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This might be the dumbest FP I have ever read.

Would it be possible to have Douglas Murray or Walter Kirn write something during the week? They are so intelligent and funny. Eli Lake could look for work in the legacy media.

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Trump has his policy goals and plans on his website. Project 2025 Was produced by an outside organization and is merely a wishlist. It’s no different than numerous documents produced by Democrats and their numerous organizations. It’s a wish list.

Democrats have the same type of documents. How do you think they got men to compete in women’s sports? Where do you think all of the DEI and SEL and trans platforms came from? Democrat think tanks.

The only difference is that Republicans are not trying to take an outside organizations hopes and dreams and pin it to Biden as policy.

Yet another totally insane take by the left and promoted by their kissing cousins in the media.

Trump has been clear about what he plans to do. You either agree or not. Vote for him, or Biden. Welcome to America.

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Trump only has one agenda, getting himself elected. His « policies » are flexible as long as they serve that goal. But for me, his stated policies are irrelevant. Trump does not believe in or support democracy. What he did after the 2020 election, denying the results, trying to have them overturned by all sorts of subterfuges, and finally amassing a belligerent crowd using conspiracy theories, is an absolute disqualification. How anyone could believe « making America great again » involved such chicanery is unfathomable. Much of the FP is geared towards skewering the most egregious ideas on the left, which is a needed balance. But I would like to see the FP also make a clear condemnation of unpatriotic and dangerous cult of Donald Trump.

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I'm sorry Peter7136, but I'm afraid that you are exhibiting symptoms of TDS.

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I am not sure there is any cure.

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It was obviously a rigged election you fool. So much proof has come out about federal collusion with media companies and social media companies to ban conservative viewpoints and anything else they didn't like. Barring an entire half of the country from speaking on the biggest platforms in the world is an incredible way to shape the narrative and thoughts of voters, wouldn't you think?

There was no insurrection. So much proof has come out about how the people on Jan 6th peacefully walked into the capitol and it was clearly entrapment. Literal videos of this event are on the internet as we speak, for free viewing.

And don't even get me started on mail in voting and other lack of voting checks and balances.

Rigged elections happen all the time in countries everywhere. It is not impossible that one in the US could also be rigged. One should be allowed to question the results of an election. If one can't do that, then freedom of speech is dead.

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unfortunately, if you don't want to have the Left's progressive agenda continued by reupping Biden, then you are seen as automatically MAGA and pro-Trump. That is simplistic and incorrect thinking. I don't think it matters what party you identify with, (and party identity these days is almost a form of identity politics, how sad).

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I think I might Identify as Ben Shapiro for the purposes of Free Press comments - after his brilliant performance before the House Judiciary Committee regarding the media. "Loving Mother" could be my "dead name". It suffered an accident tripping up the stairs.

Eli Lake could Identify as an MSN host.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Wouldn't it be better to be asking questions like:

1) "Who runs the US government? Clearly it is not the figurehead president who used to be able to read from a teleprompter ("pass the audition"). And, for how long has this been going on? Has it been across more than this administration?"

2) Why would Anyone Ever trust the media or Hollywood again? They are Shocked!, Shocked! to learn that Biden is not tip top and doing intellectual and physical cartwheels!

3) Why does Richard Levine still have a job at HHS?

"Unsealed Court Documents Show That Admiral Rachel Levine Pressured WPATH To Remove Age Guidelines From The Latest Standards Of Care

A head-on collision between science and politics JESSE SINGAL JUN 25, 2024"


On WPATH: "Physiological Plausibility" https://www.pittparents.com/p/physiological-plausibility

4) How could "making America great again" be sinister other than that All Republicans are HItler "ARH")? Do we still think Biden "healed" our county's divisions? The current Democrat party (I was an Independent) always accuses the opposing side (Republicans) of what they are doing:

"Echoes of Eugenics: What the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg Means for Us in the US

On the 75th anniversary of the trial of Nazi doctors at Nuremberg we examine Nazi medicine and gender-affirming care" https://www.pittparents.com/p/echoes-of-eugenics-what-the-doctors

And, Orhodox Jews like Ben Shapiro will turn children into Nazi's? What about the DEI/CRT/Gender Indoctrination the Federal Government promotes in K-12 education?

5) If the Democrats suddenly do not think Biden should run for a second term, how can they think he should be president now? Huh, it's like it is only about winning and never letting go of power - that Democrats are suddenly upset because Biden could lose.

6) Has anyone read the Democrat Party Platform? It is Insane. Men are not women. Women are not men. And, people should not be deplatformed for expressing this "opinion". Shaprio: https://www.dailywire.com/news/my-opening-statement-to-the-house-judiciary-committee?topStoryPosition=2

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Project 2025 was published early in 2023. Why it is suddenly an issue?

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Because it takes the heat off the vegetable in the White House.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Democrats have lost their way. You cannot send out Biden saying he is spry, and everything is okay, when it's not. You can't stop giving grades in school because you say math is "racist". You can't have Ivy league universities promoting a culture that literally gives women zero rights. You cannot say drag queen story hour is okay for young children. You cannot ban books, take down statues, and try to cover up history. You can't say racism is bad and then make everything race with affirmative action and DEI policies. You can't say you're for the working man when you allow an open border funneling tax dollars to hotels and housing to non-citizens when we are struggling for our own basic needs. You cannot say you're pro education when gender studies for young children are more important than math and science. When undocumented children are flooding classrooms and hurting the foundation of education for our own children. You can't say you're anti big business when you are the definition of big business. You can't say you fight for democracy when majority of Americans don't want Biden. You can't say Trump uses fear to gain votes when you straight up lied about covid and used fear to gain an enormous amount of money with vaccines and shutdowns. You can't say you fixed the economy when the federal minimum wage is comparable to a slave wage and housing has never been more out of reach. Democrats have lost their minds on so many foundational issues, that it is hard to see what good they have done. I am a democrat and it's hard to be on my own side right now.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Eh, drag queen story hour is probably ok. Sure, it’s unnecessary and inflammatory, but ok. Unless they’re naked or making explicit sexual references, it’s just a guy in a costume, it’s not going to hurt your kid. Men playing women’s sports, or in womens’s prison, or medicating children? That causes harm. I don’t understand the right’s decision to pick on drag queens, who are generally gay men. Trans and gay are not the same, and I thought Republicans were ok with gay people now that they can get married. The LGB people made a colossal mistake agreeing to allow the T people under their tent.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Hi, me. I'm not right or left. I've never cared whether anyone was gay or lesbian or not. I enjoy talking to everybody (who is not a sociopath)!

I don't think the "right" (increasingly anyone who disagrees with Democrats) would care about drag queens if they stayed in the adult entertainment lane. But, they are brought into schools now to blur the lines regarding "gender identity" which is taught with Genderbread Unicorns and Drag - and how you can dump your family for Glitter Familes. Some drag performers fight for the trans cult. So, the problem is when they go beyond "it is a performance" to "this is my Identity and I am female/woman". There is an entire incoherent Ideology surrounding it "gender" and, unfortunately, drag is very useful to it.

Please check out Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans which has published almost daily articles by parents for several years (we had 4thwavenow.com before then). See, for instance, https://www.pittparents.com/p/the-trevor-project-undercover-mom and https://www.pittparents.com/p/physiological-plausibility regarding WPATH.

So, I have to respectfully disagree about the view that people are "picking on drag queens".

I Totally agree with you about LGB people making a colossal mistake agreeing to allow the T people under their tent.

P.S. I think HHS's Richard Levine is a sociopath and we ought to be talking about why he still has government employment rather than going to trial followed by jail (not with women).

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Trump is lying about 2025.

From Thomas Zimmer:

"Stephen Miller, one of Trump’s closest advisors, quickly followed his leader in emphasizing that “I have never been involved with Project 2025, not one word.” Miller, of course, is the head of the America First Legal Foundation, which is listed as a member of the Project 2025 Advisory Board, meaning they have officially signed off on this operation. Miller has also, as many people were quick to point out, recorded one of the videos for Project 2025’s “Presidential Administration Academy,” a “training effort” that currently consists of online courses intended to get the people Project 2025 wants to bring into the executive ready to implement the rightwing agenda from day one.

As for Trump’s claim that he doesn’t know anything about Project 2025 or the people behind it, that might be news to the Trump administration alumni who are dominating these plannings, or the high-ranking Trump confidantes who are intimately involved in the proceedings. Trump, it is clear, blatantly lied about Project 2025."

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Eye roll.

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Thank you, thank you for this!!! My friends on Facebook are reporting that Project 2025 is Trumps agenda! One found a meme with the Lefts interpretation of the Project 2025 policies - all exagerations. I went to the web site and said that the site is from the Heritage Foundation and their partners, not Trump. I was then scolded that - "But that IS what Trump is saying is his plan!" I gave a wonderful compliment to The Free Press and posted the link to what Trump actually said about Project 2025 and then a link to the 16 page Republican platform. I was courteous, but am trying to stop the lies before they spread! Worth every penny of my subscription!!!!

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The idiots that never bother to read are the same idiots yapping on about the 2025 project being more than it actually is. That's what morons do.

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Dear Free Press. Please review and comment on these pages the article If Trump Wins in NYT.


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Trump is just running rings around these idiots. Not saying anything one way or the other about his platform but he is a brilliant politician.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Workers have been the base of the party for decades and all they got for their trouble was wars their children were expected to fight and economic policies skewed towards the rich. The GOP should turn its attention to its actual voters and figure out ways to help them.

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I get it to a degree, but why would we throw any more money to the 47%?

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We should start with build the wall. Walls actually do work despite dem efforts to claim otherwise.

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The US government has never, in its nearly 250 years, received taxes paid on cash tips.

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What planet are you from?!? All income is taxable in the US unless specifically exempted by law.

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All income *the IRS knows about* is taxable in the US. No waitress I've ever worked with has claimed any of their cash tips.

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When I was waiting tables, it was assumed by the govt that tips would provide part of our income -- so they lowered our hourly pay (guaranteed) by $2 an hour. While it usually didn't make up for the difference, the did indeed find a way to ensure we had less.

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The problem comes when a worker gets stuck with a show shift where their wages + tips don't add up to the minimum wage for that shift. When that happens, the worker has a right to compensatory pay so that their wage for the shift meets the minimum wage -- which gets reported to the IRS. I know from past experience in the restaurant industry that when a worker who often claims compensatory pay doesn't ever report any tip income, the IRS gets very suspicious, and then the entire restaurant gets investigated.

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Ok. Let's read a piece on the Democratic platform.

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Hold on, it will take a bit to translate from Arabic.

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If you believe Trump’s disavowal of Project 2025 — which is the so-called-conservatives‘ plan to institutionalize (Gleichshaltung) MAGA — I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. It offers a level of detail that is purposefully missing from the GOP’s brief yet platitudinous platform. No one should be fooled by the platform’s “move to the center” coming in concert with Trump’s attempts to distance himself from Project 2025 - when so many of his allies and senior leaders from the last administration worked with the Heritage Foundation on the document. Given Trump’s lock on hearts and minds, anyone who’d want a role in 45’s next administration would not have dared done so without his approval.

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Most of the policy proposals in the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 have been floating around Conservative organizations since Ronald Reagan was President and Donald Trump was still a Democrat. If this is what Democrats plan to use against Trump, they won't just lose, they will lose in a landslide because the majority of what's proposed is actually popular with voters

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Thank goodness. Someone needs to hack and slash the federal bureaucracy. This article had me scared that Trump might not be up for it, but if you're right, we are in for better times for sure!

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I'm personally in favor of eliminating the Education Department, which just duplicates state functions and serves no purpose. It was always a sop to the teachers' unions, to give them more visibility and power at the federal government level. Take the few functions that need to be done at the federal level, and fold them back into HHS, as they were in the old Health, Education and Welfare department.

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Spot on! Trump is known to not have the patience or discipline to work through policy details. His only political skill is whipping up the frenzy at his rallies and among his Brooklyn Bridge buying base. The masterminds of Project 2025 know they can exploit that!

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“ only political skill is whipping up the frenzy at his rallies”-better than the gobbledegook and hatred and divisiveness Biden and Dems spew.

Love of country is Trump’s message and what we can do to make it better.

Don’t you get tired of watching politicians stuff their pockets while creating the great divide?

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As opposed to Democrats actually institutionalizing DEI and CRT plans.

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After Biden's own 2020 run as a "moderate" followed by four years of far-left governance, where exactly is the center?

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There has been no "center" in the Democratic Party for several decades. It's been SOP since the 1970s for Democrats to "run to the center, govern to the left". Bill Clinton tried to fight that tide, but ultimately he was unsuccessful.

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That’s a good question and I don’t have a good answer in an era when Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan and both Bushes would be considered RINOs

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Whatever happened to bipartisan compromise/ It is always the center that must hold if a government is to function for all citizens. Without it, look where we are - governmental paralysis due to "I'm going to take my football and go home, so NOBODY gets to play together". Government by children!

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