
Thank you.

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Bravo, Jackson. Intersectionality and blasé "tolerance" leads to intolerant tribalism. It's nice to know there's at least one other sane mind in Los Angeles.

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“If there ever could be a justifiable war in the name of and for humanity, a war against Germany, to prevent the wanton persecution of a whole race [Jews], would be completely justified. But I do not believe in any war. A discussion of the pros and cons of such a war is therefore outside my horizon or province." ~ Gandhi

Which is why I'm not a Gandhi fan.

#WhyIsraelExists and why it must exist.

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Call me sheltered, but I've never personally been around this type of education, or have people around me in work or my personal life who would disagree with you, or march under the notion that Hamas are freedom fighters (deplorable idea). But, I'm also a Christian, in my early 40's, and hang out with a mostly Christian community, and send my kids to a charter school that makes it a point to involve parents, and stick to non-progressive politics.. and I'm in California.. shock! Yes, the school doesn't see parents who hold conservative views as "extremists"! Sadly, it seems like there are two different worlds happening in America, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned, like you, that it's being handed over to the DEI and illiberal crowd who loathe Judeo-Christian values. I'm not sure how it's going to get cleared up. I wish The Free Press would hold a series of public debates on the matter, I mean real debates with prominent figures. Thanks for the article.

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In every generation, in every war, there are the pacifists, and they should be appreciated for reminding us that human violence is a last choice, that non-violence is always preferable and that at some point it will mark the end of war. Pacifists should not be thrown into the same bucket as the Pro-Palestinian activists who are anti-Israel zealots, or with those who jump into the fray simply to get airtime for an unrelated cause (LGBTQH).

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I wish every one of them to suffer and endure the pains that Jews have suffered and endured.

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Another incredibly simple article. Lately, the Free Press has published such simple minded wonders if they were written by middle school students. Can we go past the...John Lennon references and good vs. Evil insepid references?

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The best solution is to continue to support leftist causes. Look at how wonderful America has become under the evolution of progressive policy.

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Excellent. Thank you.

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How strange. One would think that such a progressive school would not want students believing that no African American played professional baseball until only 30 years ago.

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We all need to get back to common sense. The school the author went to sounds crazy. It is too bad the parents of the students didn’t speak up. There is a reason why we are in the situation we are in today in this country. There is right and wrong.

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These "pacifists" will return to believing that violence is speech the next time a George Floyd happens.

Remember, the postmodernists do not have any actual principles. They believe that words are power constructs; they say what they need to to gain power. The useful idiot followers might think they have principles, but the movement leaders know better.

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I'm from the Philly area and I would bet the school is Friends Central! My son went to another local private school who played this school in sports. Some of the strangest young men you ever met. As a freshmen he is playing that school in basketball, and i said to my wife there is no way those kids are freshmen. I find out after the game that school had a no cut policy and allowed the kids that didn't make Varsity or JV play on the freshmen team, no matter what year they were in!

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Thank you for this piece, Jackson. The willful ignorance that underpins so much of the morality taught in schools and presumed foundational in our businesses and institutions today contains the very real possibility of our collapse. Keep being heard.

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The problem is not pure pacificism or even bumper-sticker pacifism. The protesters identify with Hamas, i.e., violence against Israelis. They aren't pacifists. At best they will say while they don't approve of rape and murder, they "understand" it or justify it because it is against settler colonialists. Again, these are not the views of pacifists.

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Super well written - thank you for sharing your thoughts, experiences. I have read a lot of books and watched a lot of movies set during WW2, and spent a week in Normandy during the the 75th anniversary of D day, as well as visited the Ann Frank house in Amsterdam. Phenomenal trip, deeply sad and enormously educational. I think often, especially now, of the 'what if' these millions of soldiers did not fight for the free world? What IF?? Do these pacifists think that the world is there for the taking? Whoever wants a country, just bomb the hell out of them and take over? I am losing sleep at night worrying about the security of the US and what's going to happen next. We need to defend ourselves at every turn.

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I have veteran relatives passed on. It took less than a decade for the youth to forget their sacrifice.

That's "male privilege"

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