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It isn't my war and it is being fought in neither mine or the Ukrainians actual interest. Do one please, I am neither interested in, nor do I want to know about, your lies and propaganda.

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Tour dates, please!

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Poor lads. Soon there will be no Ukrainian men left alive, and should they resist Russia, the land they died to protect will be absorbed by Blackrock as payment for their loans. Yay democracy?

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Nihilism at its best.

And Olha is a women.

Apparently differences between men and women still matter in places fighting for the lives and their freedom.

While we in the safe and prosperous West, optimize for snark.

Because hay, nothing is worth fighting and sacrificing for.

A strange take on the world on the 80th anniversary of 6/6/44.

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Pointing out the terms of the loan given to Ukraine in lieu of aid is not nihilism. The snark of 'yay democracy' points out how absurd the claim this war is about democracy. We could have negotiated a peace at any point that would have left Ukraine mostly whole and neutral. But we want to hurt Russia more than we care about Ukrainians

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So your neighbor decides he wants your backyard, driveway, and garage - because well heck he also decides these things really have always been his.

He tears down the fence separating the two properties.

You don't want to fight him, so you negotiate with him a deal, such that you keep your backyard but he gets your driveway and garage.

Victory for you.

"We could have negotiated a peace..."

Ukrainians call the shots for Ukraine. And they want all their country back - silly people.

I only know a few Ukrainians personally. We sponsor a Ukrainian Mom and boy - their husband/dad is a soldier fighting the war. They sure don't want to give Russia a chunk of Ukraine. That's why they are fighting. They're not willing to die to give themselves a stronger negotiating position - they want to hurt Russia and save Ukraine.

And they don't want to be neutral - they just want to decide what happens in Ukraine.

I don't know what you mean by democracy.

But to me, democracy American-style is short hand for: people have unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and property, and that governments are instituted among people deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; and all people are equal before the law, and that the government is a government of laws, not men.

So yes, the Ukrainian war is completely about democracy.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

God bless you and tell mother and her son that some of us in the US (and these comments) are praying for them and for their country and their soldier. I pray every day for Russia to be defeated, for Putin to be got rid of, and for the heartless people who do not understand the moment in which we find ourselves to be blessed with having their minds and their eyes opened to the truth. Today in Normandy a 99 year old WW2 veteran told Zelensky that he, Zelensky, was “our hero”, the hero of all freedom loving humans. The veteran asked to have his photo taken with Zelensky so he could remember being with someone who is fighting today so that the sacrifices of those who died storming the beaches 80 years ago were not for nothing. Your words ring true and God will punish those who refuse to see.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Both Ukraine & Georgia were used. Inviting these 2 countries to join NATO in 2006 was reckless. Ask yourself why NATO later dropped invite for Georgia but not for Ukraine. Does Georgia ‘deserve democracy’ less than Ukraine? The NATO run up to Russia border allows our Defense Industry either more cold or now a hot war. And ‘war’ is the currency of the Military Industrial Complex in the same way beds filled $ are for hotels or hospitals. The war in Ukraine is about $$ and defense industry jobs. Also, IMO, Zelensky had no business attending 80th D-Day commemorations today.

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Matt, I can see that you're worried about something, but I'm not sure what.

Who do you think "invited Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO in 2006" or at any time? Ukraine did ask NATO for a Membership Action Plan in 2008, but were turned down. Someone saying that it seemed like a good idea for these countries to join NATO is NOT the same as inviting them to join.

And if we are worried about provoking Russia with NATO, it seems that Finland joining NATO is highly provoking - are you saying Russia is now justified to invade Finland?

If you believe in a Free World and the American way (as I surely do) - then that world must be defended with force - preferably overwhelming force. And that does cost money. Our interests are defended by defending the Free World. Our safety and prosperity are enhanced by defending the Free World. And as the vast majority of the evidence shows, the World is better off when the Free World and the American way is predominant.

And this should really cause some reflection: you may not think Zelensky should have been at D-Day commemorations, but some the guys who were actually on those beaches sure wanted him there - and think he's one of them. Rest assured that the guys on the beach have no tolerance for those unwilling to defend the Free World.

My grandfather died defending the Free World in WWII in North Africa. I'm pretty sure he didn't die thinking we were spending too much money on defense.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Finland and Russia were getting along just fine when Helsinki was neutral, as they’ve been for the last 75 years. It was a mistake, IMO, for Finland to join NATO. We do not need more ‘trigger’ lands that could be invaded and provoke a DECON 1 event. And Finland not only has a very long border with Russia, but they are an Arctic state, and there could be natural resources Finland & Russia compete for in future that brings them (and now rest of Article 5 NATO nations) into conflict. So, Donald, that’s what I’m worried about. The risk of thermonuclear war occurring for future generations because of man’s ego, existential threat, and fear. Just because atomic weaponry hasn’t been used in anger for 75 years doesn’t mean it won’t be used in future.

We’ve long operated with Russia by having buffer states in place. This has lowered risk of a hot war. Further, Ukraine is flat earth, the only mountains are in the far west. There’s a reason the Mongols/Tarter’s rolled right over this land in 1240 and into another flat place (Poland). Using words like ‘Free World’ to justify endless, continual wars is not propaganda I subscribe to any longer. Our nation can however, protect our national interests. And sometimes that overlaps with preserving/protecting representative governments or what some commonly call ‘democracies’.

I served many years in the US military, as did brothers and my dad. I’ve been deployed to a war zone, and am a proud American Legion member. I know about the consequences of war, including service members we lose to mental anguish long after the bullets stop.

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I would like to see the Ukrainian hero’s music group in North Carolina. How can I find out there tour schedule?

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