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> the Marxist "activists" whose ultimate purpose is to bring down Western civilization.

I must disagree with this characterization. It's an way way to dehumanize them, but it completely mischaracterizes their motivations. Their *goal* is not to destroy civilization, it's the *result*. They ARE bringing down civilization (and not just Western civilization, if the last 5 years in Japan is any indicator). But it's not what they're trying to do.

Activists - all kinds of activists, but especially within this space - are doing what THEY believe is right. Just as a counselor at a Christian "pray away the gay" camp believes they are saving a person's soul by telling them not to be gay, so is a school councilor who would take a girl away from her parents to receive medical procedures. That school councilor likely believes in their heart they saving the life and soul of a troubled "boy-in-a-girl's-body" with ROGD. So are the lawmakers in California, Minnesota and Maine who pushed through legislation allowing that. It's sickening, and sad, and it's evil by nature -- but it's not deliberately evil.

If we are to fight our enemy, we must come to know that enemy. Karl Marx's economic theories from 130 years ago are tangentially related to the actual manifestation of horror that's come to be in the last 5-10 years.

tl;dr: don't call them Marxists; call them groomers.

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Not deliberately evil… I used to agree, but every day, there’s less and less evidence of that. These people know that what they are doing is grotesque; they know they are destroying lives. Which is why they tolerate ZERO questioning or dissent.

If they truly held the value of helping people above all others, they would at least listen to other views, to ensure that nothing potentially helpful for their patients would slip past.

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Sorry; what I meant wasn't that they're not evil -- they *are*. Simply that they rationalize that evil to themselves.

People in general are good at rationalizing their actions. They do harm, but think of themselves as doing good. See also: terrorism -- terrorists often come out with a manifesto of some sort. Some of them are crazy, others were lead down their paths via extreme interpretations of religious texts (and a textbook about gender-affirmative care or critical race theory can absolutely serve as a religious text; can fill that "God hole"; that desire for a higher calling and purpose in life that we all feel). Even a pedophile is going to find a way to justify their behavior to themselves and others (they'd say something like, "kids can consent too")

So, I disagree with the statement, "These people know that what they are doing is grotesque; they know they are destroying lives". They DON'T think it's grotesque. A few might see it as Utilitarianism ("greatest good for the greatest number"). Eg, they know some subset of kids of they force into transition will later detransition or commit suicide. But they think the number to whom that would happen is smaller than the number of actual trans kids who need their help, and they're willing to make some sacrifices. Others simply see it as their moral duty or moral imperative to transition kids ("trans rights are human rights"); consequences be damned.

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Perhaps I wasn't clear: they intend to replace Western civilization with their concept of a Marxist utopia; whether all of them KNOW it by that name or not, that is still the goal. Certainly their puppet-masters, who are well-schooled in Marxist/socialist/communist/critical theory know precisely what it is, and while THEIR ultimate goal is world rule, their methods are straight out of Marx and Engels. And of course to bring about their imaginary Intellectuals' Utopia , they must first bring down the existing Western civilization, and believe me - that is their intent.

As for dehumanizing them, that is exactly what I intend to do. To successfully thwart an enemy who plans to destroy my world and that of everyone I love who comes after me, I need to first see them as not-human; as objects, and when it comes to blows - which I believe unfortunately it will - be mentally prepared for that fight.

So whether they believe in what they do, believe they are righteous, believe God is on their side does to me not matter. Whether they are "good people" who are simply misguided does not matter. They are fanatics; whatever is in their hearts is immaterial because the effect of their evil is the same, and they must be met with whatever it takes.

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You're absolutely correct. I can't dispute or disagree with any of your points here, other than to say it is important to know your enemy to fight your enemy.

Also, while it might be a good thing for the world for it to "come to blows," let's face it, it just won't happen. If it's not happening in places like Venezuela, it CERTAINLY won't happen in US/Canada/Europe. Mankind is dying with a whimper not a bang. Sometimes when I go for a walk, I like to imagine a small country of separatists, even just some large patch of land, where a few good people could band together, hit a social reset switch, set up homesteads, pull the plug on the internet, get rid of processed sugars, ban experimental medical procedures, raise families, build their own schools. Of course, if people did try that, it would be infiltrated by feds faster than you can say "glow". But that's the only path forward I can imagine for a positive future civilization to emerge. We can't save the one we have - not by voting, and certainly not by violence - it's too rotten, and too many people are complicit in spreading that rot. Technology has taken us to our greatest triumphs, and is driving us to our greatest downfalls.

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