
It pains me to say this, but we often fall on "all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing". We should be conscious of the fact that evil also triumphs when it's supported by a lot of people. Even if the Taliban didn't exist, regressive and repressive structures abound all over Afghanistan.

I would love to see Afghanistan turn into a country its people want to live in. We also need to be thoughtful about the fact that there is still very strong support among Afghans that don't support the Taliban for things that the Taliban supports. Child marriage, wifebeating, sexual abuse of boys, etc.... these things happen broadly, even where the Taliban is not in charge. These are not liberal values.

I live in Wisconsin, and there have already been reports out of Fort McCoy that they've uncovered child marriages in refugees that they're housing. Already reports of sexual abuse. These are our allies, right?

Yes, these same things occur here. Yes, not everyone does this. I'll still assert that America has engaged in a very hard reckoning on these issues, and on women's rights that help stop them. We're not perfect, but no serious person would counter that Afghan culture is somehow our peer on these issues. We should be helpful, but not bend in the least on making sure new arrivals understand the reason they want to live here is not because America is perfect, but rather that we provide superior culture and opportunity. And it is their duty to adapt, more than ours.

I've been a solidly Democratic voter since the Bush administration, before which I was fairly mixed in my voting patterns. But I also see the dangers in the ascendant attitudes of the woke Left that somehow America is to blame for all that goes wrong, and these countries would be heaven on Earth if not for us. That is simply not the case. People want to live here for a reason, and we should not be ashamed to have some degree of confidence in our culture and make sure newcomers adapt to it.

Remember this: People don't tend to move to countries that oppress them. You didn't see a lot of Jewish immigration into Germany in the 1940s. You've seen Afghans and Muslims of all stripes trying to move here, despite these protestations that America has caused their civilizational decline (which, by the way, began a few centuries before America arrived on the scene). It's okay for us to call out this hypocrisy.

We have things to learn from them. They have far more to learn from us.

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I imagine that the same documents that merit prioritized visa expedition - also must be destroyed to avoid enhanced targeting by Taliban. With all of the information and intelligence analysis potential of a super-power, the USA has instead succumbed to ideological and political dictates that drove Afghanistan-decision making for at least 4 presidencies. And now desperate escapees falling from airplanes. What I feel is beyond disgust.

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I contributed to Bari Weiss because I liked her thoughtful, insightful essays. I'm not sure what she's doing but she's not writing. I'm reading other people's writing. I also feel like I'm now on a anti-Democratic, anti-Biden, anti-liberal site. I'm a moderate and so many of the comments feel like those on the NYT, just on the opposite side. A pox on all the extremes.

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I'll second RAH's comment. Personally, I've appreciated Bari's take on where Democrats, Biden, and Liberals (to use the 3 things you mentioned) might be going off course. Not many Republicans commented negatively on the excesses of the Reagan Administration, and it opened the door for Newt Gingrich and others to begin the decay that has led to today's pitiful state. The Democrats are nowhere near the intellectual sclerosis that has overtaken the GOP. I nonetheless see the same dark forces stifling debate on important questions in the party, and just like the GOP could have in the 1980s and 1990s, we now have the chance to redeem the party before it goes off the rails.

Democrats are a far more diverse group, but there's also an orthodoxy creeping in to their discussions that is stifling proper debate on important world issues. I appreciate the people in their parties who are critics of their parties. Bari does this for the Democrats, and I would say the same for John Kasich and others in the GOP disgusted by the terrible things going on in the GOP right now.

Regardless, I'm in disagreement on the part of your comment that accuses this of being anti-Democrat, etc.... Dissent is often the highest form of loyalty, and dissent is being expressed on this page.

I'm with you that I'd like to hear more of Bari's writing. I'm nonetheless appreciative of the opportunity to find other critical voices to listen to. And Bari might be building something bigger with this site, not just writing. I'm interested to see what comes next. But I, too, encourage her to write more.

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Bari was bullied out of the NYT for her insightful essays so that's what the editors there think of her work. The commenters here are quite liberal in the traditional sense of the word which means they are anti-Democrat in the modern sense of the word. Your Democrat party is not liberal by any traditional definition.

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I knew a couple guys who deployed there, and I taught and helped the SIV's find jobs once they were here. The delay is getting them visas is mostly inherited from Trump for dismantling that system. The way Biden has handled this is unconscionable. I'm just gutted to see this.

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I am desperately trying to find organizations whom I can support, and recommend others support regarding what’s taking place in Afghanistan.

I want to know the money and donations given are ACTUALLY going to go to the right people and places.

Please let me know if you have any solid information.

Thank you and God Bless.

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Try No One Left Behind (NOLB).

They've helped some guys I know. This situation is just sickening.

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Fool's errand. Any money sent that way wouldn't end up doing what you want it to do.

For money to be able to make a difference, law and order must be in place. Soon you'll find that even in America that's no longer true.

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Will Bunch has a good point:

"A big thing I see driving the Afghanistan conversation that no one is talking about is something I've seen quite often in 40 years in journalism: People's personal relationships -- a.k.a., access journalism -- matters more than looking at the big picture. There's a large foreign policy community -- especially journalists at places like NYT or WP who worship "objectivity" 99% of the time -- for whom Afghanistan is personal. They have human ties there, with no greater priority -- human nature, understandable -- than keeping their friends alive. It's like when you have a family member in the hospital -- you're suddenly not on a soapbox about the outrageous cost of U.S. healthcare. These folks could never support leaving Afghanistan to the inevitable, and I understand why. Thus it's on the rest of us without personal ties to point out the obvious bigger picture: That a government that collapses in days without America propping them up wasn't worth $2.2 trillion and thousands of U.S. lives."

Another point to take note of is how quick the mainstream media are to criticize a Democratic administration. It should blow a huge hole in the widespread belief on the right that "the media" are simply an arm of the Democratic Party. That narrative has always been wildly exaggerated. And this story should be all the proof anyone needs.

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"We media aren't just shameless Democratic Party hacks! See how often we criticize Democrats FROM THE LEFT?!?"

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"Another point to take note of is how quick the mainstream media are to criticize a Democratic administration."

Now that's funny. At some point there simply ain't enough lipstick to make the dumbest partisan want to kiss that pig.

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Aug 16, 2021
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Your assumptions about people in the media are wildly off the mark. And it's a mistake to lump them all together into the dumbest term in the English language "the media". Every major news org ALWAYS gets input from all of the relevant perspectives. I heard an interview with David Patreus on NPR, he was very critical of the decision to pull out. And you get Trump defenders, and Biden defenders and so on. If you think they are only about helping Dems win elections you are simply wrong. For reporters, their motivation is to write big important stories that impress their bosses and colleagues because they want to have a great career. They want to be the next Woodward and Bernstein. Publishers are interested in satisfying shareholders. Editors are about impressing their bosses and colleagues and pleasing the publisher. The narrative you have in your head about "the media" is overly simplistic and just wrong. It's like the home team fans complaining that the refs have it in for their team.

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Aug 16, 2021
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I'm sure many of them do boast of being liberal. But what definition of liberal are they using? In a true sense being liberal means trying to be open-minded enough to see any situation from the point of view of others. (Not that anyone can ever do this perfectly.) Conservatives tend to think that their way of seeing things is the way the world really is, and everyone else is just wrong. I think this is why journalists tend to be liberals. And I still maintain that most of the people in "the media" are thinking first and foremost about their careers; not their political agenda.

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Face it. Biden is a dribbling, senile incompetent; incapable of running a lemonade stand. He and his band of leftist incompetents need to go. Now. The entire lot.

From this catastrophe, to the disaster at the border, to our loss of energy independence to soaring inflation. If these baboons can do this much damage in six months, we won't even have a country in a year.

Enough. The entire lot of fools in DC need replacement. They can figure out a Constitutional way to do it, or we can figure it out by ourselves. But enough is enough. This is not a joke. This is not partisan. All who love America must demand the resignation of the Administration and its cabinet officers to be replaced by a bi-partisan caretaker government until 2022.

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I am ashamed of my country for the first time in my life. That we have an administration

that places no value on the loyalty and dedication to the ideals we stand for on the part of allies

who helped us in Afghanistan. Shame on the BIden administation for allowing this to happen. It was all so unnecessary. I am literally crying as I view the scene of these desperate, abandoned

friends of our country trying to escape.

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This is another example that shows that our Federal Bureaucracies are filled with incompetent careerists who have long ago lost sight of what this country is supposed to be. This includes the State department, DOD, EPA, CDC, FDA and the list goes on.

Big government and the attendant bureaucracy is the Road to Serfdom.

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As always, so many in America are using the situation to their political benefit. On the radio this morning I heard that the US military has secured the airport. So there's still hope that we can get out a lot more people. It seems to me that this day was inevitable. After 20 years it's obvious that we built nothing. It was a waste of our efforts. We should've gone in, got Bin Laden, and got out. And of course, we never should've gone into Iraq. We need to learn that you simply can't impose values on people who don't want your values. They are paternalistic religious conservatives who want a primitive monoculture based on the Quran. They were never going to accept a progressive, multi-cultural democracy. Hopefully, we've finally learned our lesson.

And everyone should be proud of all of the brave journalists who are bringing us these stories. Without them, we wouldn't know anything about what's happening there.

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And you honestly think that a stop gap, half assed effort to send in troops is a "plan?"

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The plan was to get out. And it was the right plan. And by the way, we aren't seeing massive killings. That could change. But, from what I've read about Afghan society, that doesn't look likely. They have a long history of reconciling after fighting.

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Meanwhile, Biden is at Camp David on vacation and Psaki is is responding to reporters' questions with an "out of office" message.

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Maybe this pertains, maybe not.

I've voted for every Democrat for President since McGovern in '72. Except I voted for Dubya, twice. My immediate family literally thought i'd lost my mind. But while Gore was fighting in the courts? Bush was putting a cabinet together. I'm of the belief that Gore actually won the election, but would he have actually been the better leader? Would Gore have put Americans back together a few days after 9/11? No Way to know, for certain, I guess.

Sure, Bush made some mistakes in the two wars. Can be no denying that.

I recall an article in the news, and I don't read many. But I can't recall whose administration it was in at the time. The Afgans objected to the way our soldiers would attack terrorists in their homes, at night no less. That wasn't the way war was prosecuted there. And I'm 90+% sure my memory is correct on this: That the Americans backed down, because they needed the support of the Afghans.

That was when I knew the war was lost.

Nation-building was too tall an order, and it would have been nice if that had been known for a fact at the time. What should-a happened, or at least what *I* thought should-a happened, is that we should've gone in there, and gotten rid of all the Taliban, root and branch. To this day, don't know why that wasn't done.


As M. Weiss "says." (M = Monsieur, Madam, OR Mademoiselle, as case may be. Just my way.)

Blame? Shame? What point?

All I have to offer is money, and hope someone will provide a means of using it to spare these unfortunates lives. Oh! I forgot! "All Lives Matter" is a trope to signify I'm a white racist.

Me? All I can say for CERTAIN is that America is run by the inmates of the asylum that they themselves built for the extremes of the "others."

TY (thank You) if You took the time to read this tome.

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I’m sure you’re very proud of your vote installing a senile racist groping husk whose brain is Swiss cheese. But at least you aren’t subjected to those very damaging and hurtful mean tweets.

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Somewhat unsure. But if You're suggesting I'm proud of my vote for Biden, I wrote someplace or other in last couple days that I wouldn't guarantee I'm voting Democratic in future. If You voted for Donald T.Rump, then You must not-a seen the quote from his biographers. They asked why he lied repeatedly over and over again and T.Rump said quote: "There's a wonderful word in the world [I think was the word], and that word is DISINFORMATION." Endquote. You bragging about vote for T.Rump, Unwoke in Idaho?

If I misinterpreted lemme know.

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Trump did more for America in four years than eggplant Joe has done in 48 years. I wouldn’t be casting stones if I were you. In fact, you and your fellow travelers along with more than a soupçon of fraud installed a moronic imbecile. Even CNN is waking up to the fact of his utter incompetence, and that’s too gentle a word. Literally everything Joey eggplant’s handlers touch has turned to merde.

But again, be proud and thankful there are no mean tweets. Hiw embarrassing for you.

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This is getting somewhat comical, Unwoke. For one thing, I never said I WAS proud of voting for Biden. As a matter of FACT, if I'd know Harris was in favor of reparations, i STILL would-a voted for Biden, but not been happy about it.

Unless You all run T.Rump or someone like, I probably WON'T vote for Biden, but for extremely different reasons. Biden has let himself be guided by the the Left instead-a the Center and media, mainstream and social, AFAIK. How else can You explain a man like IBRAM X. KENDI conning the DOE into instructing K - 12 to use Kendi's views to teach U.S. History and Civics. His qualifications? #1 best-selling book, and virtually zip, zero, zilch otherwise.

IOW, this joke is on YOU, "my fine furred friend," because I'm one WHOLE lot more unwoke than You, most likely.

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Yikes, a nerve or two must have been touched. My condolences.

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No need. If You misunderstood steel nerves for those that could be touched by words... Well, know it's gone outta fashion, but it's True anyway that only sticks and stones can break bones.

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Aug 16, 2021
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argh... Don't mind a laugh at Gore, if it takes my chill away a bit. TY, RW. :)

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Taliban are not ie the US Army, handing out chocolates. Biden told gun owners that in order to defeat the US you need tanks and F15s. The Taliban don't have those.

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Oh yes the taliban does have tanks and F15s now. As well as drones, and a flight simulator and weapons galore.

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You know what's completely sad?

The United States allows tens of thousands to cross the southern border without a visa, and when it apprehends them it processes them, usually gives them a notice to appear for a hearing on their status, and then releases them.

You'd think that the U.S. might just allow Afghan visa-seekers to board planes without the paperwork and fly here under the same arrangement. Charter a few dozen planes to make sure they all get out in time.

But after the Afghanistan debacle, who overseas would ever collaborate with a country that casually throws its allies under the bus? I wouldn't.

Joe Biden and his people should have a lot to answer for. But I'm not at all confident that anyone in the media will put the question to them.

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This is not about right or left.. It's more about the shame we should feel as the international keeper of freedom's flame. We must understand that The Taliban represents all of the totalitarian darkness we sent our young men and women to oppose. Lives were placed on the line, proudly, powerfully and passionately because wide were helping a people liberate itself from this monstrous horror. Shame on our current leaders for abandoning this noble mission. Shame on us for just picking up and leaving without any conclusion or worthy metamorphic change. I'm sad about this and i hope we all keep our bravest fighting people in our hearts and minds every day. Shame on this new administration! Shame! Danny Sussman

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This is not about right or left.. It's more about the shame we should feel as the international keeper of freedom's flame. We must understand that The Taliban represents all of the totalitarian darkness we sent our young men and women to oppose. Lives were placed on the line, proudly, powerfully and passionately because wide were helping a people liberate itself from this monstrous horror. Shame on our current leaders for abandoning this noble mission. Shame on us for just picking up and leaving without any conclusion or worthy metamorphic change. I'm sad about this and i hope we all keep our bravest fighting people in our hearts and minds every day. Shame on this new administration! Shame Danny Sussman

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