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‘I Have Trump Derangement Syndrome’
“You’re damn right I have Trump Derangement Syndrome,” writes Joe Nocera for The Free Press. “I wish all Americans had it. We’d be far better off.” (Illustration by The Free Press, image by Doug Mills via Getty)

‘I Have Trump Derangement Syndrome’

The MAGA crowd thinks it’s an insult to say you have TDS. I think it’s a badge of honor.

The other day, while driving my son to school, I switched SiriusXM from my usual morning listening—the simulcast of Morning Joe, naturally—to Fox News, just to see what Team Trump was saying. I didn’t really expect that the first voice I’d hear would be that of Donald Trump himself. But there it was. Was he chitchatting with the gang at Fox & Friends? He was not. Rather, he had taped an ad, taking precious time out from his campaign to pitch his special edition, gold-plated “Trump sneakers.” For only $499. Get ’em now before they’re gone, he said, sounding like the guy who used to sell Veg-O-Matics on cable at 3 a.m..

Grifters gonna grift.

Let me say it loud and proud: I have Trump Derangement Syndrome. And it’s not because there is something wrong with me, as the Trump cult would have you believe. It’s because there’s something wrong with him. This man simply has no business being president of the United States. The fact that he’s been a grifter his entire life barely scratches the surface.

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