Let’s review who the real occupiers are: Since the 600’s ISLAM , all over the world, Constantinople, the entire ME was Jewish and Christian. India, Africa, the Balkans, at least Spain kicked them out. Now we have the second wave, occupying France, Sweden, England, Dearborn, Minneapolis.
Jews were in what is now called Palestine around 100…
Let’s review who the real occupiers are: Since the 600’s ISLAM , all over the world, Constantinople, the entire ME was Jewish and Christian. India, Africa, the Balkans, at least Spain kicked them out. Now we have the second wave, occupying France, Sweden, England, Dearborn, Minneapolis.
Jews were in what is now called Palestine around 1000 BC. They have been there for 3000 yrs, 1500 yrs before Mohammad. They cannot be occupiers of their own ancestral land.
“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.”
As happens almost always when I read my Bible, a word jumps out and I go to the Strong’s concordance. Here’s the Strong’s translation for חָמָס — malicious
Transliteration: ḥāmās
Pronunciation: khaw-mawce'
Part of Speech: masculine noun
Outline of Biblical Usage:
violence, wrong, cruelty, injustice
In Arabic Hamas translates into in enthusiasm, fire, intense interest.
All conventional sources say Hamas is merely an acronym that boils down to “resistance movement.” Is it?
How I wish those teaching our children would engage in serious inquiry. There’s a whole lot of history before 1947 and a lot more to language and linguistics than what a ragtag bunch of malcontents tell us.
Read a history of Africa, how the Bantu and Nilotes swept the continent in the last thousand years, destroying nearly all hunter-gatherer groups that were there before. They were not white, nor were the Mongols who conquered much of Asia. Nor were the Aztecs who conquered most of central Mexico. Nor the Japanese who invaded China in the last century. Just to name the first that come to mind.
Show me a slave owner throughout history and 95+ out of 100 will be a BIPOC -- the acceptable term of aggrievement for our day. In fact were you to live in any village from the fertile crescent to Alkebulan, from the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians to the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddanands and Ethiopians, you would have never seen a white slave trader or owner, but someone of your own skin tone and close to your own tongue. And you would have run like hell.
Shows how little you know of the world and its history. The entire story of black Africa, Native Americans in North and South America, and almost all of Asia, the Middle East, and Europe is colonizers. There were probably more than 200 black colonizations in Africa of black Africa over the same period that you are counting your 95 white colonizations elsewhere. The Egyptians, Babylonians, and Persians were colonizers. So were the Arabs and Muslims, colonizing something like 100 countries. That’s why “colonizer” is such a meaningless term. And by the way, where do you live vs. where did you come from? Are you a colonizer?
My grandfather fought in the Pacific during WWII...ask the Taiwanese about who colonized whom...ask the Pacific Islanders...read about the Japanese colonies. Look at the Philippines.
Most interesting is the Belt and Road Initiative of our current times. Who's 'colonizing' Africa now?
"Black people complaining about being called racist slurs is about the most comical thing". How does that change the equation? I didn't say "all" black people after all.
Try to stay with me, Gary. Where did I say "all" white people? Hmmm, one thinks someone is not paying attention, and instead just tosses insults. A commenter wrote comments about anti-white discrimination/racism. I commented that a white person complaining about racism is hilarious. Because it is.
Feel free to generalize if you wish to. But I didn't.
And dude? You don't want to call me a racist.
Does that kind of ad hominem thing work usually for you? FYI, ad hominem is Latin for the kind of attack or argument that ignores the content of the speaker, instead focusing the attack on the speaker.
Like you just did when you called me a racist. It's annoying AF, and scores points nowhere but in your own mind. Though I'm accustomed to it now on The Free Press comments section, where people would rather insult than offer any useful thoughts.
I'll try to go real slow. All white people don't whine about being called racist names or slurs. A small subset do. And it's absolutely hilarious when they do, as they have no idea how the irony plays out. Had I meant "all white people," I would have written that. But I didn't. So I didn't.
Try to read and understand the words I actually write, vs. the ones you imagine in my mind.
spoken like a person with a true Eurocentric trip world view. In practice colonization has been common through world history by all races colors and creeds.
Islam is not a religion. It is a death cult of the Satanic Verses. It swept out of North Africa to subjugate people over a large swath of the globe all the way to Indonesia. Europe would have been lost if not for Charles the Hammer Martel who vanquished them at Tours. Europe needs a new Hammer and people such as Wilders, Abascal and Le Pen are rising to the occasion. We need an American Hammer to stop the intifada on our shores.
Islam came out of the Arabian desert. It swept across North Africa after mohammed's long-suffering death from poison he was given at Khaybar after that horrific massacre, rape, and torture party.
Point taken. It is across from the African tectonic plate and drifting away. But who thinks of it as Asian? Also wasn't the first Muslim conquest of Egypt. Not that I care of am particularly interested in them.
For years my dream bumper sticker was ‘Imagine A World Without Islam’.
I’m now convinced that the mindset of the whole area is intractably backward, and an innate existential threat to western civilization.
They are in possession of modern communication, transportation, and weaponry…and misuse them in every way. We allow this because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or violate their rights.
The sad thing is that the endgame of what they want is extremely bleak.
Great point, George. And it would be one thing if Islam stayed concentrated in its own backwards backyard. But with the large wave of muslim migration to Europe coupled with Europeans' naivete, the risks grow substantially for the welfare of western civilization.
It’s an interesting experiment. The rise of the first Islamic caliphate is fascinating. If nothing else they deserve some credit for taking on the two global super powers of the age and beating them both.
Would the world be better off if the Roman Empire had never existed? Who can say.
In the 400’s to 600’s a.d. Zoroastrianism was predominant from Persia to India. Their credo was unacceptable to Islam: “Good Thoughts...Good Words...Good Deeds.” The Muslims came along from the West and told people to convert or die. There are now perhaps a bit over 100,000 Zoroastrians worldwide, most in India.
Dear NCMaureen, Some other idiot would be in his place. You can't permanently eradicate opposition. You can attempt to reason with your opposer. I find violence of action to be reasonable for a minute. I find common ground to reasonable for a minute. They're here to stay. So are we. Arm yourselves.
If you're suggesting that some other idiot would take Mohammed's place if he hadn't existed, doesn't that mean the Arabs would fall for anyone? How about a tall blonde in a short skirt? How about a Jew? You see, maybe there is something peculiar to what sand and heat and shimmering mirages do to a race.
What I'm saying is what is evident. We are all capable of great inhumanity. In the aftermath of the miscounted second world war the german population was subjected to great atrocities at the hands of the central and Eastern European people. While not in millions as the Third Reich and the Soviets inflicted but if I recall in the tens of thousands.
Humans are hard wired us v them. The possible exception to that tendency is the Jew and Indo-Aryan then only slightly less than other groups.
Let’s review who the real occupiers are: Since the 600’s ISLAM , all over the world, Constantinople, the entire ME was Jewish and Christian. India, Africa, the Balkans, at least Spain kicked them out. Now we have the second wave, occupying France, Sweden, England, Dearborn, Minneapolis.
Jews were in what is now called Palestine around 1000 BC. They have been there for 3000 yrs, 1500 yrs before Mohammad. They cannot be occupiers of their own ancestral land.
Exodus 23:1.
“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.”
As happens almost always when I read my Bible, a word jumps out and I go to the Strong’s concordance. Here’s the Strong’s translation for חָמָס — malicious
Transliteration: ḥāmās
Pronunciation: khaw-mawce'
Part of Speech: masculine noun
Outline of Biblical Usage:
violence, wrong, cruelty, injustice
In Arabic Hamas translates into in enthusiasm, fire, intense interest.
All conventional sources say Hamas is merely an acronym that boils down to “resistance movement.” Is it?
How I wish those teaching our children would engage in serious inquiry. There’s a whole lot of history before 1947 and a lot more to language and linguistics than what a ragtag bunch of malcontents tell us.
Indeed. Also lots of tribal polytheists, Zoroastrians, and Hindus, etc. as well…
You forgot Buddhist and Hindu. Afghanistan was Buddhist. (viz. Bamiyan)
Funny how the term "colonizer" is never applied to the lands conquered by Muslims.
(because it's really just a racist slur for white people)
Show me a hundred colonizers throughout history, and 95+ will be white.
Read a history of Africa, how the Bantu and Nilotes swept the continent in the last thousand years, destroying nearly all hunter-gatherer groups that were there before. They were not white, nor were the Mongols who conquered much of Asia. Nor were the Aztecs who conquered most of central Mexico. Nor the Japanese who invaded China in the last century. Just to name the first that come to mind.
Show me a slave owner throughout history and 95+ out of 100 will be a BIPOC -- the acceptable term of aggrievement for our day. In fact were you to live in any village from the fertile crescent to Alkebulan, from the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians to the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddanands and Ethiopians, you would have never seen a white slave trader or owner, but someone of your own skin tone and close to your own tongue. And you would have run like hell.
I'll definitely give you guys credit for sticking to it. 4 or 5 of you went straight to whataboutism.
Shows how little you know of the world and its history. The entire story of black Africa, Native Americans in North and South America, and almost all of Asia, the Middle East, and Europe is colonizers. There were probably more than 200 black colonizations in Africa of black Africa over the same period that you are counting your 95 white colonizations elsewhere. The Egyptians, Babylonians, and Persians were colonizers. So were the Arabs and Muslims, colonizing something like 100 countries. That’s why “colonizer” is such a meaningless term. And by the way, where do you live vs. where did you come from? Are you a colonizer?
My grandfather fought in the Pacific during WWII...ask the Taiwanese about who colonized whom...ask the Pacific Islanders...read about the Japanese colonies. Look at the Philippines.
Most interesting is the Belt and Road Initiative of our current times. Who's 'colonizing' Africa now?
Poor Judgement. Your extreme ignorance is showing, has to be embarrassing for you!
And that is about the weakest-ass response I've seen in The Free Press comments section.
Pro tip - when 105 people agree that a term is a racist slur, don't use that term in front of them.
Another great example of how the people who chant "empathy" usually have little to none.
White people complaining about being called racist slurs is about the most comical thing.
yours is a closed, therfore dark soul 🙏☮️
Well, that's just not very Christian.
"Black people complaining about being called racist slurs is about the most comical thing". How does that change the equation? I didn't say "all" black people after all.
George, black people complaining about racism isn’t comical at all. Well, maybe it’s funny to rednecks.
White people? All white people? Hmmm, one thinks someone is generalizing a "bit" and defining the world by skin color (i.e. racist).
Try to stay with me, Gary. Where did I say "all" white people? Hmmm, one thinks someone is not paying attention, and instead just tosses insults. A commenter wrote comments about anti-white discrimination/racism. I commented that a white person complaining about racism is hilarious. Because it is.
Feel free to generalize if you wish to. But I didn't.
And dude? You don't want to call me a racist.
Does that kind of ad hominem thing work usually for you? FYI, ad hominem is Latin for the kind of attack or argument that ignores the content of the speaker, instead focusing the attack on the speaker.
Like you just did when you called me a racist. It's annoying AF, and scores points nowhere but in your own mind. Though I'm accustomed to it now on The Free Press comments section, where people would rather insult than offer any useful thoughts.
"...You don't want to call me a racist."
Really? You come up with that? In the Comments section? Dude. You don't want to call me a satirist! But dude, you be lame.
Please explain this comment.
you figure it out Buttoil
There’s a picture of your response in the dictionary, next to “typical intelligent reply in The Free Press comments”
If you just say "white people" there is no limiting principle to your statement, thus implying that you mean " yes all white people"
I'll try to go real slow. All white people don't whine about being called racist names or slurs. A small subset do. And it's absolutely hilarious when they do, as they have no idea how the irony plays out. Had I meant "all white people," I would have written that. But I didn't. So I didn't.
Try to read and understand the words I actually write, vs. the ones you imagine in my mind.
I'm telling you how it will be taken.
This is a great way to publicly announce that you're a racist.
spoken like a person with a true Eurocentric trip world view. In practice colonization has been common through world history by all races colors and creeds.
Sorry for building the best ships in the renaissance
watch out, or rob will scold you for being Eurocentric.
Islam is not a religion. It is a death cult of the Satanic Verses. It swept out of North Africa to subjugate people over a large swath of the globe all the way to Indonesia. Europe would have been lost if not for Charles the Hammer Martel who vanquished them at Tours. Europe needs a new Hammer and people such as Wilders, Abascal and Le Pen are rising to the occasion. We need an American Hammer to stop the intifada on our shores.
It swept out of Arabia, INTO North Africa and beyond.
True. It was a bacillus that spread East and West.
Islam came out of the Arabian desert. It swept across North Africa after mohammed's long-suffering death from poison he was given at Khaybar after that horrific massacre, rape, and torture party.
Isn't Saudi Arabia in North Africa?
Point taken. It is across from the African tectonic plate and drifting away. But who thinks of it as Asian? Also wasn't the first Muslim conquest of Egypt. Not that I care of am particularly interested in them.
The Romans named Asia, but then it was the nearest province of what is now Turkey.
Medieval commerce map shows Arabia separate from Africa.
An 1808 map shows Arabia as part of Asia.
Islamic conquests
Then1st conquest was half the Arabian peninsula. Then the rest of the peninsula. Then incremental. Egypt was fairly early in the third wave.
And here is where the borders were 1500.
Thought experiment: Imagine our world if Mohammad had never been born.
The Middle East would be immensely better off had Islam disappeared.
For years my dream bumper sticker was ‘Imagine A World Without Islam’.
I’m now convinced that the mindset of the whole area is intractably backward, and an innate existential threat to western civilization.
They are in possession of modern communication, transportation, and weaponry…and misuse them in every way. We allow this because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or violate their rights.
The sad thing is that the endgame of what they want is extremely bleak.
Great point, George. And it would be one thing if Islam stayed concentrated in its own backwards backyard. But with the large wave of muslim migration to Europe coupled with Europeans' naivete, the risks grow substantially for the welfare of western civilization.
It’s an interesting experiment. The rise of the first Islamic caliphate is fascinating. If nothing else they deserve some credit for taking on the two global super powers of the age and beating them both.
Would the world be better off if the Roman Empire had never existed? Who can say.
By the 600s Rome and Persia were in decay. Wasn’t that hard.
Sort of like Europe and the US today….
In the 400’s to 600’s a.d. Zoroastrianism was predominant from Persia to India. Their credo was unacceptable to Islam: “Good Thoughts...Good Words...Good Deeds.” The Muslims came along from the West and told people to convert or die. There are now perhaps a bit over 100,000 Zoroastrians worldwide, most in India.
Dear NCMaureen, Some other idiot would be in his place. You can't permanently eradicate opposition. You can attempt to reason with your opposer. I find violence of action to be reasonable for a minute. I find common ground to reasonable for a minute. They're here to stay. So are we. Arm yourselves.
If you're suggesting that some other idiot would take Mohammed's place if he hadn't existed, doesn't that mean the Arabs would fall for anyone? How about a tall blonde in a short skirt? How about a Jew? You see, maybe there is something peculiar to what sand and heat and shimmering mirages do to a race.
Arabs aren't a race. In fact Arabs and Mizrahi/Sephardic are the same people.
People tend to fall for and follow wild eyed messianic types irrespective of race.
Branch Davidian anyone? Siddartha that.
You're right. I meant a people.
What I'm saying is what is evident. We are all capable of great inhumanity. In the aftermath of the miscounted second world war the german population was subjected to great atrocities at the hands of the central and Eastern European people. While not in millions as the Third Reich and the Soviets inflicted but if I recall in the tens of thousands.
Humans are hard wired us v them. The possible exception to that tendency is the Jew and Indo-Aryan then only slightly less than other groups.