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Re: Eli, The 20-year old would-be-assassin was a Republican, not a leftist. Hippies choose slower, more grinding means of outing the tyrants from control.

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I’ve been reading this Substack since before it was cool. I might even be the first subscriber. But I think today for the first time I read true journalism here.

Peter Savodnik - Ive been a critic but today I applaud you for your fairness and decency.

The questions for Biden - absolute perfection.

Please please keep this up!

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When did it become cool?

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I sense that the attempt on Trump has become the new "Oct. 7th."


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Once again you are so far off base you're not even in the same field as the game being played least you're consistent

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Nah. Perfectly on base

You're just not smart enough to get least you're consistent.

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I don't think Andy Mills will ever be invited for an interview for the outgoing president, but his questions were spot on! I'm going to have them bronzed.

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Andy Mills- you NAILED it! Holding our leaders accountable is the fundamental purpose of the free press, and you just showed how it can be done masterfully. Bravo!

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Thanks for the shout out!

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I note that Melania's first thoughts were about herself. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Thoughts and prayers Donald. Now "get over it."

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Didn't take but 24 ours for the deranged left to turn the temperature back up, did it, cupcake?

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And your point is?

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She said that her and Barron's life would changed if anything happened to Donald. She was just saying how much they would have missed him. Nothing on het part to get over!

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Exactly my point.

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This is the logic of a slack jawed Neanderthal.

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What is going on? I’m being totally serious & sincere. WHAT CHANGED since FP 6/28 “They Knew “. I’m honestly perplexed by how many articles have been released just today. So this is on other articles threads posted TODAY.

This is like the children’s song about the song that never ends….

REMEMBER: The lead to Bari’s 6/28 “They Knew” Bari, correctly wrote: ”Biden is no longer fit to be president. Last night's debate exposed the lies we've been told. By Bari Weiss. June 28, 2024.”


Timeline below.

6/27 1st DEBATE & the emperor had no clothes was actually murmured… enough that everyday people dared to question the legitimacy of our mainstream press. But we woke to ⤵️⤵️

6/28 Bari’s brave, “They Knew” - the THEY being the mainstream press.

7/05 1st INTERVIEW since the DEBATE, directly followed by the First Lady’s Vogue interview.

7/11 1st PRESS CONFERENCE since nine months elapsed.

7/12 Free Press’s awesome truth telling Baiya Ungar-Sargon article. In this we knew the 1st amendment & freedom to speak & write about such things was intact & this article confirmed that.

NOW it’s mainstream media AGAIN for another ⤵️⤵️

FIRST ➡️fill-in-the-blank SINCE fill-in-the-blank

7/15 1st INTERVIEW since the assassination attempt on former President Trump.


Lester Holt *is* very much mainstream MEDIA.

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Bari, are you doing a Kevin Durant--buying burner phones so you can write glittering shit about yourself as alter egos?

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David Masci writes "both sides acted appropriately". No they didn't. President Biden made thoughtful comments indicating a sense of morality and decency that is deserving of respect. The rest of his party, at least the ones surrounding me here in the Bay Area, are sending around memes on Facebook lamenting that the shooter missed, saying horrible things like "Send the guy money for more sharpshooting practice" and "Melania also complained about 2 more inches". One guy, a family member no less, tried to invalidate concerns over an attempted assassination by asking how can Republicans complain about the attempted murder of one man when they look the other way while "Israel murdered 16,000 children". I ripped him a new asshole for that one. Democrats today have completely lost their moral compass. The only thing they care about is winning. Law, fairness, truth, and now basic human decency are all niceties to be dismissed if they stand in the way of achieving power. Their collective mindset is despicable.

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What we call "social media" has become a spite magnet.

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Out of consideration for your readers, please don't post a paywalled article if you don't intend to eliminate the paywall.

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Trumps rhetoric and Biden's rhetoric are not similar. He will be our next president but he won't turn down the temperature.

“Trump is an aspirational fascist who pursues crowd adulation, hyperaggressive nationalist, white triumphalism, and militarism, pursues a law-and-order regime giving unaccountable power to the police, and is a practitioner of a rhetorical style that regularly creates fake news and smears opponents to mobilize support for the Big Lies he advanced.” William Connelly

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At first I was going to ask who TF William Connelly is. But when I looked him up and learned he had won the 1999 Benjamin Lippincott Award, it became obvious. Silly me.

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He also said he agreed “entirely” with Reid Hoffman’s “thoughtful post” Sunday morning, in which Hoffman said that he was “horrified and saddened by what happened to former President Hitler, oops I mean Trump, and wish him a speedy recovery.”

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There was nothing "thoughtful" about his post, a backhanded comment if I've ever heard one . . .

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They don't even feel the need to be subtle, or limit the ugliness to their inner bubble. Disgusting, but there is the silver lining that there is no way to be ignorant of their ugliness.

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There Ollie goes again (or is it Olivia Reingold, you can never be sure from the confusing way they group sections on this email newsletter). He's got me, then he's lost me. "Read on for more on the young voters who are turning right." What makes them "right"? I haven't read her article so maybe it is clarified more, but recoiling in horror from today's left, which is very easy to do, does not automatically make you on the right. It makes you normal and sane.

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Andy Mills: This is precisely why you will NEVER be invited to interview Biden or any other Democrat, for that matter.

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Mehlhorn is a flaming idiot. No one stages any political stunt involving a 20-yr-old nut job shooting at their head. No one.

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I know a few agencies that have ran a bunch of political lawfare stunts to discredit the opposition.

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Of course but what does that have to do with this?

In 2022 the democrats contributed $54 mil to republican primaries to try and support extreme MAGA candidates

That also has nothing to do with paying a shooter to nick you with an AR15?

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Well, I was answering a question about political stunts. Yes I knew that, because in my state the democrats contributed more to the republicans than the republicans themselves. I never in my post implied or said such a thing about paying anyone to nick someone with an AR15.

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The SS sniper was our modern Jack Ruby. Everything was perfect except, the kid missed.

This ain't over folks.

They can't let him win, they have too much to lose.

Get ready for the car bombs.

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