
"the dealer wants you thinking that it's either black or white, thank God it's not that simple" - L. Cohen.

Bari, I fear that pushing a good vs evil narrative will only lead to more suffering. Isn't there another way??

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Thank you, Bari. Please keep us this reporting.

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Thank you for this. We need you to keep the focus on the truth of what’s happening. I am Jewish and I am terrified - listening to this was realistic and a comfort.

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Thank you, Bari.

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Outstanding podcast. I've always admired Ambassador Oren; intelligent, articulate, honest, and genuine. Bari, thank you for the great work you and the Free Press are doing. Such important and necessary voices and you all do it with a perfect blend of expertise, fairness, humor, compassion, and authenticity.

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Replace Gaza with solar panels. It would be change the land from subtractive to additive..

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Thank you for the interview, this is real news that needs to broadcast.

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I can’t get this to play on any platform or device for some reason! I assume it’s because there is a high amount of traffic, but the conspiracy theorist in me thinks it is being prevented from being accessed.

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Praying for Israel. Praying for Jews in the west.

Hold your children tight.

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We go farther than keeping Michael Oren and his family in our thoughts. We are actively praying for Michael and his countrymen. This is good versus evil. Evil must be defeated.

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30 minute mark: Something to keep in mind. The IDF has nuclear weapons. If it looks like they are losing because of no allied support......Connect The Dots. IF hat were to happen there are A Lot of in the Middle East I would not want to be.

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Ooooh the price these subhuman brutes should be made to pay. No lame excuses. They don’t belong among human beings. They should be extinct

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I believe virtue should be exalted. However, the virtue of patience, when stretched too far, becomes something less than virtuous; it morphs into a liability.

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There has never been a time when not being Jewish matters less. When barbarians breech the gate civilized people either fight on the same side or perish. I read and listened to it all. The only appropriate response is, I guess ... love you, Bari. And thanks.

Israel will win.

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Love me some Jews

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I’m not Jewish, I’m not American, and I’m not a Conservative which I see many commenters are. But I have been to the region and seen and heard with my own eyes and ears what Israel has had to endure for decades, not just defending itself from its hostile neighbors, but being maliciously and ignorantly labelled an “a-thx” state that brutally slaughters innocents and children. May Israel’s malicious enemies in this conflict be defeated.

I stand with Israel.

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Something I posted on another site, and in a different context, but it apples to this I believe.

"The tribes are sorting themselves out. The Tribes are not Left/Right, Rich/Poor/Republican/Democrat, Minority/Majority, Religious/Non-Religous. Not sure how to describe Our Side from Their Side, but of this I am sure there are US & THEM. I am fairly sure who is an US and who is a THEM. The way I have been looking at politics/culture may not be valid anymore, or are becoming Less Valid.

One mans thoughts, freely give and worth Almost that much."

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