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Wow, Lake repeats the bleach trope. And his source? The NYT!


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Trump did everything right. He jettisoned the worthless consultants that helped Romney and McCain run the weakest campaigns in modern history, and sent the pathetic Michael Steele, Nicolle Walllace and others where they wanted to be all along - MSNBC.

You have to remember that it wasn’t so much Democrats that hated him, it was neocons and establishment Republicans. He eliminated their grift and exposed them all, along with the leftist media.

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Common sense would suggest that if what Trump is doing is working, then it isn't a mistake. But the article is the product of a perspective that exists is near perfect isolation from one-half of reality. I strongly encourage The Free Press management to send thier people out into the real world to meet real people, and only then to write articles about them. If that had happened before this article was written the writer would understand that the reason Trump is appealing to hispanics is that his values, and the values of those who support him, align with thiers. Trump won't win just because Joe Biden is weak. He'll win because the Democrat party no longer represents the values of a majority of Americans.

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Hi Eli. I think a key reason Trump gathering Hispanic votes is not immigration but uncontrolled immigration along with the law and order issue. It’s the Hispanic community that has to live and try and thrive in cities and suburbs with many immigrant criminals and city legal systems that don’t prosecute and deport them.

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Mr. Lake is so focused on Trump’s negatives, he fails to recognize a simple truth. The left is doing a terrible job. He also makes the assumption that people who are bombastic and sometimes crude are not considered. “cool” by the press. Yet those of us who grew up in ethnic neighborhoods recognize that tough talk gets stuff done. Trump got stuff done when he was last president. The Things that Biden claims to have succeeded at cannot be felt by the average American. Inflation reduction act? Inflation goes through the roof. New green deal? Our electric bills go up. Save the world by shutting down pipelines? Our gas bills go up.

How is it that supposedly smart people like the people at the Free Press just don’t get this? The left keeps touting all the wonderful things that Biden did. The average American can’t feel it, can’t find it and worse, it has made their lives more difficult.

The left keeps calling Trump a liar. What is the hoax that they are perpetuating against Americans, other than the biggest lie of all. Sometimes the loudest most bombastic person in the room is the one who’s going to get things done. That’s what we see in Trump.

Trump is not condescending. Perhaps that’s a lesson that the writers at TFP should learn themselves. Condescension doesn’t sit well on the reader. You seem to think we’re all stupid. We’re not. Trump may be all the things you claim he is, but we know he’s not stupid, we know he gets things done, and we are absolutely sick and tired of the condescending, deceptive posture of the left.

So Eli, the reasons you say Trump is winning are all off. It is because, unfortunately, you are part of the elite and just do not understand us common folk. And some of the us common folk I refer are people who grew up poor yet graduated from Ivy League or other top universities with honors, and built their own lives and own successes.. You condescend to us. we don’t like it. PERIOD.

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Wow. This article is the opposite of why I subscribe to the FP.

It 'quotes' other articles which are inaccurate to support it's position. Thereby, making Eli's reporting 'accurate'.

You can't report on something that someone else reported and call it news. That's gossip.

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The Trump list is horseh*t. I'm not a fan, Eli, but you propagating lies about Trump shows that you are intellectually weak and a propagandist, repeating Biden (teleprompter) talking points.

This bleach lie is persistent.


I'm really starting to have earned disrespect for you.

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Seems right to me.

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One of the better analyses I've read.

"immigrants who came to America legally resent those who skip the line." Correct. People who follow the law resent law-breaking. This is particularly true when it hurts them both by being lumped in with the lawless and being victims of the lawless.

Most important of all is that Trump tells the truth, or at least how he sees things. That's refreshing.

His unpolished reminisces and tweets are the most transparent things that have ever been recorded by a President. It's raw, and you might not agree (see Hayley, Nikki) with Trump, but at least he's not a complete Madison avenue/Hollywood fake who reads platitudes from a teleprompter that he cannot even pronounce.

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Well, Trump was right about the stolen election, even more than we thought. Narrative and information control, top to bottom, hiding the truth about Hunter's laptop, about Biden's real condition, while trumpeting falsehoods about Russia collusion that would not be allowed if it was about Biden.

The election was stolen, it does not even enter into the discussion about false ballots etc.

Joe should never have been president, and revelations show that he hasn't been president, he has been given a Fisher-Price set of controls to play with as everyone around him smiles and nods approvingly, and would still be smiling and nodding approvingly if he hadn't flubbed the debate so badly.

The entire democratic establishment should be facing 100 years in prison for destroying

your election integrity.

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The media and laptop do not indicate a STOLEN election, but a MANIPULATED election. Not quite the same.

Unless we have a fully auditable election with chain-of-custody of the ballots, one can never be 100% certain who really won the election.

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In many states, Democrat office holders changed the voting rules in 2020 without legislative approval contrary to the requirements of the Constitution. The Supreme Court refused to get involved, so they got away with it. I don't know how the election would have gone otherwise, but this was wrong. Suppressing Hunter's laptop also helped.

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After it became clear that not only was Hunter's laptop real but that it was known it was real when the "russian disinfo" crap came out, polls showed that many would have changed their vote or stayed home.

So stolen is the right word.

If it had also been known just how decrepit Biden really was even in 2020 then it would have been a landslide.

Not interested in silly word games. "Manipulated"?

Save it for someone who cares.

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Maybe a better headline would be: "Our tippy-top educated elite doesn't have a clue."

But here is a clue from my secret decoder ring. All humans are tribal. The tribe of the ordinary middle class is the Nation. Whether white, black, or brown. But not purple.

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Eli, why are you lying? Man, you're lying here about SO MUCH. Trump's "racist denigration" of Hispanics. That's an outright lie. I know you really want to say "Latinx," right, Eli? Because that's just the kind of person you are.

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The people advising the Republicans, especially one man, was a Democrat.

I can't remember his name, but he was entrenched in the GOP, advising and polling, and was shocked he was just a political creature of Washington DC and a registered Democrat, and the Republicans took his advice like the Gospel for years and years.

It's a wonder most people think of the country as run as by Uniparty that doesn't nothing for no one but themselves when that was the case.

Can anyone remember this guy's name? I'm obviously not using the right keywords in my internet search, but I do remember being shocked that the GOP was using advice from someone who hated everything about them and paying well for the privilege. It just made so much sense thinking about it later, how absolutely ineffectual they were getting their message across and in actual governing with people like Paul Ryan when they got all their advice from a Democrat.

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It is simple, the left has gone crazy with their policies and corruption. Most of us hovering in the middle do not want anyone that doesnt know what a woman is or has complete disregard for their safety in the office. They went way too far!

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Eli, I think you have it all backwards. Just as many support Biden because they hate and/or fear Trump, I think many Hispanics who entered the country legally (a long and expensive process), who are religious, heterosexual and family oriented hate what the Democrats have come to stand for more than they 'like' Trump. And, for everyone else, there is the weak and weakening Biden vs the vibrant and energetic Trump. Perhaps they fear Cackling Kamala more than they fear the bombastic Trump?

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The people who have TDS and hate Trump have no ability to understand nuance. For example, Trump never suggested that people drink disinfectant. He was musing that perhaps one day technology would evolve to give humans the ability to take a medication that would work in a similar manner. Your hatred blinds you. In the meantime, Biden has not been our acting president, the DOJ has been weaponized, and the Democratic Elites are trying everything they can think of to keep Trump from winning.

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