No abortion concessions to practicing Catholics?

And Trump is called the fascist-authoritarian.

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So, which political side of the aisle is this coming from? That tells you all you need to know this election season. “Apparently the word Israel is enough to upset customers and give booksellers “trouble they haven’t asked for and don’t wish to have.” That’s according to Matt Baldacci, the publisher for Shelf Awareness, a prominent trade magazine read by over 645,000 readers.”

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He said customers would also complain, “and our partners trust us to protect them from those kinds of situations.”

Protect them? From seeing the word Israel?

I cannot possibly use bad enough words for people like this. This sort of thing gets me thinking of genocide

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Our two candidates for president, Trump and Harris, surely must mean our nation is politically realigning in real time. The two of them represent the best America has got and the best we can do at this moment. I believe that is the Big Picture. Trump is loud too much and like they used to say about John Foster Dulles-he is a bull in a china shop and brings along the china shop....words to that effect.

Harris is vacuous with no substance in the abyss that is her mind. This is one abyss that will never look back at anyone. She is strictly a tool for the neo Marxist Left. So here we are.

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“Trumps revenge fantasies”.

You mean, doing to others what has been done to him? To his supporters? Ollie, did you ask Bannon for a comment on jailing political appointments?

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Maybe you aren't aware that your sources are the same ones who took part in sabotaging Trump's presidency so no, I don't believe them.

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As usual, you were taking Trump‘s comments out of context! If you listen to Megan Kelly, she did a complete breakdown of what he said. It was in the context of rioters after the election. He said he wouldn’t hesitate to put out the National Guard or the military, if people were rioting after the election. What should’ve been done during the Black Lives Matter riots during 2020. The enemies within are the rioters and antifa people who cause all the problems. So far the only people putting their opponents in jail, are the Biden Harris administration who are putting grandmothers in jail for protesting an abortion clinics, and trying to prosecute whistleblowers from illegal transgender surgeries. So maybe you should just take a seat!

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It always makes me laugh at assessments of Trumps foreign policy. He presided over a safer world between two incompetents Presidents, negotiated the Abraham Accords, put North Korea in its place, starved Iran to the verge of collapse, pushed back Russia and got many NATO countries to finally properly fund the alliance.

There is a statement Trump made years before about his vision… it was something to the effect that he was not going to tell other countries what he was going to do and make them scared of what he could do. Also, for those saying he was cozy with Putin and Kim Jun UN, there is an old saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.

I don’t love everything Trump does, but will admit he plays to win and almost always does. Isn’t that the quality we want in a President? I’d rather have a law abiding, nasty SOB for a president that is successful than a nice, utopian idiot who makes bad decision after bad decision.

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Oh my gawdddd. Talk about beating dead horses (tell the lie enough times . . . ). "On the campaign trail, Trump hasn’t done much to counter the charges of authoritarianism." The man the Democrats have tried to destroy since the days of Methuselah, was in office for 4 years completing a successful term with the best economy in 50 years prior to COVID. Lay off the liberal bs, Ollie, or educate yourself, go to J-school, learn some American history - anything to skip the record in your confused state of mind.

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Obama single-handedly increased the level of danger and disjunction in the world with his lack of a coherent foreign policy. Obama was one of the most dangerous and incompetent presidents ever because he has always believed that he is the smartest person in the room when history and results show he is an idiot. The fact that he is the shadow president now and the world has gone to s&$t shows his danger to the world.

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I would just point out re: Israel Alone that the title The Bookseller of Kabul was published in 2002. If we're going on just titles alone, where were these protesters then?

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Nice try ass kissing of Trump but no cigar.

Marine General John Kelly knows better.

Cancel my subscription. I have had enough of the hippie bible from San Francisco.

What a waste.

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Generals Don't Lie?

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“The character of a president”. Joe Biden and family received millions of dollars from foreign sources, essentially selling out the U.S. to enrich himself and his family. That’s character… or should I say a huge lack thereof.

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It seems to me this pearl clutching about character was abandon long ago when the Democratic party and their electorate sided with Bill getting head in the Oval Office. His approval rating actually increased.

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Under the Trump administration, the US needs to remove its military bases in Qatar and relocate them to UAE or Saudi Arabia, nations not friendly with Qatar, which is a Shia nation and strongly aligned with Iran. Qatar cannot be trusted, as demonstrated by its shielding of Hamas (and Hezbollah?) terrorists leadership

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If Carville turns out wrong despite his certainty, logic dictates that the MSM would drop him like he was hot. However, we are inevitably bound to see his looney ass making the circuit again after a brief hiatus because he is the only talking head that isn't a bloviating milquetoast scold. The Media Is so depressing.

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Bari, I agree with almost everything you say and do but I'm disgusted that you have "Kamala's incoherence" in your headline. Such an unbelievably irresponsible false equivalency - her "incoherence" is something Trump would smear her with. Trump is the incoherent one and Kamala is doing her best to express her policies of which there are many pages on her website. If she does lose, you will actually be partly to blame just like Maureen Dowd's criticism of Al Gore was partly to blame for him losing.

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I'm sure that Bari appreciates your respect for her influence, but if your candidate loses maybe you ought to look to her for the reason as opposed to what amounts to be an op-ed.

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