Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This group was allowed to fester publicly so long that they probably thought there would never be consequences but even the liberals have to hit their vote base eventually when they go too far.

So Kudos to the liberals for their first correct move in a year

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Nothing to see here. Canada is a "sham country" and the UN is the greatest sham on the planet.

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project... DELENDA EST!

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Is anyone surprised by this? I am not. Ridiculous.

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Trudeau, and the Canadian federal Liberal party deliberately dragged their feet in calling out this terrorist support group's actions. They allowed protests where Islamist supporters yelled "Death to Canada" et al, without any recourse. Trudeau is an Islamist apologist and supporter himself, and uses this scourge to sow hate and division in Canada. He vacations with, and and donates to the Aga Khan, and paid the terrorist Khadr $10m. Facts matter.

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