So you're telling me that a fanatical shithole of a country that can't provide water and electricity, produce their own food, or form any kind of industrial base (besides tunnelry/rocketry) has some efficient registry of the inhabitants? I doubt that. But in case they might, can we ask how many of those "children" were 12-18 yr old boys …
So you're telling me that a fanatical shithole of a country that can't provide water and electricity, produce their own food, or form any kind of industrial base (besides tunnelry/rocketry) has some efficient registry of the inhabitants? I doubt that. But in case they might, can we ask how many of those "children" were 12-18 yr old boys with AK's? Or how many of those 14 yr old little girls were pregnant?
So you're telling me that a fanatical shithole of a country that can't provide water and electricity, produce their own food, or form any kind of industrial base (besides tunnelry/rocketry) has some efficient registry of the inhabitants? I doubt that. But in case they might, can we ask how many of those "children" were 12-18 yr old boys with AK's? Or how many of those 14 yr old little girls were pregnant?
Context is instructive.