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Interesting term, two-tier. Should not be needed in a functioning democracy which believes in universal principles. Now that the President of the USA and the UK Prime Minister have declared that a white and/or working class man can be prosecuted for an offence while a non-white man should not be, we need the term urgently.

The problem is not out on the streets. It is in the White House and Downing Street. That is where democracy and justice are being dismantled.

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Is this a surprise to anyone , but even in the FP this has been hidden , as part of a morning email and now hidden under Lake writings . News alert the LAW is political , how about a long piece on how this has been done and what effects it has caused , or would this break a few left / woke readers of the FP ?

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Next month it is entirely possible that a judge (whose daughter received millions of dollars from the Democratic Party) will sentence Kamila’s political opponent to prison right before an election. Over a MISDEMEANOR. I try to make sense of that happening in my country - in America - and I can’t get over it. There is a darkness covering everything these days - people keep their heads down and pretend they don’t see the shadow. But it is there none the less. Yes the Biden’s took money from foreign governments to affect US policy. That was proven beyond a doubt a long time ago. You guys all publish it now in lock step as though you are brave to state what is now acceptable to say. But the truth is that you all still pretend you don’t see the loss of freedom and justice in this country - because really, until it affects you personally - you just don’t care

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"You guys all publish in lock step"?

You do realize this is The Free Press, right? Have you read anything else they publish? Do you know who Bari Weiss is?

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I don’t mean to be snarky - I am just saying that this story has been known since before the 2020 election by half the country. No one on the free press or the media would write about it until Biden was out of the election. It is published now - now that it really doesn’t matter anymore. During the election of 2020

and 2022 it was carefully kept from half the country

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Have a point?

Trump and his supporters have a point?

And Helen of Troy was just a woman.

I'll give Lake credit for managing to shake free of lemming like conformity, but he is still largely a part of the bureaucratic state and far too often is merely a reflexive, unthinking blob of protoplasm.

The Democrats have all but wiped out constitutional process.

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Why is this reposted when it was in the morning’s Front Page ?

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Reset the comments perhaps?

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It’s way more than “ fair” to acknowledge Trump has been the butt of massive lawfare for years. W3 all see it, the legal scholars including Democratic ones( Dershowitz, Jed Rubenfeld, Turley etc) hav3 been writing and speaking about tho# for years. Only the Left media has played dumb and stupid to protect Biden and now Harris.

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Once upon a time I believed that Justice was truly blind. The scales have fallen from my eyes. How sad for us all that the system is so dysfunctional and manipulable.

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I kinda liked the old news model where reporters revealed the news first, not when it was allowed.

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It's all just so 1984. The Progressive Left will change their minds in a week and it will be back the other way. We will wish someday for the clarity of Wikipedia once Chat GPT and Generative AI becomes the new thought/history reservoir.

It's not enough to have some control, they need all the control. It's not about having some of the power, it's about having all of the power. Leftist movements don't ever trust allowing competing thoughts or ideas because at root they know their collectivist ideas are not an accurate reflection of how people actually think and live. Humans act individually in their very own individual ways and when allowed to do so they thrive as this is how human nature is.

The whole point is to show people that the regime can change its mind, then yours, then maybe change back again and change yours again. Once people have made a basic commitment to "being on the right side of history" then history, facts, basic biological truths, whatever etc etc simply become things that change as the Party says they change.

Who are we at war with? I can't remember. Who do I hate today? I can't remember. Free Speech is good! Free Speech is bad!! It's good again. It's bad. The details become less and less important and are actually not important at all. It's all about the emotional commitment to whatever it is they say you should be committed to. The lesson of the Nazis is not that Hitler was "evil" the lesson is that the German people went along and that is what Leftist movements do. You are either on the bus or off the bus, there is no I don't want/like/need this bus. The bus is Marxism in whatever form it takes. Marxism doesn't hold up under even basic scrutiny from any angle, which is why it requires censorship and then implied and then real violence.

No actual thinking person would see this as news. It's like someone announcing that, "Hey guys we just found out the world is round!!" Ok. Nice of you to notice! Of course we have a two tiered justice system. The center left just found out the world is round.

Bari already got her revisionist hit piece done on her by the NYT. Go on over and read it. Bari, and the Free Press in general, got off the bus and that makes them enemies just as much as some "MAGA right wing nut job." Anyone who is in the "Center-Left"will ether need to get back on the bus and get back on the "right side of history" or suffer the consequences.

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The left is at war with human nature and the ideals set forth in our country's foundational documents.

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Why now? What incentive does the regime suddenly have, speaking through its mouthpiece, the New York Times, to turn on Joe Biden? What has changed?

Maybe there's some bite left in the old man. Maybe his pride is wounded. Maybe he's been growling. What better way to keep the leash tight on the old tiger than to threaten his son? Brought to you from the joyful people busy saving "their democracy".

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maybe they (including all Bidens here) didn't actually want to leave office, and a coup happened while he was away with COVID. It's so fun to speculate

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The big historical question will be: did Obama/Schumer/Harris/Jeffries/Pelosi threaten Biden with the 25th Amendment? Seymour Hersh reported that they did threaten him on July 20, but Hersh has not always been a reliable source. They may be able to keep it under wraps for a few more months, but I have to think the truth will out.

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There is no law that a Democrat swamp dweller can break and be forced to suffer any consequences. But Republicans' associated with Trump will be charged with made up crimes and they will not even been told what the made up crime is until the prosecutor's make their final argument after the Defense has rested. The two tiered justice system is destroying this country.

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Absolutely the only thing surprising here is the ruthlessness of these people.

I thought Donna Brazile's admission that they rigged their own primary for Clinton in 2016 broke the gauge for brazenness.

Then they shut down the world to install an obviously ailing and senile puppet in 2020. Thought THAT one broke the lever off, for sure.

And yet, I find the dead-eyed ruthlessness with which they are feeding that senile, ailing puppet into the wood chipper is still managing to amaze me.

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Wonders never cease. I found it appalling that Governor Newsom actually helped to clear out homeless encampments himself after years of doing nothing or actually encouraging them. But with a Democratic election on the horizon, he put on some gloves and contacted a TV crew. Most disturbing, there was apparently little notice and people were not even allowed to keep their tents. Yet I am always hearing how compassionate the Dems are.

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Now we know? Come on. Anyone who paid attention in 2020 knew that Hunter Biden was peddling influence to and for foreign actors. And whose influence could he possibly have been peddling? That's an easy one. Who was Hunter Biden without his last name?

This is just a silly story, but it contains an unintentional germ of something that is actually interesting. What makes it okay for people to acknowledge what has been evident since at least 2020? Could it be that it is safe because his father is no longer Trump's opponent?

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