If I learned anything from this column it’s that Olly Wiseman never took statistics.

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The FBI statistics about crime being down conflict with the DOJ’s report last week. Unlike the FBI’s report, the annual National Crime Victimization Survey includes unreported and unprosecuted crimes. It showed a big uptick in rape, robbery, and aggravated assault over the past 3 years. (From 5.6 to 8.7 per 1K.) Make of that what you will.

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[Routh] wrote that it was “up to you now to finish the job” and offered $150,000 to anyone who “can complete the job.”

Free Press, where does he get his money to travel and offer rewards? Curious citizens who struggle to buy groceries each week and pay the electric bill want to know.

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A post from Brian Dunham, a non Jew who lives in Tennessee, who staunchly supports Israel and asks what has happened to America

What has happened to America? Have we become a nation with no courage? No honor? No decency? The people of Israel have lived under a genocide by Islamic butchers and murderers for 3/4 of a century. A year ago, they suffered the greatest loss since the Holocaust, when 1/3 of the entire Jewish population of the world was exterminated in just a few short years.

The link is to his full post Please read


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A Zionist is a person of any religion or no religion who believes Israel should be a Jewish country as commanded in the Bible. Consider there are 23 countries where Islam is the official religion and 15 countries where Christianity is the official religion. Nobody seems to have a problem with that.

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There is no way crime is down.

My guess is this fictional data is a combination of criminals no longer being not prosecuted like they used to, people not reporting crime (because they know nothing will happen), or the number simply being skewed.

Prove me wrong.

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"Prove me wrong."

I'd Love To. Alas I can't.

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"'...migrants bused by Texas to Chicago and Denver contributed to the latest increases when they landed in shelters there.'"

This doesn't make sense. If they hadn't been bused out of Texas they'd be homeless in Texas. No net increase.

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Crime is not down. I quit reading there.

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Exactly, Chuck. The FBI itself admits that its crime stats are entirely dependent on self-reporting by the states, a number of which -- particularly those with high-crime cities that have an obvious interest in keeping mum -- return grossly understated data. But Ollie is bent on perpetuating the myth of reduced crime, so we get crap like this from FP.

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Saying you are anti-Zionist is about as subtle as using Pig Latin. No Ews-jay allowed.

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Just as with the crime stats, the first question we need to ask about the overdose death data is - how valid are the numbers? I question any data set that shows that big a drop. How complete was the reporting? Did KY and NC use the same methodology as other states (this was/is a continuing problem with covid stats)?

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📰🗞️Dropped paywall & comments- a lot.🗞️📰


All is lost & it will be even for the Ollie Bari & their ilk …. Every idiot believes that it could never happen— until it does.

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Comments offer your greatest insight into what your readers want and expect. Try it some time.

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“There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics." Mark Twain

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Is Patel Dubrovnik agreeing to comply with government agencies in France where he was arrested? Or also in the USA and other countries?

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As commented on elsewhere, recent crime statistics are a mixed bag. Here’s the report from the Justice Department’s Crime Victimization Survey. The last sentence in the summary is telling.


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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

So the front Front Page reports a drop in crime linked to The Hill, without reporting, "More than 6,000 law enforcement agencies were missing from the FBI’s national crime data last year, representing nearly one-third of the nation’s 18,000 police agencies. This means a quarter of the U.S. population wasn't represented in the federal crime data last year, according to The Marshall Project’s analysis."


This is especially troubling as it was one of the false misinformation claims of the ABC moderators one sided fact checking during the Trump/Harris presidential debate. Let's do better..

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For subscribers, the Wall Street Journal has an excellent article on this: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-media-say-crime-is-going-down-dont-believe-it-e5b07784

As the subhead clearly states: "The decline in reported crimes is a function of less reporting, not less crime."

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For those who don't subscribe to the WSJ the article is here:


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