state of education right now is fucking pathetic.

"I, against my brothers. I and my brothers against my cousins. I and my brothers and my cousins against the world."

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There seems to be an inverse correlation with both certainty and passion about an issue and one's knowledge of an issue.

To be fair, these folks are the only people guilty of that.

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These interviews are disconcerting to me for the gross lack of knowledge and awareness on the part of the Palestinian supporters. Israel IS the home of the Jews. Prior to 1948 there were two Jewish "states" in these lands. History will verify this? It is the Jewish people who were originally Palestinians. The name comes from the Roman corruption of Philistine, which is what the Romans called Judea, et. al. When do the current Palestinian land claims begin? There was never a Palestinian "state" in these lands. So, Israel is Jewish, historically. It is the Jews' country! Christians, and in fact no one, has ever been a slave in the State of Israel. I am all for the current Palestinian to have his own country and it probably should be in the Holy Lands. This is, of course, a different issue. Israel is a pluralist nation. If one is homosexual in Israel, he gets a parade. If one is homosexual in Gaza, he is killed (literally). It is clear these protestors don't know these facts, and these facts are of great importance to the overall discussion. Israel is a functioning democratic nation which generally seeks to protect basic freedoms of all its inhabitants. It's far from perfect, but it makes Israel anything but a colonizer or an apartheid state.

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Shame this article can’t be listed to - @thefp

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Great article reporting your findings. If anyone has to explain the events of 10+ days ago was wicked and immoral, then have real problems.

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I have always been more scared of the extreme left then the extreme right

The Extreme left will say they are your friend but stab you in the back and then justify it was my fault

The Extreme right will tell you they want to stab you and be proud they did it

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If these Canadians really believe that occupiers or colonists should vacate the land they now occupy then give Canada back to the native tribes that controlled it before the Europeans arrived and get out. If not, they are just another group of loud mouths that believe the "rules are for thee but not for me." Same goes for the protesters in the U.S. Nothing more than useful idiots for Hamas.

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It’s impossible to hold a rational conversation with someone raised since childhood on a diet of hate. Teach them the Horst Wessel Lied. That’s something they’ll appreciate.

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Thank you Matt - eloquent, compassionate, objective and thorough.

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This tells the story of how the “Palestinian” hoax was born.

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How woefully misinformed. Hamas propaganda is quite effective apparently.

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A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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I am not a jew. But israelis have the moral high ground here. What hamas did was savagery beyond the pale. They are terrorists. A large proportion of Gaza are terrorist sympathizers. They lied about the hospital bombing. You cant trust them. No doubt you cant trust everything the israelis say but if I have to choose who to trust, I choose Israel. If they gave all of Israel to Palestine, they would turn it into a garbage dump full of corruption and terrorism just like their own country.

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What we're seeing is what Woke wrought, namely the idea that if you are for something you are automatically against something else. The unspeakable slaughter of 1,300 Jews by Hamas should be condemned by anyone and everyone. It is possible to be for Palestinian rights and to condemn the massacre as a disgraceful slaughter. Unfortunately, the influential incursion of Wokeness into the culture blurs those lines and views nuanced, complex thought as violence. Hence, the inability to distinguish free thought from actual violence.

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I'm with Matt Pepper

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I cannot speak to the character of all people at the rally, nor does this presentation. However, WOW the folks that are being represented here are simply ignorant and from what I can see doing nothing but virtue signaling. None of these folks is even speaking with any real conviction. I'd be surprised if these same people, when planning their weekend, don't simply look around for any progressive agenda event and that's where they go. They probably have thin understandings of the history, the nuance, and the context anything. It's not about the particular event, it's just a signal to them.

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