On the "innocent man executed". According to any attorney working or assigned to a case, it's the winning the case that counts. Justice comes in second place. You never know the truth of the matter as in innocent or guilty. Just ask an attorney. And if he can get a case dismissed on a technicality, still a win, even if the crime was witnessed by a host of individuals. I don't think I could live with myself giving the obviously guilty a pass on a technicality. SF

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Julia's piece gives me hope for the future. I've enjoyed following her time at TFP, but she is destined for greater things. What a great start at the review!

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Oliver: Are you having a good time framing this election as a horse race for pundits like yourself to analyze so superficially? Are you so married to some minutely insignificant Republican policy point that you will play the game of "politics as usual" while the MAGA movement pushes an incompetent maniac committed to violence into a takeover of our government? Trump should be running away altogether into the dark night of his mental illnesses so that the country can be protected from him.

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Wuthering Heights: Jacob sounds too Zionistic. Could he be a Colonizer, Palestinian baby killer, white male systemic racist? Perhaps if he were trans or dressed as Ken to her Barbie!

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Yeah. It's Trump's election to lose, and he seems determined to do just that......

It's supremely ironic that the Dems who will vote for Harris because they want to "save Democracy" will in all likelihood usher in a period of stifling repression of basic rights of those who don't espouse the "right" opinions.

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"Trump Should Be Running Away With the Election"???!!! Are we now getting into silly headlines to grab attention?

It is beyond astounding that we need to be constantly reminded that Donald J Trump incited a riot at the United States capitol while intensely pressuring his vice president (Pence) to NOT do his constitutional duty and certify the vote. And he SAT and WATCHED it on TV, telling staffers that it was OK, "...they're not here to hurt ME..." while the people's house was denigrated and people died!! (During or as the result of) And NOW promising to PARDON most or all of them as an initial act once he wins another term. HELLO!!??

Oh, and not to mention that he enlisted a cadre of lawyers, sycophants, and politicians (now disbarred and or disgraced) to head to various states to fabricate nonsense carry out a deranged attempt to discredit their elections. While no court of law in ANY VENUE could see enough evidence to permit the criminal nonsense to proceed (thank God).

As a reminder, he has also managed to committed Christian BLASPHEMY by printing a Holy Bible with his picture on it and the U.S. Constitution within it!! Hello Christians?! All part of a series of insane grifting promotions (Bibles, coins, DJT Media ... whatever makes HIM money!!)

If anything, his campaign staff has done a magnificent job of diverting attention away from these acts which should have been DISQUALIFYING from the outset. All while hiding behind a cover of presidential immunity, outrageously enhanced by a Supreme Court seeded with his own appointments.

Harris is far from a perfect candidate who has had to scramble up a coherent campaign after Biden's inexplicably clinging onto his reelection campaign while all could see that HE WAS NOT FIT EITHER! Despite her shortcomings and lack policy explanations, she was a US Senator and the VP of the United States. We may have issues with her policies, but she is at least QUALIFIED where Trump should have been DISQUALIFIED before all of this got started.

When and why did TFP start normalizing the second presidential run of Donald Trump? Maybe some investigative journalism is called for on that question.

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In the third sentence of the third paragraph of the lead story, substitute “a Democratic Party” with “the Press” (Et tu, TFP?) and we have our answer to today’s TFP headline question.

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Ollie, you're wearing me out here...

Trump- you're directionally correct, but the best example is him focusing on Harris' purported job at McDonalds on the day she announced her support to end the filibuster. That's a huge forced error. The polls will always be tight as both candidates have a hard floor of support ranging from 46-48%.

Defund the UN- absolutely. Back in the day when the League of Nations was still around, it was orthodoxy that totalitarian governments could not be included in such international organizations. FDR's cave ins to the USSR during the Depression were the first, worst step down the wrong road and everything since is entirely predictable. Nothing would stop us from forming a new organization made up entirely of liberal democracies. If projects of a defunded UN are deemed worthwhile, by all means support and fund them. It shouldn't be a blank check to fund so many projects clearly at odds with our national interests.

Arctic Ice- great example of the climate crowd's fear mongering. The Arctic has 15,850 km3 of ice. It's melting at a rate of 15 km3 per year. That's 0.10%, or 1000 years. The "ice free" date is like all other climate alarms. Catastrophe date set, public wets its pants, rent seekers exact more money from the system, date passes, date pushed out 10 years. Wash, rinse, repeat. All we're missing is 51 Intelligence officers to issue a declaration in support.

Rent Control- it isn't just in Argentina. Give me an example where rent control didn't result in higher rents and lower supply. It's a more discredited policy than even minimum wage, which is a pretty high bar.

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I have enjoyed cycling Going To The Sun Highway from West Glacier, MT up to Logan Pass as part of transcontinental tours. It was either in ‘96 or ‘01 that the National Park Service placed a sign at Logan Pass informing people of the imminent melting, soon, of the glacier. Sort of ‘get your last look’ before it disappears.

Well the glacier is still present, although the sign was still there in ‘13, but the melt by date had expired.

OMG! The sky is falling!

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Why isn't Trump further ahead in the polls?


"Kamala Harris is getting a very easy ride from the media? Okay, that may be part of it".

No, that just isn't "part of it", it's damn near ALL OF IT.

Kamala going all the way from absolute mutt of a VP to the Dems vaunted savior is absolutely driven by the media and you'd have to be blind not to see it.

That said though, I do have to agree with some of the articles other instances of strange ramblings and sales pitches.

After the July 13th assassination attempt, Trump saw a sizable surge in what I'd call a "sympathy vote" in the polls and then he proceeded to ruin that with subsequent rambling speeches.

Personally, I'll still vote for him because there is no way I'd ever support a candidate who pushed for defunding he police, abolishing ICE, supports antifa rioters by raising bail funding for them, pushes for open borders and supports Frankensteinian "gender-affirming care" for minors.

.....and still NO PRESS CONFERENCES..

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And go Julia! My favorite TFPer. I emailed TFP once and got a personal reply, so she is in my pantheon of journalism stars.

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Move the UN to Epstein’s island. US should fund 3% of its budget since we have 3% of the world’s population.

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"An Innocent" Man Executed. Not so fast, here's a more detailed explanation what happened:


Peter's "full analysis" omitted many important details.

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Wiseman is perhaps a bit young to remember the '88 election, in which the press claimed that Regan, too, was fighting for his life.

It was a blow out.

Perhaps Wiseman should lookat actions above words.

Trump is doing ads & campaigning in NY & VA.

Harris is defending NH & MN.

Perhaps internal polling does not match the public counterparts.

Perhaps deeper reporting is needed...

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Reagan didn’t run in 88, are you talking about 84?

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From Wikipedia:

"The Stanford Review (also known as The Review) is a student-run right-wing newspaper that serves Stanford University in Stanford, California.[1][2] It was founded in 1987 by Peter Thiel and Norman Book."

Good Lord, Wikipedia of all places just continues to wear out my hind end...

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Oliver Wiseman, like many, no, most journalists continue to haplessly spin his wheels trying to normalize Donald Trump. The chorus of “If Trump, would just…” refrain is almost nauseating in its consistency. If Trump would just : not hang out with Hitler denying, racist, right wing conspiracy mongers, not lie repeatedly and dangerously about immigrants, not rant incoherently about just about any subject pertinent to being taken seriously as candidate for the most powerful position on the planet.

Then, of course, there is the apparent self willed amnesia about Trump’s words and words and actions on January 6, 2021 that led directly to the sacking of his own Capitol, OUR capital. And the continuing of the unrepentant anti-democratic lie about the legitimacy and integrity of the country’s entire election infrastructure. But this singularly disqualifying fact about Trump is sooo old news, so boring, that Wiseman and his fellow “serious” journalists keep trying to actually make Trump NOT Trump. Get to those “policies”! Let’s manufacture a pretend conversation with an imaginary Republican presidential candidate, complete with cogent serious arguments about governing

If only…..

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That rant was one sided. Both candidates are assholes and unfit for office. Where is your fair and balance criticism of word salad Herris.

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You're doing great, Julia. Keep on doing what you're doing.

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