Yeah, some pretty shoddy reporting there. Never mind that deploying the military along the border would achieve nothing given that a) law enforcement isn't a job for combat troops, and b) the amount of fentanyl and illegals crossing from Canada is miniscule.
Yeah, some pretty shoddy reporting there. Never mind that deploying the military along the border would achieve nothing given that a) law enforcement isn't a job for combat troops, and b) the amount of fentanyl and illegals crossing from Canada is miniscule.
Yeah, some pretty shoddy reporting there. Never mind that deploying the military along the border would achieve nothing given that a) law enforcement isn't a job for combat troops, and b) the amount of fentanyl and illegals crossing from Canada is miniscule.
Illegals yes, fentanyl no.
Didn't we catch a total of 19kg of Fentanyl on the northern border in all of 2024? Isn't that like per hour from Mexico?
You are correct. I stand corrected.
Far more illegal guns come north than anything going south.