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Whoever can be awakened first will help. My opinion of the average person's intelligence and grasp of reality is quite low. I think they might begin to wake up if many PITTs would speak out publicly (and if that subject made an appearance on the MSM, a big "if"). I have one child, 46, happily married to a person of the opposite sex and happily childless, so you won't be seeing much of me on your posts or on PITT. (My daughter, a bright woman but not an independent thinker, is one of the average people who rely on the MSM, but who really doesn't want to think about all this. My husband and I don't understand how this happened.) I have a serious case of Weltschmerz and am trying to keep up on a number of fronts without depleting all of my energy. But I admire you for focusing yours, and I wish you success and peace. Really. :-)

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What a lovely post, Jane. Thank you. I had to lookup "Weltschmerz". I get it. And, yes.about all you say.

Some PITTs go to rallies and such. I think the key issue is the news coverage of everything is so selective and one sided. The founder of 4thwavenow.com has been very public. Her site came before PITT and substacks. But, you are not going to read about her in the NYT or WaPO or see her on MSN. She was in the NYPOST: https://nypost.com/2022/05/11/meet-the-parents-of-trans-kids-fighting-gender-cult/

PITT is actually on Twitter and I love that Elon Musk has opened things up.

There's testimony from "detransitioners" who were harmed as minors that never gets into mainstream news which only supports the ubiquitous tri-flags. Were you even away of Detrans Awareness Day for instance? It's sure not celebrated in high schools like "Trans Day of Remembrance".


"People who formerly began gender transition procedures flooded social media with their de-transition stories on “DeTrans Awareness Day,” sharing stories of depression, anxiety, and fear."


Maybe a few of the lawsuits will help.:

"Trans, DeTrans, & Lawsuits Determining The Standard Of Care"


I hope one of these makes it to the Supreme Court sooner rather than later.

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Thanks for all this info. No, I wasn't aware of DeTrans Awareness Day. If any of the non-MSM sources I read covered it, I missed it. (Did TFP mention it? I don't read every article.) But there is so much to try to keep up with. I will check out some of those links.

I can't understand how we've wound up like this. It's as if there is and has been an epidemic of contagious insanity. I keep waiting for it to end somehow, but maybe it's not going to. I had hopes for the 2024 election, but they're fading.

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Thank you for reading them! I don't think it was in The Free Press. I think there is a mass sociogenic/illness epidemic. It has happened over and over again since the Medieval dancing plagues and the Salem Witch Trials - likely periodically forever. There are people writing about that. For instance, "Psychiatry Professor: ‘Transgenderism’ Is Mass Hysteria Similar To 1980s-Era Junk Science" https://thefederalist.com/2016/11/17/psychiatry-professor-transgenderism-mass-hysteria-similar-1980s-era-junk-science/

My feeling is that it is way too early to see the 2024 election as determined just because the media seems to say it is and maybe wants that story. Negative news sells. It is not even 2024 yet :)

These folks have a site:

"#DetransAwarenessDay • Sunday, March 12, 2023


Coming home to ourselves."

Maybe with a free Twitter their voices will be amplified on March 12, 2024.

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I don't think the outcome of the election is determined. But if the contest is between DT and JB, we are in trouble no matter who wins. If there is a savior waiting backstage, he/she/it needs to get with it.

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I wouldn't say he is a savior exactly but I think Ron DeSantis would be an excellent next president. There is time...

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