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Met an afghan translator the other day , only reason he and his family got out was he knew the marine commander in charge of the airbase security. He told me it was a total disaster. On a related note , this is why people are flocking to Trump, Zero accountability of the elites

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Rob, Biden’s Afghanistan exit was a chaotic disaster but please remember, he was handed a poisoned chalice from the Trump administration that left the U.S. with virtually no leverage over the Taliban. The result was unfortunately entirely predictable.

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Did the Taliban have B-52s or F-16s? Did the Taliban have thousands of American POWs in custody?

These flaccid excuses are the typical hogwash of a President who is doing his best to ignore the 3 Americans killed in Jordan, just as he did his best to ignore the Marines killed guarding the withdrawal from Kabul (we did kill innocent civilians in response).

This is how a supposed superpower does nothing but lose: Pathetic leadership.

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Yeah, yeah Biden fucked up. But I can't help but respond - depending on your definition of 'elites' (such an over used useless term) - would you not consider Donald one of them with his supposed Wharton School education? And if he is one (he clearly is not, because he is a buffoon), where's the accountability on him having classified docs in his possession who refused on many occasions to relinquish them, when asked repeatedly by the US Government? How about accountability for illegal alternate Electors in five states after the election was certified in 2020? Shouldn't he answer for those actions?

So far, it's been zero.

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Really? That’s the one thing you are concerned with that you think Trump is guilty of? Stop consuming the fake media narratives and read more of TFP.

Trump isn’t in the class of the typical suckers that infest Washington. They hated him and worked every angle to destroy him.

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I don’t have to consume anything, Kyle. I saw it. Trump doesn’t understand election results unless he wins them. He signed on to an illegal fake Elector scheme that people in Michigan and Georgia have already been found guilty of. Trump doesn’t have the mind to be part of the ‘sucker’ elites infesting Washington. He’s hated because he’s stupid, demagogic and can't read a policy briefing book. It’s so bad now his handlers won’t even let him debate.

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One thing though, nobody really believes that Biden got 81 million votes.

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And I can't believe Trump got 74 mil..


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That’s an interesting view.

I would contend that the reason he isn’t liked is not because people think he’s stupid. He wasn’t in the club. I’ve been a federal contractor and seen the massive waste that goes on in the federal government. Trump certainly added to that problem. One day we will have to deal with the consequences of wasteful spending. The parasites that play the politics game don’t want to stop the spending because it’s a circular game. The more they spend the more they get back for their next campaign. It’s a big joke. We are the ones who end up screwed while the ruling parties play the game. My view is that Trump was smart enough to talk like he isn’t part of the political class. Who knows what he truly is. All I know is that as long as it’s the insiders getting shuffled through the system nothing much will really change. D or R acts the same behind closed doors. Who is funding their lifestyle? Military? Media? They’ll do whatever they have to to stay in power.

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I certainly agree that government waste is rampant and has been for decades, and yet Trump in his four years in power only perpetuated it. GOP talk big when a Dem administration is in power about debt, but when they hold the reins they're just as bad. Trump changed absolutely nothing, and for the life of me I don't see how he'll do anything different now - except wreak revenge on all the people he deems disloyal. And you are right - Both parties are the same and to blame.

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At the end of the day I truly believe most Americans are good people. Possibly the biggest challenge we all face is being able to see through all the distractions before us. It is so easy to make noise and create an illusion. While people are distracted and separated into “opposing camps” we are weak. We are unable to change the system as long as we, the regular everyday people, are focused on battling each other. My kids used to watch a Pixar movie, It’s a Bugs Life, the grasshoppers rule over the ants, take a major portion of their hard earned goods and stomp on them from time to time. The ants lived in fear of their governors. Finally one of them stands up and inspires the others to recognize their power if they would unite to push off the power hungry rulers. When that happened their rulers were tossed out and the heavy burden was lifted.

I hope that someday people will remember who we all are and see through the darkness.

Have a great day Lee!

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Your post made me smile. The reason I'm here is to reach out in my insignificant way to understand opposing views and see if there is a place we all can meet. And there is. We have to stop battling, at some point. Enjoy your day as well, Kyle.

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I would specify Washington class and the feeder schools as well as associated oligarchs ngos and such

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We have to stop calling them elites, “ruling class” “parasites in charge”. There is nothing elite about them.

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With their arrogance, we have to use titles they understand. Other wise they will once again think, thank goodness they aren't talking about me.

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They are barnacles, attached to the government Titanic, sucking sustenance and nutrition from our pockets. I'm with you. Elites? I think not.

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They’re not even the elites. They’re just morally bankrupt bureaucrats who are more interested in their pension than the lives of those poor souls.

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I know internet doesn’t do sarcasm but I really mean elite as an insult , I sometimes refer to them as our betters .

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Perhaps overlords

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I presume the reason the Trump team scheduled the Afghan withdrawal when it did was because those officials knew the complete scam the two-decade Afghan occupation was and leaving was going to be a disaster. So they kicked the withdrawal date to after the 2020 election. If the Trump administration could have executed a competent exit, an exit a large majority of Americans wanted, it would have been such a huge feather in Trump's cap.

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The date was scheduled in the spring, before the Taliban is able to gather their forces.

The Biden admin scheduled the exit for September because they're a bunch of political hacks who wanted to sync it with the 20 year anniversary of 9/11. The problem is that September is the end of summer, when the Taliban is at their peak of fighting strength.

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I meant that they scheduled it in 2020 after the US elections.

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The Trump withdrawal plan was contingent on the Taliban's meeting some criteria. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was not assured.

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I guess we will never know.But trump spoke the language of the Taliban and other bad guys. I know where your family is. Follow your commitments or they will be the first to die. Ever notice how those who speak such language have so much less trouble with the bad guys? The odds were in favor of Trump. joe threw them away not out of intelligence but ego and hatred. Which always insures disaster.

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Did the Taliban not meet those criteria?

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No. One requirement was that the Taliban negotiate an agreement with the Afghan government. That never happened.

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The government that was excluded from the Trump-Taliban negotiations because that government was corrupt and incompetent?

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Fair comment, although competence is generally expected and Trump gets no credit for anything he does so pulling us out without the shit show would have gone unrecognized.

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