Well honestly I don't care if Ukraine wins of losses. It is not our problem
For last 30 years we Americans have sent trillions of $ abroad, while at same time there was never money for things at home.
Currently we are facing several major crisis in US:
- Healthcare is unaffordable
- Social Security is …
Well honestly I don't care if Ukraine wins of losses. It is not our problem
For last 30 years we Americans have sent trillions of $ abroad, while at same time there was never money for things at home.
Currently we are facing several major crisis in US:
- Healthcare is unaffordable
- Social Security is running out of money
- infrastructure is falling apart
- Student debt crisis
- opioid crisis (killed more Americans than people have died in war in Ukraine )
- Housing crisis (if you are under 30 chances are you will never own home)
- mental health crisis or major cities look like open air mental institutions
- crime is rampant
- inflation is killing middle class (what is left of middle class)
- ballooning debt that we will leave our children
- out of control deficit
these are only ones ot of top of my head
For last 30 years, nothing was done for any of these issues and time is running out. Our politicians are more than willing to send $60+ Billion to one of most corrupt nations in the world, while Americans don't have access to drinking water and basic infrastructure.
So no, honestly I don't care about Ukraine, it is European problem, and Europe is more than rich enough to deal with it. Our founding fathers have warned us exactly about this, why we should not meddle in European problems, we left hat continent with a reason, no need to spend taxpayer $$$ there.
I wish people of Ukraine all luck, but honestly, we Americans need to think about helping ourselves, before it is too late.
Great comment. Recently traveled to Spain. Everything was clean and beautiful. No litter. No potholes. No burned out buildings. We have work to do HERE.
China: MFN, WTO, unfair trade treaties, ignored their June 6 slaughter of unarmed students - this was all Democrats (maybe a bit of G.H.W. Bush sprinkled in as well)
Iraq: bipartisan. Both sides went full Rambo.
Libya: Democrats
Ukraine: Democrats (and RINOs).
See a trend here? The Democrats are the warmongering party, despite all their gaslighting to the contrary. And the dumb liberal voters just swallow the propaganda.
This is one-a rare occasions when I gotta say You're wrong, Raziel.
I'm *all* for AMERICA FIRST!
But *America only* is a really myopic way of looking at things. If Russia can be held to winning the Donbas and all-a that crap, it'll be a win for Ukraine and the U.S. and it's allies. You underestimate the value of that.
Then we can concentrate on CHINA for the next tens years, right?
EU and UK have population of 500 million people with GDP that is similar to our own. If they are unable to defend them self against Russia (Population of 140 million and 1/10 GDP) then they are useless in any conflict with China or anything else.
Our European "allies" have underinvested in defense for last 30 years, because their primary way of thinking is, US will defend us, we dont have to do anything.
At same time those "allies" have developed welfare states that provide "goodies" to population that we can only dream of. They have free college, free healthcare, paid maternity leave and many others.
And if you think that our "allies" are addicted to Russia for energy, wait till you see how addicted they are to trade with China and how "willing" will be to help.
You're not telling me anything I don't already know, Raziel. But it sounds like Your view is that Europe should just go to the dogs and get absorbed into Russia if they can't *defend* themselves against Russia.
The problem with that is that was *why* NATO was created in the first place. Where would the U.S. end up if we just ignored treaties and allowed that to happen? One guess.
I would also point out that EU has upped their defense payouts, and added two members to boot. Does that factor into Your thinking?
It is a European problem, but they can't afford to defend themselves; they spend all their tax money on free education, free Healthcare, paid parent leave, daycare, etc. It's a choice we are facing now too.
I tend to agree with you, but we live in an interconnected world. And the whole world is suffering because of Putin’s aggression. America has always been expected to shoulder most of the burden, and I chafe at that. Europeans do need to do more. Maybe a cold, expensive winter will change their minds. And it’s not just households that will suffer. Big European manufacturers use a lot of energy, and they will take a hit. Americans invest in those companies, and they will take a hit too. It’s that interconnectedness….
EU + UK have population of over 500 Million people, that is singinficantly more than we. Their combined GDP is similar to our own.
Europe has more than enough money. They can defend for themselves.
And yes it is interconnected world. If you think our European friends are addicted to Russian gas, wait until you see how addicted they are on China. The will be 0 use to us, in any confrontation in Asia. Europe is dying continent fast declining importance in the world, future is in Asia and Pacific.
And honestly, I dont care about Putin and Russia, we had Bush (war criminal, invaded Iraq on lie and damaged US more than Putin). Lets start cleaning up at home, because world will need US in the future, we cant help them, if we bankrupt ourselves and kill ourselves with opioids.
Raziel - Agreed. There’s a lot of ethnic struggles in other countries that have been going on since before the US was founded. Sometimes we need to butt out & mind our own business. It’s hubris to think we know what’s best for everyone else.
I'm not sure if You understand the concept of having ALLIANCES, Raziel.
Yeah, Europe is in too tight with the Chinese. It remains to be seen if they're gonna roll *over* for them, right? Leastways, I don't have a crystal ball on that.
Bush? This is 2022. When Putin is someone to be reckoned with.
I will have a controversial opinion.
Well honestly I don't care if Ukraine wins of losses. It is not our problem
For last 30 years we Americans have sent trillions of $ abroad, while at same time there was never money for things at home.
Currently we are facing several major crisis in US:
- Healthcare is unaffordable
- Social Security is running out of money
- infrastructure is falling apart
- Student debt crisis
- opioid crisis (killed more Americans than people have died in war in Ukraine )
- Housing crisis (if you are under 30 chances are you will never own home)
- mental health crisis or major cities look like open air mental institutions
- crime is rampant
- inflation is killing middle class (what is left of middle class)
- ballooning debt that we will leave our children
- out of control deficit
these are only ones ot of top of my head
For last 30 years, nothing was done for any of these issues and time is running out. Our politicians are more than willing to send $60+ Billion to one of most corrupt nations in the world, while Americans don't have access to drinking water and basic infrastructure.
So no, honestly I don't care about Ukraine, it is European problem, and Europe is more than rich enough to deal with it. Our founding fathers have warned us exactly about this, why we should not meddle in European problems, we left hat continent with a reason, no need to spend taxpayer $$$ there.
I wish people of Ukraine all luck, but honestly, we Americans need to think about helping ourselves, before it is too late.
Great comment. Recently traveled to Spain. Everything was clean and beautiful. No litter. No potholes. No burned out buildings. We have work to do HERE.
I don’t care what stupid people like you think.
Somewhere, somewhen, someone made a witty observation about people who call other people stupid.
Sure mate ehat ever you say. Comments like this really show your intelligence.
Not controversial at all, Raziel. Pure common sense and rational thinking. Something that the Democrats and RINOs are totally lacking, apparently.
Yeah, like You *only* are capable of common sense.
You MAGA folks have too muchuva tendency to be isolationist. That's the *opposite* of common sense. Can You see that? I have my doubts.
Our founding fathers were isolationist with good reason. And they have warnd us against meddling in Europe and their problems.
Empires cost money and tend to go bankrupt.
Empires that don't spend sufficiently collapse as well, right?
What I don't understand is why Your so much in favor of a Chinese hegemony, Raziel.
Vietnam: Democrats
Civil Rights Act: Republicans
China: MFN, WTO, unfair trade treaties, ignored their June 6 slaughter of unarmed students - this was all Democrats (maybe a bit of G.H.W. Bush sprinkled in as well)
Iraq: bipartisan. Both sides went full Rambo.
Libya: Democrats
Ukraine: Democrats (and RINOs).
See a trend here? The Democrats are the warmongering party, despite all their gaslighting to the contrary. And the dumb liberal voters just swallow the propaganda.
When You decide to comment on *Ukraine* situation, with some common sense, lemme know.
Typical conservative...bragging about the civil rights act.
This is one-a rare occasions when I gotta say You're wrong, Raziel.
I'm *all* for AMERICA FIRST!
But *America only* is a really myopic way of looking at things. If Russia can be held to winning the Donbas and all-a that crap, it'll be a win for Ukraine and the U.S. and it's allies. You underestimate the value of that.
Then we can concentrate on CHINA for the next tens years, right?
EU and UK have population of 500 million people with GDP that is similar to our own. If they are unable to defend them self against Russia (Population of 140 million and 1/10 GDP) then they are useless in any conflict with China or anything else.
Our European "allies" have underinvested in defense for last 30 years, because their primary way of thinking is, US will defend us, we dont have to do anything.
At same time those "allies" have developed welfare states that provide "goodies" to population that we can only dream of. They have free college, free healthcare, paid maternity leave and many others.
And if you think that our "allies" are addicted to Russia for energy, wait till you see how addicted they are to trade with China and how "willing" will be to help.
You're not telling me anything I don't already know, Raziel. But it sounds like Your view is that Europe should just go to the dogs and get absorbed into Russia if they can't *defend* themselves against Russia.
The problem with that is that was *why* NATO was created in the first place. Where would the U.S. end up if we just ignored treaties and allowed that to happen? One guess.
I would also point out that EU has upped their defense payouts, and added two members to boot. Does that factor into Your thinking?
It is a European problem, but they can't afford to defend themselves; they spend all their tax money on free education, free Healthcare, paid parent leave, daycare, etc. It's a choice we are facing now too.
Which is exactly why Americans haven't been able to afford those things. Time to stop providing Europe with military protection.
I tend to agree with you, but we live in an interconnected world. And the whole world is suffering because of Putin’s aggression. America has always been expected to shoulder most of the burden, and I chafe at that. Europeans do need to do more. Maybe a cold, expensive winter will change their minds. And it’s not just households that will suffer. Big European manufacturers use a lot of energy, and they will take a hit. Americans invest in those companies, and they will take a hit too. It’s that interconnectedness….
EU + UK have population of over 500 Million people, that is singinficantly more than we. Their combined GDP is similar to our own.
Europe has more than enough money. They can defend for themselves.
And yes it is interconnected world. If you think our European friends are addicted to Russian gas, wait until you see how addicted they are on China. The will be 0 use to us, in any confrontation in Asia. Europe is dying continent fast declining importance in the world, future is in Asia and Pacific.
And honestly, I dont care about Putin and Russia, we had Bush (war criminal, invaded Iraq on lie and damaged US more than Putin). Lets start cleaning up at home, because world will need US in the future, we cant help them, if we bankrupt ourselves and kill ourselves with opioids.
Raziel - Agreed. There’s a lot of ethnic struggles in other countries that have been going on since before the US was founded. Sometimes we need to butt out & mind our own business. It’s hubris to think we know what’s best for everyone else.
I'm not sure if You understand the concept of having ALLIANCES, Raziel.
Yeah, Europe is in too tight with the Chinese. It remains to be seen if they're gonna roll *over* for them, right? Leastways, I don't have a crystal ball on that.
Bush? This is 2022. When Putin is someone to be reckoned with.
Bread and circuses to keep the masses' attention elsewhere. It has worked since antiquity, dear Raziel, so why not keep it up?