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As Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. I am nauseated that my own profession has seemingly lost every last vestige of intestinal fortitude, and the pantywaists who claim to be gatekeepers at important medical colleges and publishing houses cringe in fear of the Marxist "activists" whose ultimate purpose is to bring down Western civilization.

To my eye, the importance of this article on TheFP and the one it references cannot be overstated. This is PRECISELY why I subscribed to Common Sense and then TheFP. Well done, Ms. Weiss. Bloody well done.

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Oh, God....hope you didn't have any direct contact/interactions with patients.

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This is because you are not fighting back using their rules. Academics defend themselves but don’t sue and offend. Until they play the “game” of putting the activists on the defensive so their motives are uncovered they will continue to be oppressed and their work burned.

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Academics defend their work, which their attackers know is pristine and legit. The Jornalists are playing a totally different game with non-ethical rules to attack work they know is impeccable.

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I truly don't understand why gatekeepers pay any attention to trans activists. Since transgenders are such a small part of the nation's population--0.5 percent the last I read--why do these activists have so much power to frighten, let alone censor, seasoned pros?

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The $$$ to be made by those who advertise with the gatekeepers.

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The greatest power the media has is to make us believe that a small minority of people is actually a great majority of people.

The progressive left—is a sector, Pew tells us, that is overwhelmingly white, privileged and accounts for just 6% of the U.S. population.

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I believe it is for the same reason the Nazis - who comprised only a few percent of Germans - were able to take over the entire government and ultimately cause the deaths of 55 million people. Most people in peacetime are quiet, polite, and easily intimidated by loud, angry, screaming "activists" who get in their faces, block traffic, threaten them with ball bats and frozen water bottles, and spray them with Mace. Add to that law enforcement that is itself afraid to keep the peace lest THEY be arrested and their lives ruined, a weaponized federal police force, and there you have it. Mob rule - all at the service of the Democrat Party.

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That is an apt parallel, Jim. Euphemistically titled "affirmative care" has certainly taken over at the federal level, even though most people would likely not be on board if you explained it to them. And, Trans Activists/SPLC/ACLU go after any dissent. Just look at Moms for Liberty. On Feds:

"Federal government embraces affirmative care: 4thWaveNow founder discusses in first public appearance FEATUREDPosted on April 15, 2022"


"Seven years on, 4thWaveNow founder Denise (also known as Marie) made her first public appearance in a conversation with YouTuber/podcaster Benjamin Boyce on April 9, 2022. The lively interview is available on YouTube (full video) as well as Spotify.

The central theme of the “calmversation” was the US federal government’s embrace of “affirmative” care for gender dysphoric minors–whether their parents are onboard or not.

Denise and Benjamin also talked at length about the organizations currently engaged in promoting gender-identity instruction in US schools, a practice that has been in place for many years. In addition, they touched on some rather controversial topics, including the choice of some “affirming” parents to purchase fake penises (“packers”) and tucking underwear for their small children.

The day after her chat with Boyce, Denise added some more detail and clarifications about the topics they discussed. You can find them in this Twitter thread, also compiled here."

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You have to absolutely not give an inch to these people. Not ONE INCH. It is not "gender-affirming care;" never let them get away with calling it that. It is genital mutilation, no different from forced clitoridectomies performed on little muslim girls, except it's done under anesthesia. Speaking of which, this lunacy brings out MY Inner Muslim; I am constantly fantasizing about amputating the surgeons' hands with an axe.

There are crossroads in history, almost never recognized except in retrospect, when intervention by Normal People would have made all the difference; Hitler, of course, probably the best example. If ever in your life you intend to be involved in politics, in my opinion this is that time. Burn out the wires to your representatives with phone calls, and in your mind decide exactly whom you want in office the next go-round. It probably shouldn't be very many of them who are in there now.

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I appreciate your words, Jim. I hope to vote for DeSantis at the national level.

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You've read this one, right? https://pitt.substack.com/p/echoes-of-eugenics-what-the-doctors It parallels 1930s Germany pretty well. The doctors and ideologues had something and it turned out to be useful for the politicians.

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A good point, Jim. I take crap from no one, and many of the correspondents in this comment section take none either. We surely are a minority.

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This is a tough crowd - and a damn fine one.

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> the Marxist "activists" whose ultimate purpose is to bring down Western civilization.

I must disagree with this characterization. It's an way way to dehumanize them, but it completely mischaracterizes their motivations. Their *goal* is not to destroy civilization, it's the *result*. They ARE bringing down civilization (and not just Western civilization, if the last 5 years in Japan is any indicator). But it's not what they're trying to do.

Activists - all kinds of activists, but especially within this space - are doing what THEY believe is right. Just as a counselor at a Christian "pray away the gay" camp believes they are saving a person's soul by telling them not to be gay, so is a school councilor who would take a girl away from her parents to receive medical procedures. That school councilor likely believes in their heart they saving the life and soul of a troubled "boy-in-a-girl's-body" with ROGD. So are the lawmakers in California, Minnesota and Maine who pushed through legislation allowing that. It's sickening, and sad, and it's evil by nature -- but it's not deliberately evil.

If we are to fight our enemy, we must come to know that enemy. Karl Marx's economic theories from 130 years ago are tangentially related to the actual manifestation of horror that's come to be in the last 5-10 years.

tl;dr: don't call them Marxists; call them groomers.

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Not deliberately evil… I used to agree, but every day, there’s less and less evidence of that. These people know that what they are doing is grotesque; they know they are destroying lives. Which is why they tolerate ZERO questioning or dissent.

If they truly held the value of helping people above all others, they would at least listen to other views, to ensure that nothing potentially helpful for their patients would slip past.

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Sorry; what I meant wasn't that they're not evil -- they *are*. Simply that they rationalize that evil to themselves.

People in general are good at rationalizing their actions. They do harm, but think of themselves as doing good. See also: terrorism -- terrorists often come out with a manifesto of some sort. Some of them are crazy, others were lead down their paths via extreme interpretations of religious texts (and a textbook about gender-affirmative care or critical race theory can absolutely serve as a religious text; can fill that "God hole"; that desire for a higher calling and purpose in life that we all feel). Even a pedophile is going to find a way to justify their behavior to themselves and others (they'd say something like, "kids can consent too")

So, I disagree with the statement, "These people know that what they are doing is grotesque; they know they are destroying lives". They DON'T think it's grotesque. A few might see it as Utilitarianism ("greatest good for the greatest number"). Eg, they know some subset of kids of they force into transition will later detransition or commit suicide. But they think the number to whom that would happen is smaller than the number of actual trans kids who need their help, and they're willing to make some sacrifices. Others simply see it as their moral duty or moral imperative to transition kids ("trans rights are human rights"); consequences be damned.

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Perhaps I wasn't clear: they intend to replace Western civilization with their concept of a Marxist utopia; whether all of them KNOW it by that name or not, that is still the goal. Certainly their puppet-masters, who are well-schooled in Marxist/socialist/communist/critical theory know precisely what it is, and while THEIR ultimate goal is world rule, their methods are straight out of Marx and Engels. And of course to bring about their imaginary Intellectuals' Utopia , they must first bring down the existing Western civilization, and believe me - that is their intent.

As for dehumanizing them, that is exactly what I intend to do. To successfully thwart an enemy who plans to destroy my world and that of everyone I love who comes after me, I need to first see them as not-human; as objects, and when it comes to blows - which I believe unfortunately it will - be mentally prepared for that fight.

So whether they believe in what they do, believe they are righteous, believe God is on their side does to me not matter. Whether they are "good people" who are simply misguided does not matter. They are fanatics; whatever is in their hearts is immaterial because the effect of their evil is the same, and they must be met with whatever it takes.

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You're absolutely correct. I can't dispute or disagree with any of your points here, other than to say it is important to know your enemy to fight your enemy.

Also, while it might be a good thing for the world for it to "come to blows," let's face it, it just won't happen. If it's not happening in places like Venezuela, it CERTAINLY won't happen in US/Canada/Europe. Mankind is dying with a whimper not a bang. Sometimes when I go for a walk, I like to imagine a small country of separatists, even just some large patch of land, where a few good people could band together, hit a social reset switch, set up homesteads, pull the plug on the internet, get rid of processed sugars, ban experimental medical procedures, raise families, build their own schools. Of course, if people did try that, it would be infiltrated by feds faster than you can say "glow". But that's the only path forward I can imagine for a positive future civilization to emerge. We can't save the one we have - not by voting, and certainly not by violence - it's too rotten, and too many people are complicit in spreading that rot. Technology has taken us to our greatest triumphs, and is driving us to our greatest downfalls.

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Me as well, Jim. It is nice to hear it from a doctor as I have lost faith in US medical institutions, just as I have with all of our other institutions.

But, this has happened before in an advanced society.

"Echoes of Eugenics: What the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg Means for Us in the US

On the 75th anniversary of the trial of Nazi doctors at Nuremberg we examine Nazi medicine and gender-affirming care AUG 30, 2022"


"German doctors were not hacks. German medicine was not backwards. The contrary, it was the most advanced on Earth. Pre-WW2, German doctors won more Nobel Prizes in Medicine (9) than British (7), American (4), or any other nationality. Their medical journals and education were world-leading: in the early 20C, "Germany was well to the forefront in medical progress. The scientific approach to medicine had been developed there long before it spread to other countries, and postgraduates flocked to German medical schools from all over the world." The medical professionals who were about to go insane were the best and brightest anywhere.

German medicine led the world in ethics, too. Modern notions of informed consent regulations originated in late 19C Germany: “Explicit directives concerned with the welfare of people subjected to medical experimentation in Germany were in place long before the Nuremberg code was devised in 1947.”"


"The medical profession has wrestled with the significance of the Doctors Trial. For instance, to observe its 50th anniversary, the British Medical Journal printed a special issue (free downloads here). The lead article “War crimes and medical science” warned that the Nazi problems were “not unique to one place or time, and could happen here” and the trial “left us with a legacy we still shrink from confronting.” It pointed to contemporary problems in American medicine and warned “there will always be imperatives that threaten the professional values we profess to hold so dear” and “the profession of medicine carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.”

And, it is just way too profitable:

"U.S. Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Gender Transition (Male To Female, Female To Male), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030"


Creating patients for life:


I don't know how they can call it hormone replacement therapy (something no longer given to all menopausal women) when it is injecting people with a hormone their body is not meant to have and cannot handle without harm. But, then, this Gender Madness is called "Care".

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Interesting perspective, I hadn't really thought of the issue of German medicine like that. It seems true to me that any profession is subject to that type of slide into malignancy, when people stop, or are not allowed, to question assumptions and prevailing wisdom. With the type of information control and cancelling we see in this article and others situations in recent years, the real damage to health and well-being can be tremendous when that profession is medicine or other sciences or is used to develop regulations, "emergency" or otherwise.

Unfortunately, too many progressives will dismiss any analogy that criticizes their pov when Nazis are invoked, as much as they bandy it about when demonizing their opponents. "We care for (some) people, so we can't take that criticism seriously", even if the analogy is apt.

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I hear you. In my experience, there is nothing that changes the progressive point of view other than personally being harmed by progressive actions. So, avoiding pointing out the parallel to the 1930s German Medical and political situation/playing Mitt Romney - won't win anything. WWII was not won by convincing the Nazis. We are not going to convince anyone indoctrinated with Kool-aid with anything.

We do need to hold doctors accountable with lawsuits. And, we need those who are not exactly progressive to wake up and see this problem. Their kids and grandkids are not immune from contagion/indoctrination. Most average people think this stuff is fringe but it is promoted from on high. The Biden WH has doubled down.

For starters, children, teens, and young people cannot "consent" to any any of this. A case of someone harmed by Gender "Affirmation" when under age 18 (and there are so many now) needs to go to the Supreme Court, IMO. I think we will need something like the Nuremberg doctors trails before this is over. Of course, the news likely won't report any of it. The closing of the Tavistock in the UK was not really reported in the US.

And then, more and more progressives are getting hit by the GI bus personally:

"I’ve Got the Blues — Part 1 JUL 10, 2023"



"I’ve Got the Blues — Part 2 JUL 11, 2023"


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Thank you for the links to "I've Got the Blues." Maybe the loss of their children will wake up a sizable number of so-called progressives and help to bring us back to a place of sanity.

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You are very welcome, Jane. I think we have to first wake up your average person who isn't even progressive. Most people seem to think there is this very rare person, the "trans person" and do not see the widespread problem. So, they look the other way. The media sure doesn't help.

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Whoever can be awakened first will help. My opinion of the average person's intelligence and grasp of reality is quite low. I think they might begin to wake up if many PITTs would speak out publicly (and if that subject made an appearance on the MSM, a big "if"). I have one child, 46, happily married to a person of the opposite sex and happily childless, so you won't be seeing much of me on your posts or on PITT. (My daughter, a bright woman but not an independent thinker, is one of the average people who rely on the MSM, but who really doesn't want to think about all this. My husband and I don't understand how this happened.) I have a serious case of Weltschmerz and am trying to keep up on a number of fronts without depleting all of my energy. But I admire you for focusing yours, and I wish you success and peace. Really. :-)

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What a lovely post, Jane. Thank you. I had to lookup "Weltschmerz". I get it. And, yes.about all you say.

Some PITTs go to rallies and such. I think the key issue is the news coverage of everything is so selective and one sided. The founder of 4thwavenow.com has been very public. Her site came before PITT and substacks. But, you are not going to read about her in the NYT or WaPO or see her on MSN. She was in the NYPOST: https://nypost.com/2022/05/11/meet-the-parents-of-trans-kids-fighting-gender-cult/

PITT is actually on Twitter and I love that Elon Musk has opened things up.

There's testimony from "detransitioners" who were harmed as minors that never gets into mainstream news which only supports the ubiquitous tri-flags. Were you even away of Detrans Awareness Day for instance? It's sure not celebrated in high schools like "Trans Day of Remembrance".


"People who formerly began gender transition procedures flooded social media with their de-transition stories on “DeTrans Awareness Day,” sharing stories of depression, anxiety, and fear."


Maybe a few of the lawsuits will help.:

"Trans, DeTrans, & Lawsuits Determining The Standard Of Care"


I hope one of these makes it to the Supreme Court sooner rather than later.

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Thanks for all this info. No, I wasn't aware of DeTrans Awareness Day. If any of the non-MSM sources I read covered it, I missed it. (Did TFP mention it? I don't read every article.) But there is so much to try to keep up with. I will check out some of those links.

I can't understand how we've wound up like this. It's as if there is and has been an epidemic of contagious insanity. I keep waiting for it to end somehow, but maybe it's not going to. I had hopes for the 2024 election, but they're fading.

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Thank you for reading them! I don't think it was in The Free Press. I think there is a mass sociogenic/illness epidemic. It has happened over and over again since the Medieval dancing plagues and the Salem Witch Trials - likely periodically forever. There are people writing about that. For instance, "Psychiatry Professor: ‘Transgenderism’ Is Mass Hysteria Similar To 1980s-Era Junk Science" https://thefederalist.com/2016/11/17/psychiatry-professor-transgenderism-mass-hysteria-similar-1980s-era-junk-science/

My feeling is that it is way too early to see the 2024 election as determined just because the media seems to say it is and maybe wants that story. Negative news sells. It is not even 2024 yet :)

These folks have a site:

"#DetransAwarenessDay • Sunday, March 12, 2023


Coming home to ourselves."

Maybe with a free Twitter their voices will be amplified on March 12, 2024.

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I don't think the outcome of the election is determined. But if the contest is between DT and JB, we are in trouble no matter who wins. If there is a savior waiting backstage, he/she/it needs to get with it.

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Medical castration has been used as a PUNISHMENT of sex offenders, the infliction of suffering justified by the suffering they imposed on innocent victims. I suggest that adults who abuse children in this way be sentenced to medical castration and all its consequences.

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That sounds great to me! There is a long list of doctors...starting with "Marci" Bowers. He identifies as a woman but I dunno if he's been chopped down below. Those with autogynophelia (who say they are lesbians) tend not to do that. I believe he is the one who chopped Jaron Bloshinsky among others as a child and he signed the letter demanding that this J. Michael Baily, Suzanna Diaz article be retracted. The signatories on the Open Letter, https://asbopenletter.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email, might be a good place to start looking. Another, the "Yeet the Teet" surgeon, Gallagher, is infamous.https://thepostmillennial.com/yeet-the-teet-doctor-poses-with-teen-patient-after-double-mastectomies If you ever read some of these surgeons talking about what they do - you have to wonder whether they are getting off on it sexually as well as making bank.

Of course, there are many child gender clinics in the US and Planned Parenthood gives out synthetic hormones - https://pitt.substack.com/p/why-is-this-happening-and-who-can

There should be a trial of course, perhaps of the Nuremberg variety as these young people cannot possibly give proper "consent".

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Well said. Do not disregard modern medical happenings in China and Russia either. China has produced a human chimera that survived 9 days.

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Loving Mother - All great points- thank you for bringing them up in detail.

I tried explaining like facts of history to my Summa Cum Laude daughter a couple of years ago. Explaining the utter madness committed under the guise of science and medicine. Mentioning to her that we are very close to the precipice of insanity that the National Socialist Parties Health Science Ministries atrocities too. I was given a MAGA/QAnon label by her, despite having a relative who lived through the rise and fall of the Third Reich and it's persecution of her and others. A relative who shared granular details of not only what happened but how the National Socialist Fascist's grip felt, sounded like, and the way it oozed across a complacent public. Our daughters largesse was horrifying at the time. It was as if she was re-enacting what my great aunt had told me about. However, I was wrong.

The great news is that today little Miss Summan Cum Laude actually listens because of articles like this. Also, because of the psychotic peer pressure to stifle free speech with 'fact checkers' and political movements. She too was shouted down as a racist. Some of her peer group has begun being scarred by these people unfortunately. Or should I say fortunately.

Each time people stifle these zealots the movement to crush them grows exponentially. Each time we speak about the absurdity and inherent evilness of their tactics their movement is defeated. They will wear this sin for a long time. We will be able to point to how each of us stood up for the better parts of being a human being.

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Kudos to you for not giving up.

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very simple stuff... stand up to bullies and good things happen.

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I'm not sure it's Marxists pushing this. I think it's profit seeking quacks who are in charge.

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And a very sick administration!

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You said it, Skinny:

"Federal government embraces affirmative care: 4thWaveNow founder discusses in first public appearance FEATUREDPosted on April 15, 2022"


"Seven years on, 4thWaveNow founder Denise (also known as Marie) made her first public appearance in a conversation with YouTuber/podcaster Benjamin Boyce on April 9, 2022. The lively interview is available on YouTube (full video) as well as Spotify.

The central theme of the “calmversation” was the US federal government’s embrace of “affirmative” care for gender dysphoric minors–whether their parents are onboard or not.

Denise and Benjamin also talked at length about the organizations currently engaged in promoting gender-identity instruction in US schools, a practice that has been in place for many years. In addition, they touched on some rather controversial topics, including the choice of some “affirming” parents to purchase fake penises (“packers”) and tucking underwear for their small children.

The day after her chat with Boyce, Denise added some more detail and clarifications about the topics they discussed. You can find them in this Twitter thread, also compiled here."

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Thank you for info and links.

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I see it as a little bit of everything - profit seeking quacks, politics, cultural Maxists...

The Democrats, teachers unions (Randi Weingarten), the likes of Rick Levine (first female admiral) are pushing Gender Ideology and "transitioning" kids - and the old school Republicans don't fight it. It's kindof like how both of them wanted illegal immigration for different reasons (votes or cheap labor). Medicine has definitely been taken over by quacks and pharma is profiting big time. Pedro Gonzalez calls out all sides in The Transgender Leviathan:


Rafferty is the quack in charge of the American Academy of Pediatrics

"The American Academy of Pediatrics sidelines formal proposal to revise Pediatric Medical Transition policy for the 4th consecutive year

Unfortunately, it seems that U.S. medical organizations have allowed politics to overshadow their commitment to evidence-based medicine.



And, there is this cultural trend where teens are somehow "adults" for the purposes of medicine and need to have "portals" directly to their pediatricians - where Gender Ideology is promoted just like in the schools.

So, yes it is way profitable and it is very handy for politicians on the left. No Democrats speak against it except for Tulsi Gabbard who became an Independent. The doctors were also out ahead of the politicians in 1930s Germany: https://pitt.substack.com/p/echoes-of-eugenics-what-the-doctors

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"Gender-affirming care" is an ideologically loaded term, and a gaslighting misnomer of the first order. Let's speak truth: it's a euphemism for "sex-denying damage."

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Yes. Thank you, grateful1.

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Totally agree, Jim! My sentiments exactly!

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“As Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant”


Wrong! The best disinfectant is the mRNA COVID vaccine. Sunlight is for horses.

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Answer the questions, Kevin Durant.

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For a year or so, in its messages supporting programs on PBS, Johnson & Johnson praised nurses, and told the story of how a nurse cured life-threatening jaundice in newborn infants by taking them outside into the sunshine. As the benefit was studied, the treatment was administered using a UV lamp that addressed bilirubin, called "Billy Lights". Sunlight is literally good for people. The Freedom of Information Act and various state Sunshine Acts require that government not make decisions in secret, but in the full light of day.

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So well said. The imagery is superb.

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Can I assume that you are one of the vaccinated that did not have any harmful side effects to the vaccine?

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You can assume wicked sarcasm.

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Sunlight is for humans too KD. My late mother always put us in the sun when we had a runny nose, it dried up after a few hours of sunlight no antibiotics were needed and we weren’t shlepp off for vaccinations either.

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Vitamin D Is a QAnon UltraMAGA conspiracy theory, sir.

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So is human trafficking according to Fact Checkers United

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FACT CHUCKERS ?who they be ?

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As usual, KD?, spot on!

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I'm almost relentless in attacking Weiss's liberalism on here, but it's not from lack of admiration for her ability. It's only because she's dead wrong!

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Lol. Weiss is far from a liberal. The only thing keeping her from being on Fox, Newsmax, etc.is her sexual orientation.

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Still respecting someone you wholly disagree with -- yet another lost art in our rapidly declining society.

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