
Most folk are in Australia because their ancestors got there in leg-irons. Just sayin'.

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You lost me at disbelieving the CIA killed Kennedy. Most people know this to be true. Do more research. Look at why the evidence has been kept from the public. I don't agree with some things Tucker says but he's not a conspiracy theorist. That term is so overused. Anytime someone disagrees with the bullshit narrative, up it pops. It's getting tired.

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Tik Tok employees say their bosses work closely with Beijing. I’m shocked🙄

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One thing that might go untouched with regards to the stabbing incidents in Australia, is that in the case of the Bondi Junction attack, one of the major Australian news networks, pulled a NY Post and incorrectly identified and promoted a much younger Jewish student as being the perpetrator of the attacks, when it was in fact a much older man. The NY Post did the same thing in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon Bombing. Apparently nobody learns anything, ever. I don't think there is any anti-semitism at all playing out here but it's interesting how wrong they got their supposed 'facts' He's suing (and rightly so). Good luck Channel Seven!

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They aren’t conspiracy theories… 🤣 They are topics he’s putting out there, and we can use our critical thinking skills to decide if we want to research more, if we agree with the basic idea, or if we deem the topic a waste of our time. I found the minister’s interview uninteresting and contrary to my own beliefs, so I turned it off after 8 or so minutes never to be thought of again except for journalists rooting for Tucker’s demise that want to keep bringing it up this week. People, have you ever heard a thought you didn’t agree with? This isn’t new. It used to happen all the time. Move on…

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It’s called the bigotry of low expectations, for some reason the Ollie types think if the “Tuckers” of this world tell us “righties” there are fairies down the back garden we will all believe it. Forget the fact that most “lefties” think a man can become a woman just by saying it.

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Ollie, you forgot to say"right wing" guests. Tucker Carlson's right wing guests. Is this supposed to cap the portfolio for your job application for MSNBC or CNN? So much for nuance.

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Ann Coulter was on Bill Maher's show, and they were discussing some horrible crime that had occurred, and the identity of the suspect hadn't been released. Ann's comment was that this means the suspect isn't white; if he were white, he would have been paraded as a right-wing extremist.

I believe Ann might think that if the teenage suspect in the knifing attack in Australia did not speak Arabic, we would not be reading about it in The Free Press.

And Oliver, thank you so much for pointing out that the person in Australia who did actually kill 6 people wasn't a crazed Muslim lunatic. Apparently you believe we would assume otherwise unless you told us. And why would we assume that? Because we read The Free Press?

I think most editors--strike that, all editors--would have reordered that part of your story. You lead with the 6 deaths, of course, then mention that there was also another attack leaving people wounded. That is, unless the entire purpose of mentioning any of it is simply to point to another attack by a Muslim person.

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Shh... (Adam Schiff gave NPR the inside scoop on the criminal probe into the Baltimore ship crash.)

So it shall be accepted as wizened truth.

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What never ceases to amaze me is how much the media doesn't realize what a senile old man the Trumpster fire is.

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Most folk are in Australia because their ancestors got there in leg-irons. Just sayin'.

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Ben Kawaller's excursions to America have been consistently underhanded, unfair, and unnecessary. I wish FP sent him back to his Greenpoint//Williamsburg enclave to entertain NYC 'liberal' stockbrokers and numerous trustfund babies.

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Ann: Thanks for responding. Someone else noted that the trial is being held in state court and as such isn’t bound by federal rules. When you look up the state rules for New York, NYCPL 340.50, it reads “Except as provided in subdivision two or three, a defendant must be personally present during the trial.” Thank you for the response.

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Regarding the Iran-Israel conflict, I am reminded of Leonardo da Vinci's observation: "He who fails to punish evil wills it to be done." This likewise applies to the Soros-sponsred soft-on-crime DAs.

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Why do the Free Press writers hate Donald Trump so much?? and are willing to accept a Biden Presidency? maybe someone can explain?

I try to understand, really.

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I'm still waiting to hear from the 45.3% of people that support Biden. Have yet to get an explanation.

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“People need to put their differences aside and realize there is more to life than holding grudges.”

Absolutely true. Good luck with that.

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Eli is really just upset that Carlson is bringing on Christians in Israel to talk about their experiences of being assaulted, threatened, attempted arson on churches, etc.

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