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I will vote for Shapiro or I will vote for Vance. But that is the real race. This has always been a VP race. This Harris love is a flash in the pan. The VP will direct the future of American politics in this very weird election.

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I grew up in Ohio and Michigan. States classically denigrated by the “fly-over” troll – rust belt. The bias in the sub-headline phrase that anyone speaks fluent rust belt is cemented indelibly by capitalizing it! That it is implicitly assumed that I am in league with the subject of the piece is simply blatant prejudice. My comment might be tagged with a headline that says, “TheFP speaks fluent Lesbian” and it would equate to the same absurdity. The remainder of what I say would be given the same credence that I have in the piece above. i.e. the author doesn’t know what they don’t know.

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Vance, I'm sure, is a nice guy and I'm appreciative to him for his Military service as I am to all that wear the uniforms.

That said, he lacks the experience to be the President, should it come to that. My own feeling is that Vance will not bring to the ticket one single vote that Trump would have received anyway. Younkin would have exposed new voters to Trump and Haley would have netted Trump "lots" of new voters. I hope I'm wrong, but this choice feels like a mistake (to me).

While I'm hoping for a Trump victory as it is my belief our Nation simply cannot stand for more of the corruption, incompetance and absurd policies of the modern day Democrats, Trump is doing everything immaginable to blow it. After a successful Convention, his long awaited speech at the end, rather than a highlight, was a pin in the baloon: boring and predictable. The media has already hit the road running with lies and deception. Republicans need to be smart here (somthing that just doesn't seem to come easily to them).

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Myself, along with a lot of conservative commentators and even trump used be part of the democrat party. All it takes is an open mind to reconsider your position. So vance will happily admit he was wrong and why and that could lead other questioning people down the same path to trump. That is a good thing.

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Despite the eventually absurd effort on the Left to spin a decrepit Biden into another term the emperor's nakedness simply could no longer be disguised. Harris is a different matter and, although far below what should be the standard for consideration for the presidency, still has a sufficient silhouette to be artfully morphed into an electable virtual candidate. Everyone on planet earth knows she has Charli XCX's endorsement so, like, game over, right? Trump and Vance who are both target rich, will likely not survive the hypersonic assault that has commenced against them and before next Spring will be distant memories in America's ADHD-grade attention span.

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Please do not come back with "whataboutism" because I am making no comment on Harris' ability / lack thereof or that (of course) there are other issues that are important. Very simply, though, unless you are pretty far into the Christian / TradWife side of things, I can see a LOT of women being repulsed by many of Vance’s views. I can see why millions and millions of undecided women (and men) might find a Trump / Vance pairing unacceptable - particularly as the alternative is no longer Biden.

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Please don't fall prey to the mass delusion brought on by hearing too many people excited about Kamala Harris. They are like people who had been walking across the desert with an empty canteen suddenly rediscovering that water is the most delicious substance ever! But we all know water. We've known water and we've known that Kamala Harris is a professional useless person. If she's that much better than a corpse, it still doesn't exactly make her good or fresh or any of the other Stockholm-esque ejaculations we're hearing from the state media.

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The canteen is filled with kool-aid. The only question is if the kool aid effect wears off in three weeks or three months.

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I was really hoping Trump would pick a Republican governor, one who is more moderate, as his VP. Because I think there is a strong chance that Trump will not make it to the end of his term this is important. So when I vote I look at Vance as president, I cannot vote this ticket as much as I dislike Harris.

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"Trump Might Regret Picking J.D. Vance". Then again, he may not.

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Vance is a white male and he wrote the foreword to Roberts' book. And who the eff is Roberts?

Oh, 2025... That is digging pretty deep.

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Winners double down on what makes them win. Losers create stratgegies to 'avoid losing'. Chosing JD is a winner's strategy. Adding a VP to try to win a specific state or appeal to a given demographic just plays into the gullibility of many voters. A VP has a voice within the cabinet, but at the end the VP follows the Pres / party / cabinet's views. A VP can be a good surrogate. And a VP pick gives a sense of the future of the party. Harris was picked to show the progressives in 2020 that the future of the party is much more progressive than even Biden. Even Trump picking Pence in 2016 was a loser strategy. But remember sometimes winners lose and losers win. But I would rather lose putting my confident persepctive on the table.

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Ugh. So Vance is a “white male.” That’s Democratic Party speak. Race is their big idea that subsumes everything else. (Gender and sex right behind). Thus Harris is great/competitive because she’s “black” and a woman. But she can’t choose Gov Shapiro as VP because he’s Jewish. It’s disgusting and profoundly un-American to sort people that way. It’s too soon to know whether Vance is a strong pick. (One reaction I had was thank goodness someone w a brain is in the room.) But if it doesn’t work out, it’s not cause his skin color. Can’t we focus on policies and ideas, and not join the Dem obsession w race?

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Give it a little time. When enough of the voters tire of the plethora of non-white faces on the podium, of the Maxine Waters and Al Sharptons spewing openly anti-white rhetoric, seeing men who think they're women and women who think they're men presented as our children's future, perhaps even when some of the Jewish voters and financial contributors see Harris and her Soros-funded Third World coterie as a direct threat to the existence of Israel, then having two strong white males at the helm of state may seem the best choice for our country and the free world.

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Trump should have picked Nikki Haley but he is too stubborn.

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Yeehah! You guys picked a real winner: Vance - All the creepiness of Donald but completely lacking that Trumpian “charm” you guys love so much! Lol!!!!!!!

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