
I am curious to follow the research of ROGD, a term I learned today. And sharing it, I was already asked by a family member not to bring it up at the dinner table on Christmas because of the tension it will create among our "progressive" friends. Hmmmm

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I fear it is a growing tragedy of epic proportions that has been quietly invading our so called scientific community. What used to be absolute trust that our top Scientific Journals would only publish true peer reviewed papers that would be accepted as important regardless of the possible conflicting ideas and outcomes is now met with skepticism and doubt. Now they are guided by money, intimidation and even more ridiculous, politics. This is not science !!! How sad and dismaying it has now become for me to say I no longer trust my CDC, FDA, NIH and most all worldwide Scientific Journals. How truly tragic it is to ask after reading "how can I believe their conclusions" and WHO did I not hear from ??

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Keep up the Sunshine!!How in the World can we let children make gender decisions when, if it was sexual assault, the perpetrator would be where the sun don’t shine. And most likely came from similar background himself. Children CANNOT decide to have sex with an older person if they are not old enough themselves. Why let them decide these devastating irreversible decisions. I refuse to lay blame. We all are in this evil generation and there is only One Way out! Keep on bringing the TRUTH. It alone will finally set us free. Why I remain apolitical!

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I am honored to have a subscription to TheFP for articles like this one. I am a chemist/chemical engineer and I am truly horrified by the censorship of peer-reviewed scientific papers from Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Activists group over the past few years. Thank you for continuing your work and shedding a light on this important research.

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ROGD is reminiscent of the 80’s when high school students were flocking to drug rehab centers as attention seeking behavior and ditching school for a month. Only this trend is far worse. The repercussions are beyond scary. A thirty something friend had his breasts removed several months ago but how can he be fully transitioned without a penis? Is he stuck between two genders and having difficulty navigating a new lifestyle? So many questions with so few answers. My heart breaks for younger children transitioning.

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This is extremely dissapointing. I am a therapist and a doctoral student. I was working on a paper last week trying to find current research on gender dysphoria. I am extremely curious about underlying issues such as sexual trauma, autism, borderline, etc... I am also interested in learning possible alternative therapies to affirmation therapy. I would like to work with de-transitioners but there is just not current research on best practices. I was excited to find the article by Littman. I also found research by Jorgensen and Levine and Abbruzzes. After reading this article, I pulled your retracted article and downloaded it. Please, please, please keep researching and writing. I would love to know the connection between gender dysphoria and sexual trauma. Thank you for pushing onward!

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I know she's not technically a researcher but it seems like Abigail Shrier could help with this research

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It is said that I may not say a thing, but I will say it, for it is true, and I must say it, or spend some part of eternity in a place reserved for those who might have saved even a small part of their dignity except for their timidity.

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The manipulation of the language on this topic is positively Orwellian. What the progressive whackjobs call “gender affirming care” is actually conversion therapy, convincing teenage girls they are boys. And what they call “conversion therapy” is actually gender affirming — providing the child with the necessary mental health support to help them realize their body is as God and nature intended.

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He would be better than either of the geezers, by far. But I also think he needs a little more seasoning; I'd like to know his thoughts on the international scene; and I'd like to know if he's the kind of person who can surround himself with sound advisers and take their advice into serious consideration. Trump bullied everyone around him and only took advice if it was on a subject he didn't give a fig about. Joe surrounds himself with loathsome toadies and unsuitable people chosen for their skin color and sexual orientation. The presidency is not a solo job, and cabinet positions and other advisers should have more than window dressing to offer.

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Thank you for sharing this utterly shocking experience, and kudos to you for refusing to be bullied. As I'm sure others have said, follow the money. All of these researchers and healthcare professionals who have chosen this field now have an agenda - find as many possible transgender youth and let's get working on them - drugs, psychoanalysis for life, surgeries, reverse surgeries, more drugs, implants, and on and on = $$$$$$$. And for the researchers, is mega-grants from NIH and universities. PAY DAY for all of don't you dare disagree - the mob will come after you, which is what sadly happened here. You are a warrior - keep up the great work.

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How about there is a new open letter this time asking that Springer treat pro-affirmative model research with the same standards as ROGD research? Let’s make sure this gets plenty of publicity, particularly if Springer rejects the request.

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We were so damn sure that what happened to brilliant minds like Galileo Galilei back in the day couldn't happen anymore, because we are so damn rational and enlightened in this day and age and now it's happening again.....It's so shameful to see academia behaving like the Catholic Church back in the day.

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I donated


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The descent into Lysenkoism continues apace.

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